HL2 ending (spoilers obviously)

Bad_Boy said:
no offence or anything, but monsters/zombies from hell without brains arnt supposed to be a tactical ops team or anything ;)

Which is why I said "Combine." Zombies, duh. And Far Cry while being an amazing game as well their AI isn't the best in the world, those guys as well are easily tricked. And I think at points the AI was off. Like I was spotted from 200 yards away somehow as I was lying prone in a bush, I don't get it. The HDR still isn't anything like they showed in the demos, I'm disappointed. Maybe it's a setting?
The Half Life 2 Ending sucked..... :eek: :mad: :(

What happend to Alex ? what happend to the administrator trying to escape ? Why are the Aliens from Xen helping you all through out the story ? and at the end of HL1 you were "Hired" by the G-man.... ok wtf ? where is the explanation of what was going on that ENTIRE TIME in between HL1 & HL2 ? The G-man just appears and then puts you on a train ? sorry but HL2 was a awesome game but the story was a HUGE let down and I really do belive that it was just thrown together to rush it out the door.

As for comments on the source engine.... it ROX, sorry but for how awesome that game looks, and runs on most computers, it makes DooM III look like sloppy programing, and a marketing tool to make people buy $500.00 video cards.... :rolleyes:
shaggymcp said:
The Half Life 2 Ending sucked..... :eek: :mad: :(

What happend to Alex ? what happend to the administrator trying to escape ? Why are the Aliens from Xen helping you all through out the story ? and at the end of HL1 you were "Hired" by the G-man.... ok wtf ? where is the explanation of what was going on that ENTIRE TIME in between HL1 & HL2 ? The G-man just appears and then puts you on a train ? sorry but HL2 was a awesome game but the story was a HUGE let down and I really do belive that it was just thrown together to rush it out the door.

What are you talking about aliens from Xen helping Gordon throughout the story?

Alyx probably died, Dr. Breen probably died. Probably in HL3, something about time will be reversed or some nonsense.

The aliens from Xen(I assume you mean the ones that shoot lighting and attach stuff to the power boat/give you suit power) were enslaved by the Combine(notice how the first alien dude is sweeping shit up in the trainstation?) and they kept talking about being Free, the Freeman, etc.
Ok, anybody who thinks HL2's story sucked needs to look back to the story from HL. HL had a very non-formulaic story with an ordinary man dealing with an extraordinary situation. Freeman just showed up for work one day to do what he did every day at Black Mesa...experiment with trans-dimensional teleportation. An accident happens and now Freeman seems to be stuck with two choices, die, or fight to survive. HL has always been about never taking the player out of Gordon Freeman's shoes, no cutscenes, no nothing. Its like a First person narrative story, Gordon and surprisingly the player don't know what happened in the 10 years between the games because Gordon was in the G-Man's suspended animation as it were, and none of the other characters really had a chance to fill Gordo in on what had happened and knowing G-man he probably didn't think it was important to tell Gordon anything. The third installment might be able to fill in the gaps, but really? This isn't an RPG we're playing it's a First Person shooter, nobody has time to shoot the shit a'la Final Fantasy. There's a nemesis to be destroyed.

Suffice it to say Breen's definitely toast, his molecules are probably scattered all over the place. Alyx is more than likely dead, but you never know, G-man might have a heart and saved her too. I hope an expansion pack comes out to continue the story of Adrian Sheppard from Opposing Force as OpFor had an interesting ending with G-man.

This game seems to me to be like the Empire Strikes Back of the saga of Gordon Freeman. The middle chapter leaves a lot of loose ends to tie up in the third installment. Likening this game to The Matrix: Reloaded really insults this game as I think the plot of HL2 was 100x better than (as Maddox would say) The Matrix: Dogshit sequel part 1. Flame me if you want for that last remark.
Here is the info, and though I obviously can't prove it, as a fiction writer it is pretty obvious to me what they are doing:

The most likely possibility is that Gordon as seen in the first Half-life really WAS just a physicist coming into work on a typical day. He proved himself to be something more than a typical worker drone, though, and was recruited by the G-man and whoever he works for.

For that, my best guess is a black ops mercenary, working for an organization that can travel through time and 'deal' with things. I don't think Gordon is working for him willingly, however; more likely he is an unwilling participant, but can't do anything about it since G-man & company can control time. I think the G-man is probably a black ops recruiter type who runs special missions to keep the world from going completely to shit.

