Hitachi DeskStar 750GB SATA 3.0Gb/s HDD $90 After $20 MIR

14.6cents/GB is definitely a [W]arm deal.

thanks OP

unless im wrong, the rebate ticket says 30 bucks but ZZF says 20, i wonder whats correct cause if that's 79.99 after Rebate that's pretty [H]ot
If you look at the rebate form, it states that you save UP TO $30. The 750GB only qualifies for the $20 MIR.
so many drive deals... grr....

anyone good at cabling wanna come by and cable up an iSCSI based SAN?
I'm still surprised that Hitachi didn't rename these drives after the IBM DeathStar fiasco.
whats the meaning of this?

for those of us that didn't know about the ibm deskstar problems...
this: 1 a (1): the person, thing, or idea that is present or near in place, time, or thought or that has just been mentioned <these are my hands> (2): what is stated in the following phrase, clause, or discourse <I can only say this: it wasn't here yesterday> b: this time or place <expected to return before this>

But thats not important right now, we're talking about a good deal on a 750GB drive.

Old Deskstars used to die, they good sued and stuff. AFAIK, they don't do that any more, but thats not from personal experience.
Good deal, thinking about getting in on this. Does anyone know how these compare to the Samsung Spinpoints?