Hilarious flash Bioshock review.

That was hilarious!! Funniest thing I've watched this week...yet, oddly enough, I had to agree with the reviewer.
This man is a genius.

I didn't get a lot of the references to system shock because I'd never played it so those may or may not be accurate, but everything else I totaly agree with 100%

I laughed so hard at the "console tard" part, ahhh.
I love his humor. It's somewhat contagious! And his knowledge of the gaming industry and even the gamer seems rich. I must have more!
That was absolutely fantastic to watch and I am now spamming my friends with links to make them watch it too.
Does anyone know where I can find more stuff done in the same style?
hahahhahaha its amazing! floating in air PLUMBING cameras and not carring if you die, I play on hard and die all the time! beceause i dont take the time to use health kits because i respawn like less than a min away of where i was....and hes right, i dont really use good fps tactics, because it doesnt matter..and its hard to pretend it does
Yea saw that earlier today and had a good laugh. Especially loved the part on vita chambers. As much as I enjoyed Bioshock, he's pretty accurate through all of it.

Edit: watched all of his other videos... fucking amazing lmao
LOL ... :p

nice little "if you were offended by the picture of mother Theresa eating a baby's head then ....." message at the end ..:eek:

I saw this on GT but did'nt pay attention to it, but now that it was posted here I figured I'd give it a whatch. It was pretty funny.
Funny video, Have you guys looked at any of the other videos on the site? Some are disturbing such as the trailer for the rape video game........:eek:
Absolutely amazing... and you know what. Everything he says is true as well... yet I still love that game!
that was really fucking funny, and by the way, I'm really sick of how SLOW [H] forums have been lately.. so much so I get bored of waiting for a page just to load that I often give up and go somewhere else.. what a shame
Funny video, Have you guys looked at any of the other videos on the site? Some are disturbing such as the trailer for the rape video game........:eek:

Keep in mind that "other videos on the site" are NOT by this guy.

The 'Zero Punctuation' video reviews for The Escapist are on this page, and are all FUCKING HILAROUS.

He actually has two other video reviews he'd posted to Youtube, that landed him The Escapist gig, on his site, here (reviewed are 'The Darkness' demo and 'Fable'). These are also brilliant.

This guy is really funny, and you owe it to yourself to check out the reviews.
The console wars and Heavenly Sword ones were excellent. The "hooting dickholes" and "dryer full of coathangers" lines were utterly unexpected, and brilliantly delivered.
Darkness is a bit stupid at times though. What is the problems with Darklings helping to open gates??

As for the Bioshock as for picking why the game isn´t the only perfect game every made it´s great. Would kind of suck if he would review the good parts. Just wished he could lower the pace. He could hurry it up like crazy in the beginning on the good parts but then take more time with the bad parts ;)
"Although my husband desires me less sexually, he will always like my pies"

I agree with all delicious milk and Psychonauts comments. I recently went back to it for a second run through and it's just brilliant!

"My milk is delicious. It's fortified with what the world wants... what the world...deserves."
