Here we go with the bashing games again...

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Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 9, 2004
From teh [H]:

"Children are playing a game that encourages them to have sex with prostitutes and then murder them," she said in a statement on the issue. "This is a silent epidemic of media desensitisation that teaches kids it's OK to diss people because they are a woman, they're a different colour or they're from a different place."

Some ppl need to be fuckin smacked...

My question is, since both political parties are whack, has the video game issue caused you to switch parties or vote for someone else? I'm not talking about just this issue, but for me, something like this would make or break my voting for someone. I'm fairly annoyed with both parties with all kinds of shit, but this is just fuckin insane.
It's growing to almost communist (extreme left) and facist (extreme right) being almost the same. Despite being heavily involved in politics, very few big time politicians represents the ideas of the common man.

Once again, the quote in the signature applies.

Edit: Oh I forgot, I need to get some extra health by having sex with a hooker, kill her to take my money back, then I'm going to go "KIll all Hatians".
a. There was never a big difference between the two parties, ever. All they differ on are opinions on a few key issues, such as abortion, war, etc. This isn't anything new.

b. Perhaps you'd like to be intelligent about this and say why you don't believe video games are the cause for this violence, as opposed to just calling the other guys fucking morons and leaving it at that?
Why grand theft auto? There are plenty more violent games out there.

I guess it is because they wan't to hurt sales instead of "helping" like they claim to be.

rope smok1n 4nal fukin, fudge packin pansey penis licking buttfuckers! (That was fun!) :p
finalgt said:
a. There was never a big difference between the two parties, ever. All they differ on are opinions on a few key issues, such as abortion, war, etc. This isn't anything new.

b. Perhaps you'd like to be intelligent about this and say why you don't believe video games are the cause for this violence, as opposed to just calling the other guys fucking morons and leaving it at that?
a. Well those are some pretty big diffrences, but obviously no one is too fanatical in our governemnt. Someone on fark the other day put it nicley with "No, it's the left who hate violence. It's the right who hate sex."

b. (and the next guy) It's GTA because GTA sells. No one gives two shits about Postal because Postal is a crappy game not made by a major developer (iD, Rockstar). Also once again, easy scapegoat for bad parenting.
finalgt said:
a. There was never a big difference between the two parties, ever. All they differ on are opinions on a few key issues, such as abortion, war, etc. This isn't anything new.

b. Perhaps you'd like to be intelligent about this and say why you don't believe video games are the cause for this violence, as opposed to just calling the other guys fucking morons and leaving it at that?

a. I know that.

b. Intelligent? So missing the fact that parents need to raise their own kids, is intelligent? Its amazing to me that instead of attacking the problem head on (parents) they shoot for something else. Its not the games' fault kids are turning into shit. There are SO many factors. The biggest is parents/living environment. Fix that before you start censoring everything else.

EDIT: I just knew this shit was gonna start after the latest school shooting. I'm just surprised it took this long for someone to say something.

EDIT2: I think they chose GTA because it has a lot of commercials on most of the channels. I think I see a GTA:SA commercial every hour no matter what network I'm on lol
It was actually a groop of kids who planned the shooting in MN. One of wich was a Tribal Leader's kid. They mentioned poverty, lack of supervision, and the internet as possible root causes.

This crap all started when it became a crime to spank your kid.
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