HL2: bridge level *spoiler*


Sep 17, 2002
Actually, I think it's part of the "sandtrap" level. Anyway, anyone knows whats the purpose of that level?

I went all the way to the end of it, killed some enemies, along the way. I hit the switch at the end tower, and the gunship appears. Shot that one down, and then that's it. I'm stuck! I can't get pass the end tower.

So, I have to haul my @ss all the way to the first tower, got back on land, and continue my journey using the buggy. I guess it's just weird that there's no outlet there (unless I missed it)... might be an "extra" level...

Oh, speaking of that bridge, anyone tried to go head to head with the on-coming train? Lesson learned, buggy will get crushed... TURBO baby!!!!
That's just how it is. Go from one end of the bridge to the other underneath it, then go back underneath it, then drive the buggy over the bridge now that the forcefields are down.
i felt that level was pointless and annoying. Fine make me jump across it one way but not back again that's just annoying. But then i remembered the unlimited crate of missles and realized that you must get attacked on the way back.
Stinn said:
But then i remembered the unlimited crate of missles and realized that you must get attacked on the way back.
The game is really, really bad about telegraphing encounters like that. Like earlier with the swampboat when you come to a LARGE clearing and there are MANY supply crates. Gee, it doesn't take Scooby-Doo to solve that mystery.
It wasn't bad running back though since you could use most of the catwalk.

And yeah, that train pwned me a couple times. :) I instictively hit the brakes the first time I saw it...that was a great move, lol.
I don't understand why in today's games every single thing has be spelled out for you guys. I guess all these pretty graphics have spoiled you guys. Remember the early generation games? Everything wasn't spelled out for you. You did things and you found out later through cause and effect what you had accomplished or thought is was part of the game anyway because most games were linear. I believe it is good to have levels like the bridge level in HL2 because I had never experienced being excited and scared in a level in any FPS. It is the same people that complain that games have no re-play value because you want games that have everything spelled out for you by cut scenes (linear) yet you want it to be a different experince every time. Make up Your minds people!
Torgo said:
The game is really, really bad about telegraphing encounters like that. Like earlier with the swampboat when you come to a LARGE clearing and there are MANY supply crates. Gee, it doesn't take Scooby-Doo to solve that mystery.

Yeah that was annoying. That and the autosave before every encounter. While I appreciate Valve holding my hand for me it really wasn't necessary.
I got confused as to which way was what when I was in the middle of the bridge. I looked both ways and didn't know what the fuck was going on.
Wolf-R1 said:
Yeah that was annoying. That and the autosave before every encounter. While I appreciate Valve holding my hand for me it really wasn't necessary.

Heh, while I agree, you would have 5000x threads of people bitching about the lack of autosave.
Wolf-R1 said:
Yeah that was annoying. That and the autosave before every encounter. While I appreciate Valve holding my hand for me it really wasn't necessary.
When you take out the chopper with the air boat it auto saved right after the chopper blew up and started falling toward the ground. Well, I was directly in its path and got killed. The game loaded, *SMACK* I got killed, repeat. So I had to load a saved game right before the chopper fight.
Not a big deal, but I thought it was pretty funny.
versello said:
Heh, while I agree, you would have 5000x threads of people bitching about the lack of autosave.

Oh of course. I forgot. Doom3 sucked. Half Life 2 sucks. PacMan wins game of the year for the millionth year in a row! :rolleyes:
S1nF1xx said:
When you take out the chopper with the air boat it auto saved right after the chopper blew up and started falling toward the ground. Well, I was directly in its path and got killed. The game loaded, *SMACK* I got killed, repeat. So I had to load a saved game right before the chopper fight.
Not a big deal, but I thought it was pretty funny.
Something similar. On Hwy 17, after I killed the gunship some debris (a small plastic crate) fell behind the swinging gate. That caused a bug to occur in the game. My little flunkie would open the gate, which would swing open rapidly hit the crate and slam closed again immediately. The gate would be locked with NO way of opening it again. I couldn't see the crate because it was behind the gate. The gate would slam into my car everytime or pin me between the doors and crush me.

Using all my skills as a former lead game tester (which aren't all that many or skilled) I knew something was up. Took me ten minutes to spot something under the gate, shoot it out of the way, and try it again.
sanosuke2999 said:
I don't understand why in today's games every single thing has be spelled out for you guys.
I think that HL2 is almost on the level of being a rail-shooter it's so linear. There really isn't anywhere to explore and I always felt that I was constantly trapped in a narrow canyon. Only in Ravenholm did I get a true 3D experience where I had to think of travelling up as well as across.
I believe it is good to have levels like the bridge level in HL2 because I had never experienced being excited and scared in a level in any FPS. So I agree with you that questions on this game on where to go or what to do can be annoying. It seems so... obvious to most.
Someone get this man System Shock 2, stat! If you thought that level was "intense" then I need to show you better FPS games.
Fiz said
I got confused as to which way was what when I was in the middle of the bridge. I looked both ways and didn't know what the fuck was going on.

Me too.
Bloefield said:
The key was looking for that stupid white gas cylinder on the side of the bridge. It was only placed there so you couldn't snipe at the building and soldiers behind it. There's no other reason for it being there.
I've just made it this far as well. Bridge was kinda cool. I have a bad fear of heights so getting across the bottom back and forth really sucked.

What is really getting on my nerves is the Fast Zombies. I'm soooo sick of the Fast Zombies. Raven Home was more than enough but making a damned tunnel to attempt to scare you yet again with these is overkill. As soon as I saw the cars piled up and the regular Zombies. I thought geez not these things again.