Highend Videocards for what games?

Whats your favorite game? What do you play most? (incl. mods & expansions)

  • Counter Strike

    Votes: 23 24.5%
  • Far Cry

    Votes: 40 42.6%
  • UT2004

    Votes: 32 34.0%
  • Soldier of Fortune 2

    Votes: 5 5.3%
  • Day of Defeat

    Votes: 6 6.4%
  • BattleField 1942

    Votes: 19 20.2%
  • Call of Duty

    Votes: 13 13.8%
  • Other - post in thread

    Votes: 11 11.7%
  • Future game - Doom 3

    Votes: 30 31.9%
  • Future game - Half Life 2

    Votes: 32 34.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


[H]F Junkie
Oct 27, 2003
Everyone's talking about highend videocards in here 6800's & X800's, etc.

But isnt counter strike still one of the most popular games, which graphics practically run fine on a GF2!? LOL

My personal favorite game right now is Soldier of Fortune 2, but it doesnt tax my system at all. (see sig for specs)

I know FarCry is a graphically intense game. But I havent played it yet. Though, with everyone talking about it constantly maybe I should go out & buy it?!

SO my question, POLL... is what game are you playing most with your system.

(I know this is more game related than videocard related... but I want the [h]ardcore videocard fanatics to tell me what games they are playing that requires them to have a $500 card :)
(btw, Game1, Game2, Game3, & Game4 in 3dMark2003 are not a games!) LOL
Far Cry. Do it now.

After that, a 32-player UT2k4 Onslaught match.

Don't forget to jack up the AA/AF when you can.
CoD (the expension for this looks like it will bring the graphics up to par with FarCry and Joint Ops)


Joint Operations (download this demo, it will kill your computer it is so intense)

These games all push my pc to the limits
unreal tournament 2004 and its mods are all i need for now.(frag ops, neotokyo, air buccaners, checkmate, jailbreak) but after that im looking forward to hl2 and doom 3.

with my ti4200, i can enjoy ut2k4 alot, but it just looks so much better with settings maxxed out ;) so thats why ill be upgrading
Other than FarCry there is UT2K4, Call of Duty, and more. While most games that are currently being played don't really need the full power of the latest generation video cards they enable the game to be played with significantly more eye candy enabled, higher AF and AA, and higher resolution. The latest cards are, for the most part, getting the best image quality out of games.
Plus it's not only what you play, but how you play it. As in AA/AF and resolution.

BF1942 / DC
City of Heroes

Edit - Looks like kick@ss got the post in right before me ;)
UT2K4 and Other

No matter how many times I try to put it down,
I still come back to Neverwinter Nights,
over and over and over again.
I voted the D]|[ and HL2, but you totally forgot Battlefield Vietnam. I play that constantly with my clan.
I play so many but the ones I play most are:
Far Cry
UT2004 and mods
BF 1942 and mods
As far as future games:
BF 2
Tribes 3 Vengance
advanced101101 said:
I have an x800pro and the only game i play is CS, even though i did beat Farcry twice a while ago :)

That makes me cry. CS looks the same on my GeForce 4 Ti4200, as it does on your X800 Pro. Play some new games!
advanced101101 said:
I have an x800pro and the only game i play is CS, even though i did beat Farcry twice a while ago :)

Oh my... :eek:

I can't get enough of Battlefield:Vietnam, all I play right now
I try to spread the wealth around and my X800XT PE should do me fine in games for a long time.
I have all of these games except of course Doom3 and HL2 and the only game i really play is Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. The rest of the games are pretty much just benchmarks :p.
I'm still a loyal PlanetSide fan. Probably one of the only games out that absolutely needs a gig of RAM to run smoothly. :D
advanced101101 said:
I have an x800pro and the only game i play is CS, even though i did beat Farcry twice a while ago :)

Now thats just a crying shame. But kinda what I was hinting at. I think a lot of people's favorite games are still old school. Like Counter Strike.

And if its a mod or expansion pack vote for the original game.... like
BF: Vietnam = BF 1942 (close enough)

I WISH DOOM3 would come out already.
I'm just like bad_boy, I play ut2004 and all of the mods, there ain't a game out there that touches it for multiplayer right now. Since my 9800p is playing ut2k4 fine, I'm waiting for doom3 and hl2 before upgrading. Then I will take into consideration of which game is funner, replay value, mods etc. Ut2004 has me spoiled for bang for buck.
Knights of the Old Republic anyone?

I didn't get it until recently, but I'm loving it. (8 hours in one day...WAYYY too much time on my hands)
Even a CPU reliant game like SoF2 will benefit from the power of todays new cards on RMG type maps. Jungle in particular. Just remember though, a new graphics card don't counter wallhax and anti-recoil and monitor zoom cheats. :rolleyes: Buy your new card to make your games look better, not to make yourself a better fragger.
Ill be buying the x800pro in the next couple of hours or so lol. Playing planetside with everything turned up at 1280, homeworld 2 at 1600x1200 turned up and tons of ships and ion cannons flying around. KOTOR at 1600x1200 eye candy up. Condition zero will run silky smoooth. COD, BF1942. Ill prolly pick up painkiller sooner or later. But doom 3 will be the game that tides me over this summer hehe, until HL2 comes out.
Currently I'm playing Far Cry quite a bit. My actual favorite game will work fine on an old 4MB S3 card though... Hearts of Iron doesn't use 3D at all. It's a pure strategy game.
A couple months back I'd have said KOTOR, but after finishing it three times it kinda wore off. I'm planning on getting a 6800GT once NV releases new Linux drivers with support for it.
ShowMeThe$$$$$$ said:
Even a CPU reliant game like SoF2 will benefit from the power of todays new cards on RMG type maps. Jungle in particular. Just remember though, a new graphics card don't counter wallhax and anti-recoil and monitor zoom cheats. :rolleyes: Buy your new card to make your games look better, not to make yourself a better fragger.

What they have anti-recoil cheats in SOF2? Isnt that basically an aimbot? bastards..... cheating still doesnt give you skill... b/c I've owned cheating bastards who were obviously cheating in the past.

All games need to start implementing a universal ban on cheater's serial #'s. So if they get caught cheating they cant play on ANY server for that game. (unless they go out and buy a new game!) That would definitely deter people from cheating. If it would cost them $50 a pop for gettting caught. B/c all hacks get caught eventually, its just a matter of time for PB to learn how to recognize them.
i ordered my 6800U for FS2004, Lomac and to a lesser extent IL2 , the rest of the games i play don't tax my 4600 too much and they're still playable but those flight sims bright it to its knees even at medium settings with no AA/AF. for the most part i don't play FPS's a whole lot , they bore me , farcry was prety cool , you can play it at a much slower pace and take your time, think things out. But games where you just run around and shoot in small levels got old after quake 2 imo
Only game I play right now is Halo, and that runs worse than Far Cry.
Currently with the system in sig, I play SOF2, FarCry, and Joint Operations Typhoon Rising and all are exceptionally smooth.

Doom 3 and HL2 are my next big games, although I bet Doom 3 will be a lot of eye candy with the same run and gun gameplay I'm accustomed to from ID.
mc_P said:
lol dude, that game would be a lot better if you could turn vsync off...
StArWaRrIoR said:
Currently with the system in sig, I play SOF2, FarCry, and Joint Operations Typhoon Rising and all are exceptionally smooth.

Doom 3 and HL2 are my next big games, although I bet Doom 3 will be a lot of eye candy with the same run and gun gameplay I'm accustomed to from ID.

Finally another SOF2 person! :)

I probably shoulda put Halo in there as an option.