Hi guys, I'm back


Oct 6, 2005
I use to fold for [H] some time ago and I've decided to come back. :)
I have a new pc that will be folding for the [H]orde 24hrs/day.
I just set up four console clients on my Q6600. When I get a phat cooler for it I will begin my overclocking experiments. I'm expecting to get at least 3.4Ghz out of it. (It's a G0)

Just a couple questions, I can't seem to find EMIII anywhere. Is it still around? Where can I find it?

I will look into SMP later today. I'm all for more ppd :p

Too bad about EMIII, I liked seeing the pictures of the protines. I already setup FAHMon.
Hmmm... Looks like I'll have to wait on the SMP thing until I get a new hard drive for this machine. Currently running a paltry 20 gig IDE drive, between Windows and Oblivion plus my data I only have 1.23 gigs of space. :D

Edit: spelling

Welcome back, glad to have you folding with us!

If your seriously shopping for a hard drive, pm me, I've got a few extras laying around and I'm always happy to try and help out a fellow [H]orde member in need:)

Welcome back to the [H]orde!

You could also monitor your clients with FahSpy.

I was going to say that you can also use FAHSpy as well as FahMon. The main reason I used FahMon is because it has a native Linux port so I don't have to use Wine or anything to run it.

EMIII will technically still work if you manually update the protein file I believe. I've never actually tried it since the SMP clients came out since there had been no updates to EMIII for a long time before that. I'm not even sure EMIII will properly recognize the SMP clients like it would the regular clients.

Again, if you need something for a folding rig like that, just ask and/or browse through the DC FS/FT subforum at the top of your screen. 20 gig isn't much nowadays. Hell, I have a 40 gig partition on my main machine for Vista, a 40 gig partition for XP64, a 10 gig partition for root for openSUSE and the rest of the 500 gig drive as the home folder and storage for openSUSE.

I'm sure we can come up with something. I'm stretched thin on drives not in use right now as I believe the only thing I have not in use that's mine is a 4.3 gig SCSI-3 drive. However, there are plenty of others around who probably have spare drives just laying around. If it gets you setup with a couple of VMs with two instances of the SMP client on that machine it would be worth it to just about anyone here.

Hey man! Welcome! *hands you a beer*

Why thank you! I drink Budweiser.

Welcome back, glad to have you folding with us!

If your seriously shopping for a hard drive, pm me, I've got a few extras laying around and I'm always happy to try and help out a fellow [H]orde member in need:)

Thank you again. At this time I'm looking at a new 320 gig as this is my main rig. Plus I think I can repair my old harddrives. (see my post here.

Welcome back to the [H]orde!

You could also monitor your clients with FahSpy.

I will look into this as soon as I'm sober :p

I was going to say that you can also use FAHSpy as well as FahMon. The main reason I used FahMon is because it has a native Linux port so I don't have to use Wine or anything to run it.

EMIII will technically still work if you manually update the protein file I believe. I've never actually tried it since the SMP clients came out since there had been no updates to EMIII for a long time before that. I'm not even sure EMIII will properly recognize the SMP clients like it would the regular clients.

Again, if you need something for a folding rig like that, just ask and/or browse through the DC FS/FT subforum at the top of your screen. 20 gig isn't much nowadays. Hell, I have a 40 gig partition on my main machine for Vista, a 40 gig partition for XP64, a 10 gig partition for root for openSUSE and the rest of the 500 gig drive as the home folder and storage for openSUSE.

I'm sure we can come up with something. I'm stretched thin on drives not in use right now as I believe the only thing I have not in use that's mine is a 4.3 gig SCSI-3 drive. However, there are plenty of others around who probably have spare drives just laying around. If it gets you setup with a couple of VMs with two instances of the SMP client on that machine it would be worth it to just about anyone here.

Thank you again x3 :) but I think I can budged the new harddrive on my own, in about 2 weeks.
It is always good to have some more competition in the sub 200k range...

lol FahMon reports my total ppd as 1144.87. This is cool for me :D

Also checked the stats for team 33,, FLECOM your a fucking ANIMAL!!!
lol FahMon reports my total ppd as 1144.87. This is cool for me :D

Also checked the stats for team 33,, FLECOM your a fucking ANIMAL!!!

