"hitching" in HL2 with 6800GT

i had this problem for a while too, and lowering the texture quality to medium (doesnt look nearly as good, but thats okay) fixed it for me. its smooth at 1024 with 4x aa, 8x aniso on my 9600pro :)

it was hitting my hard drive really hard every time i was stuttering, so im inclined to think its that the card only has 128mb on it, seeing as using smaller textures fixed the problem entirely. any users with 256mb cards having the stuttering problem?
iosif said:
it was hitting my hard drive really hard every time i was stuttering, so im inclined to think its that the card only has 128mb on it, seeing as using smaller textures fixed the problem entirely. any users with 256mb cards having the stuttering problem?

Yes... they're having the problems... the title of the thread is " "hitching" in HL2 with 6800GT "


the 6800GT is a 256mb card :).
I have not heard of hitching every 2 seconds, I get a sound loop and 10 second hitching every few minutes (when going from one "scene" to another. But it seems like the same place. I thought that was the hitching that everyone was talking about. IF you are getting hitching every 2 seconds, something else is wrong.
Lowered textures to medium, still have it....lowering the settings does not get rid of it for me.
It wasn't every two seconds, and it wasn't my hardware or software. For some reason setting the sound quality to medium has fixed it for me. I don't understand, Audigy2 ZS.
sooooo, noone has been having game locks or game crash to desktop every now and then?
No hitching problems for me, game has been surprisingly smooth so far.

Fortron 530w
Athlon 64 3000+ @ 2250Mhz 1.65v
Epox 8kda3j
1GB HyperX PC2700 @ 187Mhz 2-3-3-10
Maxtor 80GB ATA133 (8mb)
eVGA 6800 GT, NV Silencer 5 @ 410/1100Mhz
Audigy LS

Using nV 66.93 drivers running 1280x1024 4xAA, 8xAF, sound quality on "High".

XP SP2 install less than 2 weeks old.

Perhaps I'm just not as nit-picky, or my machine is a little more stable, but I don't know what you guys are talking about?
icxnamjah said:
sooooo, noone has been having game locks or game crash to desktop every now and then?

Haven't heard of that one yet, mostly just stuttering during autosaves.
no lock ups since my initial run with 66.93 drivers and refresh force handling refresh rates (of which I'm sure was the culprit and not the driver version) ..dumped the 67.02's on top of the 66.93's and no refresh override proggy running now and game runs pretty good ... It seems to only 'hitch' when something new comes up like a new sound or new map ..

one individual stated that when they go into new room or map , that they would move the mouse all around and then it wouldnt 'hitch' as bad .. I found the same to be true and was/am doing that as well . and it limits the little amount of 'hitching' that occurs to just that initial "new spot" ....for me anyways.
I dont have a 6800 (yet) but it runs pretty smooth on my BFG 5900nu (5950 BIOS) however every once in a while it does stutter...seems more like it is loading textures or something rather than a card issue...I dunno...but that first air boat level was a fuckin blast :D
On another forum I read that the stuttering problem was fixed for someone after they enabled compressed textures for their video card. Anybody know how to do this for an nvidia card?
I just wanted to add this. Up until tongitht I was pretty sure this was not the AUTOSAVE feature on my system, but I used the console to check, and each time my game stuttered, there was a new autosave listed. Sometimes this happened as often as every 30 seconds. There probably is another issue here as well, since somepeople have more constant stuttering, but if you are stutter for 3-10 seconds every 30 seconds to 4-5 minutes, then make sure this isnt it.

These autosave do not show up in the "SAVES" list, but rather are used when you die and it bring you back alive immediately.
I have a Geforce 6800GT and I don't have any stuttering problems, I use the 67.2 Drivers and I have 1GB of Memory, I have so far played the game for about 10Hours with the details set on Max and 4x AA and 8X AF, at 1184x854 Resolution, the only time it even pauses is at the loading screens.
I was having insane hitching problems with this game that I was able to fix last night. I did a clean driver install of the new offical nvidia drivers, defragged my harddrive, and then turned off autosave in console and that was it, no more problems. I know that a lot of people say there is a seperate problem but for me that was all that was needed. Oh yeah, and HL2 is the best game ever.
sculelos said:
I have a Geforce 6800GT and I don't have any stuttering problems, I use the 67.2 Drivers and I have 1GB of Memory, I have so far played the game for about 10Hours with the details set on Max and 4x AA and 8X AF, at 1184x854 Resolution, the only time it even pauses is at the loading screens.

ditto.....however, i have had it crash to the desktop twice with some memory reference error; but other than that, its been a smooth fun game experience
the_village_treky said:
its when it auto saves... same thing here, but ill live with it

Latest Creative driver solved it for me.
jacuzz1 said:
Latest Creative driver solved it for me.

when were they released last? ive had problems in the past with games similar to the hitching in half life 2 and the culprit has always been creative's drivers, not nvidias.
Make sure you guys with 6800 GT's and A64 systems disable Fast Write in the BIOS, along with boosting the AGP Aperature to 256MB ( BFG recomends if you have 1GB ram )
Just wanted to chime in here:

I don't have the stuttering anymore with my 6800 and 67.02 drivers. I'm a little farther in the game now, I really think that it chugs in the water level, but I think it's the autosave has to do it so much there.
i3lacKnyte said:
when were they released last? ive had problems in the past with games similar to the hitching in half life 2 and the culprit has always been creative's drivers, not nvidias.

