HIS Radeon 5850 $269 FS Newegg


Nov 2, 2004
$299, Instant $10 off, use code VGA161302 for $20 off = $269 shipped. Says Dirt 2 included in this one. Good until 1/31.
Wow. Finally down to MSRP. Wonder when the xfx will drop back. I wasn't expecting it to drop back until ~March when people are more eagerly anticipating competition.
Kind of getting old now isn't it?

Higher than MSRP pricing really isn't a hot deal for HD5850.

5 cents.
i was wondering the same thing. i have a His 4850 that my fiance uses on wow. got it around release and its still doing its thing. she has wow running about 12 hours a day. I dont see whats so bad about HIS.
i was wondering the same thing. i have a His 4850 that my fiance uses on wow. got it around release and its still doing its thing. she has wow running about 12 hours a day. I dont see whats so bad about HIS.

brand named, ppl are suckered into them
If you keep the stock fan, does HIS have better fans than XFX? or was that some other company that had good fans? My vague memory is trying to remember what I heard before.
I've had HIS cards in the past and they're just as good as any other AMD/ATI vendor. I'm in on this - this is better than buying a used card for $10 more. Prices on the 58xx needed to start coming down, IMHO.
I have had several HIS video cards and loved every one of them.

Never had a problem either.
i was wondering the same thing. i have a His 4850 that my fiance uses on wow. got it around release and its still doing its thing. she has wow running about 12 hours a day. I dont see whats so bad about HIS.

Damn. Off-topic, but, your fiance plays WOW for about 12 hours per day? The closest mine gets to that is 5 minutes of solitare.
i was wondering the same thing. i have a His 4850 that my fiance uses on wow. got it around release and its still doing its thing. she has wow running about 12 hours a day. I dont see whats so bad about HIS.

12 hours a day.. holy shit
she doesnt play for 12 hours a day anymore since she started her new job. believe it or not i was worse then she was when i was laid off for a year i would play 15-17 hours a day. ive cancelled my account 6 months ago never went back.

Now back on topic :)
Yea but some guys fiance playing WoW for 12 hours a day is a much better topic. I got aggravated with my girlfriend because she spent 2 hours one day playing farmville on facebook. (which is a gigantic waste of time, maybe second only to mmos) You've put things into perspective for me.
Good, I'll probably get one when they're not price gouging, signs are pointing to maybe 1 or 2 more months.
Actually, i'd love to have a lady of mine play computer games with me. (Well, not to excess tho..lol) MMO's and games can really be a lot more fun if you have your lady playing with you. Keeps the harmony...hehe
As for the video card, not too bad a deal but probably going to wait till NVidia reveals what they have, and wait for the prices to fall before i get a new card. Have 2 4890's in CF so pretty well situated for now. :D
Hmm pick up a second 5770 or order one. Its so hard to try to stick to my goal of only buying under 200 dollar cards after feeling like I spent to much on my 4870 x2 and 4870.
Well, I had to bite, $270 is a decent price. I paid more for my 8800GTS G92 back when it was new.
Well, I had to bite, $270 is a decent price. I paid more for my 8800GTS G92 back when it was new.

Yea I was thinking of biting on this to replace my 8800gts g92. I figure it would double the frame rate and would help on those program that run borderline on 22 inch monitor.

But I've decided to wait till this summer. I'm still running windows XP and I'll need to upgrade to windows 7 eventually. Also I'm low on disk space and windows crap makes it hard to migrate to a larger disk. So I figured I'd kill 3 birds with one stone since windows 7 will require a fresh install (another windows crap feature). Hum... still so tempting to go ahead and bite on this deal...
It'd have to be quite a bit lower than that to make me buy a HIS product. Not crappin though if you like HIS then good deal I spose.