hl2(&cs:s, hl2:dm) 5.1 doesnt work

What "doesn't work" in your 5.1 setup (ie: center speaker doesn't work)? Have you tried using older drivers (possibly the newest ones have some sort of conflict)? Does 5.1 work for other games?
well, everything plays through everyspeaker(in the 5.1 test screen their is no channle seperation) i have used older driverversions, and i dont realy play anything else at this point(exept from some flight sims which do not support 5.1
Are you sure you have selected 5.1 speakers in Windows? It would be great if you could fire up another game and test to see if that game works, so we can find out if it's your soundcard or the source engine that's causing the problem.
its 5.1 in windows... ill check in halo, i seem to remember it working in that( i played it a while ago with this sound card)
it does, i just played it with my old sound card(which kinda sucks) and it does have 5.1, w/ the new card it doest, in any incarnation of the source engine
First I would make a post in the steam forums. Second, source engine doesn't work with a lot of sound card drivers, keep trying different ones (try even some old ones). Maybe even search google for your answer.
searched on google, didnt find anything, used 3 different drivers(though i have been using via's, i will try chaintech's) and i have registered on the steam forums for this perpose 3 days ago and have yet to be confirmed to post(this always happens when i try to register for a forum that requiers membership confermation from an admin, i never get confirmed, just get left hanging for weeks and weeks and never hear back)
Yeah definatelly try chaintech's drivers, and yes it does take about a week to register with steam forums. They only do this to stop banned people from coming back (they had numerous problems).
Yep anytime, it is too bad that you can't use the VIA drivers, I have heard they are better, but source is pretty pickey about drivers for some reason. Best of luck!
DANMIT!! ok, the chaintech drivers work(though they do suck compaired to the via drivers) but now i cant get either ASIO or kernel streaming in foobar to work with these drivers... I CANT WIN!!!!(im haveing a bad day btw :()
Ouch lol, btw a little off topic but what exactly is kernel streaming in foobar? I really can't tell the difference from directsound2.0 . Is there something I am missing?
the reson i use kernel streaming is b/c it bypases the windows volume controler, wich just fuckes everything up beond all reconition( fubar, get it?... nvm) anywhay, i guess i can use wave out, but i have no idea why asio wont work(im useing the asio4all driver, wich should work, since its the same hardware... AHG!!!)
ah ok. Haha, I forgot I use ASIO already to bypass windows (I use the creative one), not DirectSound 2.0. It indeed does sound "clearer", atleast to me. Good Luck.