Here we go again


Limp Gawd
Nov 7, 2004
looks like the Crysis demo is delayed. It says "waiting for tuning" as of now, I've been trying since midnight EST. Keep screwin the pooch guys, and maybe I'll buy UT3 instead with my hard earned money.
It was suppose to be released ~12PST, not EST.

And don't people already have it? Pictures are posted in the other thread.
I disagree, ea deserves no pleasure - this includes fucking there selves. Besides, it's only a demo. You could have been playing the beta for a few months now.
lmao ive gone from DYING to play the demo to not even caring enough to bother downloading it. good job Crytek, good job Valve.
we really should get together an organized movement of gamers to actually do something about all this shit that goes on these days
I learned my lesson with BioShock and the Hellgate demo. Both were huge letdowns for me, especially Hellgate, a game I'd been excited about for nearly two years. I don't care when EA releases its Crysis demo. When they do, I'll check it out with no preconceived hopes. If I like the demo I'll buy the game, but I refuse to buy into the hype for ANY game. Fool me once, shame on you, game developers. Fool me twice, I'm a idiot... and fuck off, game developers!! :p