Jully 04. I just picked up the ZS couple weeks ago but used the disc that came with it. I downloaded the the jully 04 update patch and no more lockups on auto save

I had a couple of milisecond duration hitches with the air boat but thats it.

Running stock 425/1100 on the Ultra 1600x1200 4x/8x I oced to 435/1180 defraged and still got the hitch under heavey fire in the air boat. IT was only under extream conditions, multiple barrels explosions ,cars , rocket fire , auto matic weapons taking place all at once etc. You know the scene where you go undrer the bridge . I know its not the video card. I think its the sound. I think valve should rework it.......something is going on where the cpu is handling more than it should considering my sound card.IT could be they are coding with onboard in mind? I dont know much about coding , but the ZS should easliy handle a scene like that.

I had similar issues with my original creative sound blaster and the original HF until the MTU patch was released

brain storming here but it could also be that for some reason we are caching out system memory, perhaps a the game is not making efficient use of texture memory on our v cards?
I can't see any fastwrites in my bios. Epox 4PDA3L I believe is my mobo.
dropped down to 2x aa with no noticeable diffference in image q and voila the last hint of htching gone.

Magic settings for me 1600x1200 2x/8x 256 aperature and fastwrites on
the_village_treky said:
its when it auto saves... same thing here, but ill live with it

I wonder if there is a way to stop the autosaving or turn it off? It seems like that is the only thing that causes the major problems (Hitching/Stuttering). Try watching your hard drive light or other type of file writing indications. My hard drvie goes crazy, and as soon as it quits stuttering I will go the load game menu and there is the save it just made. :confused:

AMD Athlon XP 2500 Barton (333 FSB)
Epox 8RDA3+ (Piece of S**t so please don't ever get one)
1 GB DDR PC 3200 (stock speed)
Chaintech NV 6800 Apogee oc'd to 401/875
XP SP2 and no background svc's running other than system and Norton AV
21 inch IBM P202 (sweet display it would be hard to trade in for a LCD but soon I must, please feel free to ship me 2 black 19 inch LCD's if anyone feels generous) :D
jacuzz1 said:
Jully 04. I just picked up the ZS couple weeks ago but used the disc that came with it. I downloaded the the jully 04 update patch and no more lockups on auto save

I had a couple of milisecond duration hitches with the air boat but thats it.

Running stock 425/1100 on the Ultra 1600x1200 4x/8x I oced to 435/1180 defraged and still got the hitch under heavey fire in the air boat. IT was only under extream conditions, multiple barrels explosions ,cars , rocket fire , auto matic weapons taking place all at once etc. You know the scene where you go undrer the bridge . I know its not the video card. I think its the sound. I think valve should rework it.......something is going on where the cpu is handling more than it should considering my sound card.IT could be they are coding with onboard in mind? I dont know much about coding , but the ZS should easliy handle a scene like that.

I had similar issues with my original creative sound blaster and the original HF until the MTU patch was released

brain storming here but it could also be that for some reason we are caching out system memory, perhaps a the game is not making efficient use of texture memory on our v cards?

im using july 04 drivers on a zs as well. i have no idea what the problem is, but when i first installed the game i played it right away and got the hitching, but since then i have rebooted and it never happened again. im sure this will be addressed eventually.
I'm having the hitching again, pissing me off because it used to be only for a second, now it can happen for like 5-10 seconds, a small "freeze" if you will. Before when I thought I had fixed the problem I set the sound quality to medium, and that seemed to fix it. But I went ahead and installed the newer nvidia drivers, well, the WHQL'ed ones, umm... 67.20s. I also installed the lastest creative drivers, before I played the game again. That's when I started having the hitching again. So I uninstalled the drivers again (using driver cleaner of course) and installed the drivers from the creative audigy 2 ZS cd and back to the nvidia 70.41 betas. Soooo.. I'm lost now. I might try going with the new creatives again, not sure. Sucks though.
strange thing for me.. when i was running an athlon xp 3000+ with 9700 pro on the abit a7v-max2 board, it was fine.. no hitching/stuttering at all at 1280x1024.. (of course i was also running with only 2x aa and no af with reflect "world" instead of "all") now that i upgraded to the sys in my sig at the bottom, it hitches like crazy =( everything is set higher though. aa=4x and af= 8x and reflecting all. :confused: