Hey Guys!!!!!!!!


Feb 1, 2005
Hello everyone! Its been awhile since I had time to post. I miss chatting with all of you.

October 3, I just packed up and moved to New York City. Screw ATL. So K *, you can come up from DC anytime you want.......jk :rolleyes:

So any way, what's new in here? My uncle just got diagnosed with untreatable liver cancer so I'm cranking up another boxen this week for him. Sometimes I wonder if the few boxen that I run make a difference but that's not for me to understand as long as I do my part.
Glad to see you back..... sorry to hear about your uncle.... all our boxen make a difference: whether it's a lowly P-133 or a uber 1337 X2 982392000+ ;)

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

yeah dude. that is uber. imma see if i can borg my company. as long as the owner approves, we might run it on the server.......that would be 25 boxen.....at least until we open the new facility.
machwireless said:
October 3, I just packed up and moved to New York City. Screw ATL. So K *, you can come up from DC anytime you want.......jk :rolleyes:

K* got fixed a few weeks back, not sure how much good he is anymore (or ever was)

thanks mag. i dont think mary is a mary. but the whole hemaphordite thing is popular in certain parts of the world.
wow K*, you have a girlfriend now? :confused:

but remember, just because you pay for her services regularly does not make her your girlfriend. :D

i'm jk. but good luck with that. love is for suckers and so are relationships......:rolleyes:
Neh, true love is worth it, along with someone who doesnt treat you like.... 4 letter word..fill in the blank ;)

Hell, i'm lucky if she lets me pay for lunch now and then ;)
i think i saw blood drops fall on the window sill when i read k* has a girlfriend.

but don't mind my negativity. im jaded and scorn and my heart is atrifeed (however you spell it). I frankly think men suck and its all a waste of time but I AM NOT A LESBIAN. Why do men think cause you hate them you have to be a lesbo? I can't just want to focus on school and the crap load of money I make?

but anyway, what's new in everyone's life? Where's Daddy Moose? How is the baby?
magnusvir said:
hi to the only girl in our team. (we are still deciding on mary). :D :p

mach isn't the only chick.... ;)

Mach, nice to see you around. I am sorry to hear about Uncle. Every box counts....don't ever doubt that.

AtomicMoose said:
mach isn't the only chick.... ;)

Mach, nice to see you around. I am sorry to hear about Uncle. Every box counts....don't ever doubt that.


who else? dont hold out on me. is it your little girl as well? LittleMoose?

machwireless said:
i think i saw blood drops fall on the window sill when i read k* has a girlfriend.

but don't mind my negativity. im jaded and scorn and my heart is atrifeed (however you spell it). I frankly think men suck and its all a waste of time but I AM NOT A LESBIAN. Why do men think cause you hate them you have to be a lesbo? I can't just want to focus on school and the crap load of money I make?

but anyway, what's new in everyone's life? Where's Daddy Moose? How is the baby?
Don't hate men....there are some good ones left.

LittleMoose is doing well and folding too (thanks Sean!). She is 6 months now. Getting big...my little angel.

magnusvir said:
who else? dont hold out on me. is it your little girl as well? LittleMoose?

Yeah, LittleMoose is my daughter. DR_K13 hosts the box for me.

There are others though. Papa_Ming is a chick and there are others... :)
AtomicMoose said:
There are others though. Papa_Ming is a chick and there are others... :)
W... H... W... a-buh...

Why wasn't I informed!

Yup, there are a few good guys out there, just have to search for them.. and steal them away from their girlfriends/wives.. jks

Wow she is really growing!
AtomicMoose said:
Yeah, LittleMoose is my daughter. DR_K13 hosts the box for me.

There are others though. Papa_Ming is a chick and there are others... :)

WTH? when you see Papa in the screenname usually you think guy. She better post pics stat. :p :D

if stealing a man from someone heightened my tax brackett, then maybe it would be worth it. but nah. men are bigger headaches than slurpies with thick straws.
See, the moose really does know all! (hahahahahahahahah.... yeah right)

Welcome back mach, sorry to hear about your uncle though. :(
magnusvir said:
WTH? when you see Papa in the screenname usually you think guy. She better post pics stat. :p :D

She is actually MIA right now...:(

If anyone has her contact info, try to get in touch with her.
its cool phanton. he's perkulating. he started kemo last week, went to the emergency room with hiccups last night but my mom says he's doing well despite the rapid weight loss. I have to go to the doctor myself next week to make sure my cancer is still in remission. I pray that it is but you never know.
machwireless said:
he's perkulating

I thought only coffee pots did that? :confused:

But poorly concieved humor aside, I think its a safe bet to know that the well being of you and yours are in the thoughts of the [H]orde while you battle the beast.
and don't forget the newest addition.... the DC FS/FT forum ;)

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

i had a Klipsch system, brand new, for sale. No one picked it up so its drawing dust in storage back in ATL...........I hate to see such a good product be wasted.