High voltage with cnq enabled?


Limp Gawd
Dec 19, 2009
Was just wondering if there was any possibility of damage by having a set voltage with your cpu while still having Cool n' Quiet enabled? I realize my heat will go up significantly at idle(and my power draw as well?), but I hate having my machine running at full blast when all I might be doing is surfing the web. I've been wanting to get my x4 955 to 3.8ghz stable, but to do that I need to go above what the auto voltage sets it at(the highest I've seen the auto set my voltage at is about 1.40v). I was thinking 1.43v would be fine, I'm just hoping it won't be hurting my processor while it's at idle.
No, there's no possibility of damaging your CPU by leaving CnQ enabled while overclocking or using a higher-than-stock Vcore.
No, there's no possibility of damaging your CPU by leaving CnQ enabled while overclocking or using a higher-than-stock Vcore.

Good to know, I was paranoid I might(over time maybe) damage my cpu by having such a high vcore while having cnq enabled with the proc running at 900mhz while idle...
Good to know, I was paranoid I might(over time maybe) damage my cpu by having such a high vcore while having cnq enabled with the proc running at 900mhz while idle...
The effect of Vcore on the CPU doesn't really depend on the frequency it's running at.