High voltage flyback driver. - Selling question.


[H]F Junkie
Nov 15, 2000
I'm building myself a high voltage flyback driver. Would others out there be interested in paying 5-15 dollars for one? I ask because i can only buy the transistors i want (the best for the application :) ) in packs of 50. So i may as well make up the price by selling the other 49 in completed circuit boards. Would others be interested in buying such a product?
the driver or the transistor?

The transistor is for the driver, the driver is to produce HV for any number of purposes.

Originally posted by groggory
out of curiosity, what are you using them for?
I've got my own flyback drivers, thanks :)

Are you using the common two resistor single transistor schematic, or something more advanced? Also, what transistor did you decide on?