But remember, with Valve, who really ARE amatuers at storytelling, just as the Matrix people were, anything is possible and likely. They are trying to be genius, but like those Wachowski brothers, they will probably fail spectacularly.

It is only a matter of time before we find out. You can only write yourself into corners so many times before people catch on that you don't have a clue where you're going.
Actually there is hints that Gordon have been working for G man since the dayhe was born. There was a conversation about special abilities Gordon was given as a child. Guess some kind of genetical experiment or something which explains his weapon skills and all.

But the story in HL 2 is more about the lack of story. It´s good or bad because you can make up your own story but the bad thing is you don´t really know what happens before you have bought all expansion packs and Half Life 3 then perhaps they care to tell us what happens :rolleyes:
There are two types of cool stories: those that tell you everything, and those that leave you wondering/let you fill in the blanks.

If you want an intricate story with detailed characterization, plot and structure, etc., go play a Square RPG. That's their thing, and I play them for that reason.

If you want the greatest action sequences ever, IMHO this is what HL2 is for. The amount of characterization and world creation that Valve threw in was more than I expected, and the whole oppresive government/wondering what the hell's going on deal made me happy.

If Valve tries to explain every little nuance of the story, it does several things. It limits sequel development, it would probably just make what story there is more hollow and less interesting, as part of the excitement is in not knowing, and it does something that doesn't fit in the genre as well as others. I found myself ignoring the extra story bits in Doom3 like e-mails just because that's not what I was playing it for.
Mr_Evil said:
Ok, anybody who thinks HL2's story sucked needs to look back to the story from HL. HL had a very non-formulaic story with an ordinary man dealing with an extraordinary situation. Freeman just showed up for work one day to do what he did every day at Black Mesa...experiment with trans-dimensional teleportation. An accident happens and now Freeman seems to be stuck with two choices, die, or fight to survive. HL has always been about never taking the player out of Gordon Freeman's shoes, no cutscenes, no nothing. Its like a First person narrative story, Gordon and surprisingly the player don't know what happened in the 10 years between the games because Gordon was in the G-Man's suspended animation as it were, and none of the other characters really had a chance to fill Gordo in on what had happened and knowing G-man he probably didn't think it was important to tell Gordon anything. The third installment might be able to fill in the gaps, but really? This isn't an RPG we're playing it's a First Person shooter, nobody has time to shoot the shit a'la Final Fantasy. There's a nemesis to be destroyed.

Suffice it to say Breen's definitely toast, his molecules are probably scattered all over the place. Alyx is more than likely dead, but you never know, G-man might have a heart and saved her too. I hope an expansion pack comes out to continue the story of Adrian Sheppard from Opposing Force as OpFor had an interesting ending with G-man.

This game seems to me to be like the Empire Strikes Back of the saga of Gordon Freeman. The middle chapter leaves a lot of loose ends to tie up in the third installment. Likening this game to The Matrix: Reloaded really insults this game as I think the plot of HL2 was 100x better than (as Maddox would say) The Matrix: Dogshit sequel part 1. Flame me if you want for that last remark.
Well Mr.EVIL, Half-Life 1 story was in progress. As you moved along you picked up bits and pieces of what really happened and where these aliens came from. Xen was a total shocker for me when I first transported there. The guys that were alive helped me and told me where to go next. Also there were great sequences in the game where the marines turned on you. That was by far the best experience how my own US soldiers turned on me to keep this accident from getting to the public and squash all resistance in the sector. Also the story progressed very well from start to finish and I did feel a sense of accomplishment when I completed Half-Life I same with the expansion packs. It filled all the gaps in and you can see Gordon in some instance.

In Half-Life II I was expecting a lot of questions answered in what happened in the past 10 years. Why are headcrabs still walking around and haven't been exterminated? Is there a queen headcrab that is producing these that I have to kill? Why are the Xen aliens now speak english and are aiding me when they know that I killed many of them in Half-Life I and even their supreme brain leader! Too many questions and barely enough answers in Half-Life II to be enjoyable. For the game of the year sequel it was a real let down in the story department. Oh and one thing a good story doesn't mean it has to be a RPG based game :)

Ace Combat series have a really good story and it's a flight sim :)
requiem99 said:
Here is the info, and though I obviously can't prove it, as a fiction writer it is pretty obvious to me what they are doing:

The most likely possibility is that Gordon as seen in the first Half-life really WAS just a physicist coming into work on a typical day. He proved himself to be something more than a typical worker drone, though, and was recruited by the G-man and whoever he works for.

For that, my best guess is a black ops mercenary, working for an organization that can travel through time and 'deal' with things. I don't think Gordon is working for him willingly, however; more likely he is an unwilling participant, but can't do anything about it since G-man & company can control time. I think the G-man is probably a black ops recruiter type who runs special missions to keep the world from going completely to shit.

But remember, with Valve, who really ARE amatuers at storytelling, just as the Matrix people were, anything is possible and likely. They are trying to be genius, but like those Wachowski brothers, they will probably fail spectacularly.

It is only a matter of time before we find out. You can only write yourself into corners so many times before people catch on that you don't have a clue where you're going.
I like your thinking. Have you figured out why those huge metalic movable steel bars move? What's their intention of having them there? To slowly take over the world one foot at a time!?!??!
m1dg3t said:
There are two types of cool stories: those that tell you everything, and those that leave you wondering/let you fill in the blanks.

If you want an intricate story with detailed characterization, plot and structure, etc., go play a Square RPG. That's their thing, and I play them for that reason.

If you want the greatest action sequences ever, IMHO this is what HL2 is for. The amount of characterization and world creation that Valve threw in was more than I expected, and the whole oppresive government/wondering what the hell's going on deal made me happy.

If Valve tries to explain every little nuance of the story, it does several things. It limits sequel development, it would probably just make what story there is more hollow and less interesting, as part of the excitement is in not knowing, and it does something that doesn't fit in the genre as well as others. I found myself ignoring the extra story bits in Doom3 like e-mails just because that's not what I was playing it for.
It can't limit the sequel because there is a begin that can manipulate time and space. When you can do those things you can plot the story any way you want.
Mr Mean said:
It can't limit the sequel because there is a begin that can manipulate time and space. When you can do those things you can plot the story any way you want.

True, but this requires the use of plot manipulation, which is generally frowned upon. Valve could do it, but then it makes the story even more hollow. Alyx dies, oh wait, we can go back in time and save her is just too arbitrary. Natural progression of the story is more believable.
Sonique said:
HL2 is like Matrix Reloaded, not much story, but lots of great action.

Ok...I don't think so! HL² has the best Stroy that I have seen in a Action-Video-Game!
And I also love the ending! The GMan is such a very cool bastard ;)

"Weak up Mr.Freeman..."
The ending was awesome. The game was amazing. Valve kicks ass, and now I can't wait for the 3rd game. Which from what I read, the Half Life series was originally a trilogy, so this third one will wrap it up. I definetely agree with the previous poster that said, the next game should let you alter time, like you altered gravity in this one.
Nah the story and ending sucked. Not that story mean much in this kind of game. Though it would definiatly been better with a good story.
Wonder what GMan had in his briefcase? HL3! You see he's not in a rush to get anywhere.


Now just wait. ;)
I beat the game early this morning (around 5am, heh), and somewhat enjoyed the ending, although yes, it did leave a few loose ends. What's up with games these days and their endings? I feel sad for Alyx, since it seemed like she was quite fond of Freeman and looked like she was going to die at the end while Freeman would live.

Heh, wouldn't it be something if HL3 was released next month because Valve was secretly working on it all this time (reason for the HL2 delays). I'd explode in my pants. :D

kick@ss said:
Yeah, I don't see very many people licensing the Source engine over the Doom III engine. The Doom III engine lacks quality physics while Source lacks dynamic lighting. The aforementioned sounds A LOT easier to add (thus less development time which leads to lower cost) to an engine. making the Doom III engine more attractive. Also, I'm sure developers who have previously worked with id engines would prefer to work with the Doom III over something completely new, Source.

I'm sure the physics can be somehow incorporated into D3's engine. Valve licensed the Havok physics engine to incorporate into Source. For a list of games that use Havok, go to http://www.havok.com/clients/titles.php.
versello said:
I beat the game early this morning (around 5am, heh), and somewhat enjoyed the ending, although yes, it did leave a few loose ends. What's up with games these days and their endings? I feel sad for Alyx, since it seemed like she was quite fond of Freeman and looked like she was going to die at the end while Freeman would live.

Heh, wouldn't it be something if HL3 was released next month because Valve was secretly working on it all this time (reason for the HL2 delays). I'd explode in my pants. :D

I'm sure the physics can be somehow incorporated into D3's engine. Valve licensed the Havok physics engine to incorporate into Source. For a list of games that use Havok, go to http://www.havok.com/clients/titles.php.
I am confused. So Source is a mix of Havok engine and something valve thought of? I was wondering how this game had a painkiller feel to it :p
Mr Mean said:

In Half-Life II I was expecting a lot of questions answered in what happened in the past 10 years. Why are headcrabs still walking around and haven't been exterminated? Is there a queen headcrab that is producing these that I have to kill?]

