HL2 - Big Bug? Crash that kills


Limp Gawd
Nov 15, 2000
Ive gotten two major crashes playing HalfLife2 both when Ive tossed a grenade. The crash happens at the point of explosion and causes a total system powerdown and reboot. Unfortunately apon reboot, the computer still isn't ok. The computer will again shut itself off after the Windows login. At this point, the computer becomes dead until i remove and reinstall the video card, which resets itself in the bios. Wierd huh? Oh.. and this can be on a cold system, so its not heat related.

My computer is a Dell 400SC with a BFG Geforce 6800GT OC. I have 1.5gigs and the P4 2.8

Ive never had a second of problems with this machine.. and now this! Anyone else getting complete crashes in HL2?
It could be the power that your video card demands. How many watts can your power supply output? I think the 6800 demands at least a 300 watt power supply or more.
I have both leads hooked up on the powersupply to the card.. and Doom3 never gave me a hitch of problems!
I've never had an HL2 crash. I get the sound studder but no other probs. This is on a pretty heavily overclocked system too. Sounds like a power issue to me. =/
sorry, i gotta say it...


seroiusly though, sounds lke a power problem. dell is known for putting not-so-hot PSU's in their systems. as far as the "it worked with doom3" argument... my video card was perfectly stable in EVERYTHING at 1.4v @420 core.. until i got hl2. i had to go back to 1.3v to get it stable again.. theres something about that game that really stresses it out..

(i have the same card as you)
yes, it should be at least a 300w from a good brand(which your dell probably lacks)

my old generic 420w gave me hitches and stuff due to its shady voltages, i have an antec true480w now and my comp is as quiet and stable as ever
I aint the power folks. Why would throwing a grendade cause a spike in power?

Why would if I restarted the save game and throw the grenade again at the same place which causes the crash AGAIN... to be a power issue.
Maybe it is because of the physics requiring a lot of processing power from when you throw the grenade in that one spot?
I dunno. when i do open the case to pull and reset the card.. its as cool as a cucumber!
Heat has nothing to do with it, might be that something in your system is requesting more power, but the PSU isn't supplying enough. The fan is still working though, so heat shouldn't be a problem.
i dont think its the power supply. but what do i know lol iam a newbie.
i have had half life 2 freze up on me for a few seconds,
but the other day i fixed my system.
i went in to display properties then i clicked on the seting tab then,
advanced tab, then the troubleshoot tab.
there is a box that has a check in it. the box says
enable write combing.
take the check away and click on apply.
then the pc will restart.
then half life did not freze up on me any more. u can try this.
then i went to the bios and i turned off fast writes also.
oh yea forgot about fast writes, make sure thats off

could just tell us the PSU to be safe?

and agreed that heat isnt the problem, dells have the airflow of a rock, but i doubt thats enough to make the GPU exceed 120C(when they start getting messed up)

and yes grenades are very hard on CPUs and GPUs since they make physics calculating and rendering a bitch
Dell uses PC P & C last I heard. However, I still think it's a power issue. No program has the ability to do an immediate cold power-off.
I have a friend with a similar problem in HL2 .. whenever he sees fire on the screen , his comp reboots.

HL2 is only game he has a problem with .. he plays a lot of other games too like Doom3 , MOH PA, Max Payne2 ..etc ..

he runs an A64 (939) 3400+
Asus A8V Del
gig of ram
Enermax 550wtt psu with 36a on all the rails.
ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 128megger

He is overclocking tho and I told him to run default clocks and see if still doing it , if it is , then to try running the game in butt-ugly mode and see if that fixes it .. that way we can find out if its the video card or the overclock thats causing it

I just had his system for 2 days and ran prime95 , every office program in Office 2003 , and Far Cry for over a 24hr period and it never crashed once with his chip running at 2.43ghz ... now HL2 causing reboots ...darn

..I'm thinking video card
The wierd thing is how it wont restart 'cleanly' until i reset the video card. Not sure how a weak power supply would be the cause of that.

Last time I crashed like that, and recrashed when i tried to do it again (grenade) i actually had to load into Safe Mode, switch to VGA (from DVI), restart which didn't work (AGP440.dll load point it stops). And eventually i had to start from "last working configuration"