Here we go...(crossing fingers)

KillRoy X

Aug 15, 2004
So I took a risk and ordered a Cyberpower PC. I know, what did I do that for? I seen the comments on the boards and been to reseller ratings and know the risks involved. However, building a computer was not my ideal option. Married, kids, barely enough time for gaming so my time is valuable.

Hopefully the term you get what you paid for doesn't apply here because their pricing is pretty cheap. 3 year warranty (take that with a grain of salt)

I ordered

Intel Duel Core 6850
CoolerMaster Hyper TX2 Gaming CPU Cooling Fan
EVGA nForce 680i SLI
RaidMax Smilodon Med-Tower
2 Gig Corsair XMS2 Xtreme
2 EVGA 8800 GT sli
74 gig Raptor 10,000
160 gig 72,000 back up
Ultra X-Finity 800W W Power Supply
Windows Vista 64 bit.

Total $1,650

I will be posting back on this thread to give feedback when I receive the system, good or bad. Hopefully this will help others if they are deciding on buying or building.
So wanted to give my first update on the Cyberpower computer I bought. I did recieve it. There as a 3 day delay due to shortage of the 8800gt's. I can live with that.

Got it today. Only had a chance to take a look at the exterior, and so far so good.

I also noticed that they did not ship with the EVGA motherboard, but the ASUS P5N32 680i, which cost about $50 more anyways (on their site). Not sure why, but not complaining.

Will have time tonight to set up it up and turn it on. Give feedback tomorrow.
Glad to hear you got it, looking forward to hear how your experience will end up.

Ok, after about 5 hours on this rig I have a couple observations.

1. Took out case, one footpad was missing. Meh, not a big deal since I had a replacement peice hanging around.

2. Different power supply than I ordered, but like motherboard, upgraded to the Coolermaster 850Watts. Not sure why, but they did.

3. I should have ordered a larger case (that's my fault). Not big deal right now, but it's looking a bit cramped. Cooler Master CPU cooler is friggin huge. Wish the Raidmax case had a 120 in the back.

4. Not sure if the Rapter is giving me issues, but tried to install Bioshock and it was talking a very very long time to load, finally crapped out. Had to do a hard reset because it froze. Uh oh. Moved to another game, TImeshift which installed perfectly. Played like butter. HUGE HUGE improvement to my previous rig (look at sig) The Rapter is a little loud for a hard drive, but maybe all 10,000rpms make those sounds.

5. Using Asus Soundmax sound card for audio. The 5.1 doesn't sound bad at all. Compared to my Creative LS it is no different.

6. The presentation of the manuals and software is lacking compared to Alienware and ABS, but it's a hell of a lot cheaper and for me doesn't really bother me. No binding folders to keep my stuff in, just a zip lock bag. Whatever. Cheaper. Hey, got a free T shirt and Duffle bag!

Overall the experience is not bad. I did have a freak out moment with Bioshock and it does still concern me however I'll try again tomorrow and if I still have issues, I'll call Cyberpower support. I'll give feedback on that as well.

Signing out.

Overall the experience is not bad. I did have a freak out moment with Bioshock and it does still concern me however I'll try again tomorrow and if I still have issues, I'll call Cyberpower support. I'll give feedback on that as well.
Good luck.
Well, looks like I'm going to need more than luck. Looks like there is something wrong with the Raptor afterall. Or, that's what I'm hoping.

I have Call of Duty 4 demo and Timeshift full game on the Raptor. Both games, after 15-20 minutes will freeze up, happens everytime. That's not good for a brand new computer.

So I thought I'd call Cyberpower and discuss this issue with them. At this time I'll just say this. Customer Support, or the one person I talked to, was not very freindly at all, in fact he was downright rude, actually hang up after it started getting a bit heated.

Anyways, I'm going to try and reinstall Timeshift on the other hard drive and see if that works. I don't have a good feeling about this at all. Hopefully the next CS person I talked to is a bit more freindly.

still crossing fingers...both hands now.
usually , harddrives dont cause crashes thought it can happen... i would, however look at the ram and make sure your northbridge temps are under control
I'm no expert but if it runs for 15-20 mins and then freezes in multiple games it could be temps (video card(s) or chipset maybe?). That would probably be a better situation than a pooched Raptor. How are the fans? Are they all running? Speeds?

I was really hoping this would work out well for you as I was checking out CyberPower at one point as well. I wish you the best of luck man!!!!!! My fingers are crossed too!
i bought a desktop and laptop from them. dont try calling the CS during the daytime...the guy is a big asshole and talks to you like you're a retard. i always called in the middle of the night and never had to wait and always got 2 really smart guys. one has an asian accent and the other sounds like a young guy. good luck.

ps. fuck you daytime CS dickhead
Yes Daytime CS, big dick. Really. Good tip about calling at night. Think I'll give that a try.

Anyways, I've thought about the fans, and they are all working. However, I've read about the GT's overheating due to the fans on them not running high. I downloaded rivatune to help. Haven't yet changed the settings yet, but will do that.

About the Northbridge would one find these temps. I'll check, but do I have to download a utility or just use the Asus Probe to find that?

UPDATE: Ok, so I disabled SLI and played Timeshift for about 40 minutes with no freezes.....hmmmm, could this be my problem? Tune in to find out.
Make sure the HD and everything else is staying cool. Sounds kind of like a heating problem with the crashing.

What kind of software did they install? Does it come with bloatware?
Another update on the cyberpower.

It's only freezing in games when I have SLI enabled. It is not the hard drive and I doubt it is over heating. My cards temps are pretty much where they should be.

However, I think it's got to be either the bottom 8800gt or the slot on the motherboard. I'm hoping it's the card because I can live without it until the new one ships. If it's the motherboard....forget it. Sent the whole thing back.

Hopefully I will find out tonight when I swap cards and isolate which one it is.
hmm wish their CS was better, it would be nice and convenient to go with them because they're cheap and it would save me from spending time building, but without a good day rep...that option is out the window
hmm wish their CS was better, it would be nice and convenient to go with them because they're cheap and it would save me from spending time building, but without a good day rep...that option is out the window

Yeah I hear you, I actually felt sick to my stomach when I got off the phone with Kevin. He is suck a friggin jerk it's unbelievable. Good news is, there are reps there that are helpful. I dealt with Ray and he was very good.

Ok, so it was the bottom 8800 GT, it is fubared. I ran it solo for about 5 minutes and it froze. Tested 3 times, same results.

So I am going to call Cyberpower (hopefully get Ray) and request that they send a new one out.

Not sure how this works, but I'd rather recieve the new one, then send out the old. They were going to to this with the HD, so why not for the GT.

Another update: Just spoke to Ray and was very easy for them to send out another one immediately. Feeling better about Cyberpower, it was that initial experience that worried me...will keep you posted.
Another short update:

Well, my Raptor hard drive is on life support and I'll have to get get this RMA'd.

I made the mistake of calling in the day. Got Kevin, before he could get my order number I hung up. I just couldn't deal.

I'm going to call late tonight to get somebody with some sense to get this Hard Drive sent to me.

I'll tell you this much. If I had to do it over again. I wouldn't. 1 week and two parts are dead. That is not a good feeling of quality control from Cyberpower.

Here's another thing I found out. You get a 30 day money back guarantee from date of invoice. Date of mine was 11/15. I didn't get the system until December 7th. So I really only had 8 days to sort out if I wanted to return.

Ok, so now it's December 17th passed the thirty days. My option if I wanted to return is 15% restocking fee. Holy crap that's not good.

So, I'll let you know how the call goes tonight.
Another short update:

Well, my Raptor hard drive is on life support and I'll have to get get this RMA'd.

I made the mistake of calling in the day. Got Kevin, before he could get my order number I hung up. I just couldn't deal.

I'm going to call late tonight to get somebody with some sense to get this Hard Drive sent to me.

I'll tell you this much. If I had to do it over again. I wouldn't. 1 week and two parts are dead. That is not a good feeling of quality control from Cyberpower.

Here's another thing I found out. You get a 30 day money back guarantee from date of invoice. Date of mine was 11/15. I didn't get the system until December 7th. So I really only had 8 days to sort out if I wanted to return.

Ok, so now it's December 17th passed the thirty days. My option if I wanted to return is 15% restocking fee. Holy crap that's not good.

So, I'll let you know how the call goes tonight.

BBB that shit and get it sorted, its not working and you should have to pay a fucking restocking fee, make them eat their failure.
Yeah the quality control seems to be seems like they almost purposely buy the crapper parts and make computers out of them hoping they work :confused:

I know a friend got one from Cyberpower too and his GPU failed almost immediately and his computer was making terrible noises not coming from the fans which was very odd.
Yeah the quality control seems to be seems like they almost purposely buy the crapper parts and make computers out of them hoping they work :confused:

I know a friend got one from Cyberpower too and his GPU failed almost immediately and his computer was making terrible noises not coming from the fans which was very odd.

the complainers are ALWAYS the minority, regardless of the company im sure there are more people happy with their cyberpower rigs than there are ones with broken ones. but because they're quality control is so terrible (non existent perhaps? ) we hear a LOT more bad stories.
Here's another update. It really does make a difference if you talk to the right person. After speaking to Ray last night, I have until Jan 3 to send back for a full refund. I am going to get the card and drive this week, install. IF it still doesn't work, it's going back.

You're right, more people will post on boards that have problems than not, but in this case I would have posted either way.
Honestly, if I were you, I'd send the whole thing back and start over.

If you've had this many problems in 2 weeks, just imagine what it could be in 2 months, or worse yet, 2 months after your warranty.

You hate their customer service (exception of Ray)
You're not crazy about the case
You got 2 bad parts
You have 1 week to decide.

Finally, it being nearly 2 months after you ordered, you'll get more bang for your buck.

I've found myself in similar circumstances. I think we all have. We sit there and think about all the time and effort we have invested. What we should also think about is that the window is still open, I'd say climb out now while you still can.

One of the benefits of going with a builder is that you are supposed to get a positive buying experience.
the complainers are ALWAYS the minority, regardless of the company im sure there are more people happy with their cyberpower rigs than there are ones with broken ones. but because they're quality control is so terrible (non existent perhaps? ) we hear a LOT more bad stories.

It's true that those with complaints are more likely to speak up than those who are happy with their purchase.But that's true with all builders,yet some of them get high marks in customer ratings,while CyberPower consistently gets terrible ratings everywhere.Dealing with them is like rolling the dice,with the dice being loaded in the house's favor!
I have a question how long is there hold time for support? Not that I will be buying from them but curious as how long you have to wait to get a human on the phone after the IVR.
I always call late at night and the hold times are not that bad. Tonight it was less than 2 minutes.

I have until 1/03 to ship back without shipping charges and full refund. I am pretty sure I'm going to do it. It is just too much that has gone wrong in the little time I've had it.

I gave it a shot, didn't work out.

Gosh darn, wish it did, they are cheap. But you know the sayin....
So I called to request the return of the system last night. It's a shame because it showed glimpses of great performance. However, it just seems very sporadic. Would run well in Crysis in DX10 for 30 minutes and then crash. Temps were fine, so could have been anything.

On the desktop when clicking on My Computer to look at the hard drives, for some reason would freeze up.

DVD drive wouldn't recognize a disc in it unless and open and closed.

Small things add up, and for a computer that's not a month old, just didn't want to risk it.

The rep I spoke to was very understanding about it and got me an RMA right away. There will be no restocking fee, however the one thing I do not like is that they will not pay for shipping. That pisses me off. But with fedex ground will be close to $40.

So, now my next venture, what to get next? Build one perhaps? I've done it before, just really don't have the time (maybe I do, but I'm lazy)
So, now my next venture, what to get next? Build one perhaps? I've done it before, just really don't have the time (maybe I do, but I'm lazy)

Any of the following manufacturers are recommended in this forum: AVA Direct, Maingear, Puget, Velocity Micro.
Any of the following manufacturers are recommended in this forum: AVA Direct, Maingear, Puget, Velocity Micro.

Thanks AndonSage.

I have been looking at the above mentioned, as well as Digital Storm and KC Computers. I think I'm going to wait until the new Intel Processors make there way around. Looks like the new 8400 beats out the 6850 by a bit. Plus, 45nm!!

So the Cyberpower should be getting to it's headquarters in the next couple of days. I do have a sinking feeling that they will try and get a restocking fee from me.

Even though the CS guy said that I got the RMA in time, you never know. It will be my last update on this thread to let you know how and when they refunded me. of the last updates on this post. So it's Jan 23rd and no refund yet. However, spoke to CS (on hold for 30 min) and they had it has been approved for the full refund. (well, minus 3 dollars, not sure how and didn't want to push it).

They say I should be seeing the refund in about 7 business days. Last update will be when/if it gets here.
After reading the original post, I knew exactly what was going to follow, I've heard bad things, and I called them once, the company is a joke. You can't expect to custom build a PC and have everything go perfect, and that's what they do. I would have returned it the second I saw parts that didnt match my order, good or bad. Good luck man, hope you get it all sorted out.
So Cyberpower finally refunded me for the whole amount. Pretty much a month after I returned it. Little late, but still didn't try to charge me the restocking fee. At least I appreciate that.

They did try to keep me as a customer promising to rebuild and didn't push after I refused, so for the most part that process was painless.

Still looking into new computer company for a new computer...or hell, maybe I'll build it.