High Venice Temps/ not enough AS5?


Feb 8, 2005
Finished putting my first rig together a few weeks ago, but haven't used it much til now. Anyway, it's quite hot in the room, probably about 85-90F. My 3200 Venice(@ stock for now with an xp-90 and AS5) idles at 38-39C. I ran superpi and speedfan side by side, and under 100% load(did 32m on superpi) the temp never rose above 43C. Are these temps a little too high for the venice? Granted it is very hot in here. My case is a Coolermaster Cavalier(came with an 80 and 120 case fans, plus the 92 on my panaflo). So, on to my questions.

1. When I was putting it together, I don't think I spread the Arctic silver evenly enough over the whole surface of the cpu, it's concentrated more in the middle, probably not much, if any, on the sides. Would it be worth remounting the xp-90 and spreading the AS5 evenly?

2. If I do the above, can I just add more AS5 or do I need to remove the old first and then reapply?(First time builder, excuse my ignorance.) If I do remove it, what do I need to properly remove it?

3.Will doing all this result in a significant drop in temps or should I leave it be for now?

4. Any way to tell which was the Panaflo is blowing air(down towards the heatsink or up away from it) by just looking at how it's mounted(ie label up or something)?
I don't apply mine like that. I spread it on the CPU with a gloved finger. I don't like the idea of a drop in the center. I want to ensure that it's spread evenly.
Maximus825 said:
I don't apply mine like that. I spread it on the CPU with a gloved finger. I don't like the idea of a drop in the center. I want to ensure that it's spread evenly.

Well this topic has been beat to death. But anyway those that have tested both methods we. have found that following the manufactures instructions provides much more consistent results. Using the proper sized dot in the center of the heat spreader is also much safer. Since the odds of getting AS on anything else are reduced.

I have yet to see any proof that spreading the AS out over the heat spreader reduces temps one bit. Usually it does the opposite since people tend to use too much. Anyway really you’re just making more work for your self. But to each their own.
Your temps are fine. I also spread AS with my finger, makes me more comfortable. Anyway, retail version of venice under FULL load for an extended period of time is around 52 degrees. Your temps are well below that.
those temps are fine??? really? my 3200 venice at stock speed with stock HSF idles at 29C with AS5, i just put a small rice grain size in the middle and put the HS on. no spreading.

and to tell which way the air is blowing in a fan, the side with the wires, thats the side the air comes out.
Those temps do seem somewhat high for a stock 3200 with an xp90 and some as5.

I'd try reapplying the as5 per manufacturers instructions.
Those temps are right where they should be. Look at his ambient temps are...
Looking back, I think the only thing I may have done was apply slightly too much AS5, when I followed the instructions it appeared that the AS5 did spread out over most of the heatsink, it was only the outer edges that may have been lacking. I think it's just poor case air flow/not enough fans/very hot indoor temps.
but still, its better if you follow the instructions, just redo it with as5 again, wont take more than 5 mins, just clean it with some isoproply 90%+ then but a small grain of as5 in the center and put the HS on. and run your PC as much as you can for 2 weeks and check your temps then
Heh, I actually tried before, but had the hardest time getting the xp-90 unhooked, so I gave up for now, I'll do it tomorrow. Any suggestions on how to get it off easier? A flathead screwdriver, perhaps?
Those temps are fine. 43C Load is pretty amazing. My 3700+ San Diego is 32C Idle and 43C load with a Zalman 7000ALCU.
my 3200 has hyper 6+ and i get 30-33 idle, 38-45 full load. oc @ 2,450ghz w/1.5v. but my room temps are way lower.
I can usually get it unhooked somewhat by just pushing down on the tabs, then I wedge (well, not really wedge, it usually fits in easily) a flathead screwdriver between the tabs and the mounting... thing. I forget what it's called. Anyway, twisting the screwdriver usually manages to ease the tabs out of there.

Then once you get the two on one side out, it obviously comes off easily.

Those temps don't seem bad; my temps with a 3000+ Venice (xp-90) are pretty much the same as yours.
Just cleaned heatsink and cpu with isopropol, barely looked like there was AS5 there, I guess because it burned in(you could see a thin film). Anyway, temps are the same(37-38 idle, no higher than 43 full load), I'll give it a while and see if the burn in period yields any better results. Hopefully it will, because I sliced open(small cut) both of my thumbs trying to get the last clip on the xp-90 locked back in. I think this case(coolermaster cavalier 3
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16811119074) just doesn't have excellent airflow, coupled with the hot temperatures of the room. That and I wasn't really sure what to do with all the extra power supply wires(they're out of the way, I put them in the 5.25 drive cage, nowhere near the mobo.) In addition I used those zip ties(the ones the cops use as handcuffs sometimes, the plastic things) to get rid of some cable clutter and hold wires out of the way.

I'm still not entirely sure I have the panaflo facing the right way, but whatever.

This is the exit side of the fan, ie: air blows out this side. The "suck" side of the fan doesn't have the crossbars on it. The easiest way to tell is stick your hand by the fan and see if you feel air blowing out at you.

BTW, it's a real good idea to wrap the end of your screwdriver with electrical tape when prying
things off on your mobo, just in case you "slip". I once knocked a tiny little ic off on my nf2 board. It must not have been important as the board still works great as of today. But better safe than sorry.
So this side of the fan should be pointed down towards the cpu(ie you cant see it)?
yup, no problems with those temps. Mine will hit 55c or higher (notice my vcore) depending on how many of my bastard friends bring machines over to croud my computer room.

*edit* I have the same case. Friggin sweet lil midtower for $50 eh?
Well, I figured it out. After reapplying AS5, and turning my fan the other way so it blows air onto the cpu, I'm getting temps of 33 idle and 39 load(granted it is about 7-8 degrees Farenheit cooler in here right now, but still probably about 78-80F). Hopefully after the Arctic silver burns in a little more they'll go lower. Thanks for all your help guys.