Hitachi Deskstar 1TB $99+free ship after MIR @ the Egg!

zipzoomfly has the same HD for $95 after the MIR and also free shipping. I went with that 1. Its $5 less
ZZF is also at $99.99 after rebate now. :(
Rebate coupon looks IDENTICAL to the one from the 'egg.
Neat thing is the limit is 5!
This was already posted for $95 AR shipped. A bit of an older drive (more platters, runs hotter) but still a very decent 1GB drive (and quite fast) for storage. Personally, I'm waiting for the WD 1TB drives to fall in price.
This was already posted for $95 AR shipped. A bit of an older drive (more platters, runs hotter) but still a very decent 1GB drive (and quite fast) for storage. Personally, I'm waiting for the WD 1TB drives to fall in price.

still the same speed as newer drives right? I mean the only thing is it is a lil hotter
I just went for the SAMSUNGs for $109.99 each shipped. $10 more (if you ever get the dam rebate) but only 3 platters.