I'm not sure what kind he is.... anyone else know? :p

I was going to say that you can also use FAHSpy as well as FahMon. The main reason I used FahMon is because it has a native Linux port so I don't have to use Wine or anything to run it.
BTW, Is there another monitoring program besides these two and EMIII? I remember 3-4 years ago I used another app but don't recall what it was. Did the old GenomeSpy ever work with F@H or was that G@H only?
I wouldn't hazzard a guess, but I'm thinking level 1 carnivore...

Foldasaurous-Rex, duh.

I don't have any budweiser, but i got some Sam Adams White Ale which is actually surprisingly decent! Welcome to the Horde.
lol FahMon reports my total ppd as 1144.87. This is cool for me :D

Geez! :eek: All of that from a single Q6600? I'm not seeing anywhere near that on mine, and I'm running dual SMP @ 3 Ghz on it. Whats your secret??? ;)

I'm not sure what kind he is.... anyone else know? :p

I have a pretty good idea, but I'm not at liberty to say. You know with the NDA and all.

Welcome back D3v01D. Glad to have you back in the fold. :cool:

Geez! :eek: All of that from a single Q6600? I'm not seeing anywhere near that on mine, and I'm running dual SMP @ 3 Ghz on it. Whats your secret??? ;)


Unless I'm missing the joke, you should be getting 3400+ PPD from that. Start a thread if you need some help.

I called this my "main" rig, but the truth is it's my "only" rig at the moment.

Is dual SMP recommended for a machine I also game & stuff on?
I called this my "main" rig, but the truth is it's my "only" rig at the moment.

Is dual SMP recommended for a machine I also game & stuff on?

There has been some debate about this. Running two VMs can cause some strain on the system because two VMs take up a lot of RAM and VMWare doesn't release CPU cycles when you need them. So, unless you turn off a VM every time you need the computer, you'll be stuck with about 3% of your CPU power for everyday tasks. The debate revolves around how tolerable this performance hit is. Some don't mind. Some can't stand it.

Regardless, to get around this limitation on computers I actually need to use, I run one VMWare instance and then Windows SMP on top of it. VMWare gets two cores (Cores 2-3) and Windows SMP gets the other two (Cores 0-1) and whatever is left on Cores 2-3. There is a slight performance hit from using Windows SMP instead of a second VM, but it releases CPU cycles properly. When I game, I turn off the VM and let Windows SMP continue to run. If that causes issues, I turn off both. For example, I'm playing through Gears of War right now and it runs fine with Windows SMP running at the same time. When I'm done gaming, I turn the VM back on and re-isolate it on two of the cores.

Eh, I just run Linux and don't have a problem with it. On the box in my sig I'm running dual VMs, each given 768 meg of RAM to play with and I never shut them down. I have no trouble gaming except that securerom won't let me play World In Conflict under Wine. Fucking copy protection.

lol FahMon reports my total ppd as 1144.87. This is cool for me :D

It HAS BEEN a long time since you were folding with us. I remember only 2 years ago when that was a huge goal....now there's new guys coming in here with a couple of quads and doing more points in 2 weeks than i got in 2 yrs :D

Anyways, welcome back and have fun. Once you get the SMP clients running, be sure to check out the Affinity Changer to further maximize your output.
There has been some debate about this. Running two VMs can cause some strain on the system because two VMs take up a lot of RAM and VMWare doesn't release CPU cycles when you need them. So, unless you turn off a VM every time you need the computer, you'll be stuck with about 3% of your CPU power for everyday tasks. The debate revolves around how tolerable this performance hit is. Some don't mind. Some can't stand it.
An alternative to running dual VMs on a quad is running dual SMP clients in one OS. The production seems to be somewhere in between a single client and two VMs. The resources taken by two clients is much closer to a single client since no large memory allocation for the VM is required.
all i have to do with dual VMs is shut down the SMP client in one to game....i just leave the VMs running just fine