Giant Queen head crab. That would soooo crazy. I'd like to see that in HL3
Mr Mean said:
I am confused. So Source is a mix of Havok engine and something valve thought of? I was wondering how this game had a painkiller feel to it :p

Yep, I had the same feeling too. The rag doll effect is so fake and evident in all games with Havok technology.
versello said:
Yep, I had the same feeling too. The rag doll effect is so fake and evident in all games with Havok technology.
Developers are not trying to add realistic physics, they're going for the dramatic effect. Valve did the same with shaders and reflections. As for the physics... I think I prefer the more dramatic action movie style physics with the potential for crap to fly all over the place.
I just finished the game this evening and thought the ending was great. It was not what I expected at all. Right before you get on the lift and see Breen talking, is that some sort of giant green blob? HL3 probably has been in production for a while now and will be released soon just like Halo 3.
Alright loved the game i finished it about ten minutes ago. I was like uhh... wha... just like the end of Half Life... I like the idea of the G-Man pushing u around at the end cuz ill probably pop a cap in him next time round. I think the G-Man has more of a hold then we think. Anyone else see him on tv early on in the game in a train car with a vorginant the first time one heals ur suit. Looked like he was communicating with it. Im thinking either hes infiltrated every group and does whats best for him or he really controls all groups and everyone knows it they just dont tell gordon. Wouldnt that be a twist everyone one is in on it i mean EVERYONE. Anyway I enjoyed the beginning and end, and still looking forward to HL3. Woohoo! Oh and i know im about to get flamed but i loved matrix 1 2 and 3. Go Walchowskis! (Trilogy box set collector edition pre ordered)
Mr Mean said:
Why are headcrabs still walking around and haven't been exterminated? Is there a queen headcrab that is producing these that I have to kill? Why are the Xen aliens now speak english and are aiding me when they know that I killed many of them in Half-Life I and even their supreme brain leader!

I assumed the combine was using the headcrabs as a weapon [headcrab bombs] against the population....easier to fight zombies?

The Vortigaunts were slaves to the Nilanth, and were freed when Gordon killed it. Those trapped on earth chose to side with the resistance. Several of the Vortigaunts have an extensive dialogue...just keep hitting the use key.

The Citadel is reprocessing earths resources for use 'elsewhere'...

The G-Man is manipulating everyone to his own will. You see him interacting with both sides, he's clearly in control of the whole situation...to some degree. Mr. Freeman seems to be a mercenary out of neccesity, having no free will of his own.

The G-Man has power over space-time, interdimentional travel, and who knows what else. The interesting thing is that he has clients, and a boss.
UnlimitedMP said:
Giant Queen head crab. That would soooo crazy. I'd like to see that in HL3

If you have played HL1, you have already seen what makes the headcrabs. Remember Gonarch in xen? (that big spider-type thing with the large sac underneath it). Was a type of mini boss if you will.
Here's what I'm thinking...

When that alien thing (I forget its name) installs a gun on the watercraft you can interact with it and get all kinds of cryptic dialog (ex. "You and I are one." and something like "You are the same across time and space." real freaky deak stuff). The ending is open-ended so pretty much anything is possible, but what if no time has passed between HL1 and HL2?

Given inter-dimensional skullduggery and what not, who knows?

Meh...food for thought.
I just hope that the writers of the Half Life games know all the answers before posing all the questions...hopefully they are not just making it up as they go along and have a long range story planned out with a real ending
Gun Giddy said:
The time you spend with the main characters, makes you want to know what happens to them at the end.

Yeah, that pretty much sums things up for me also.

And one little obvious thing… errr City 17 is just one City. The Combine took over the whole world. Why is it like just because they somehow managed to take over this one single city that the world is somehow free again?

If they do make a Half-Life 3 I hope they just use this engine again and release the new game in a year or two instead of waiting another 6 years.
just recently finished myself and the ending reminded me of "Twelve Monkeys" .. Gordon Freeman is in fact quite the opposite from his name and is just a mere pawn , tho you think you are actually helping the resistance...

going thru the game a second time gives the game a darker and sadder feel to it now that I know the ending.

I for one like stories that dont spell everything out in black & white but require you to pay attention and listen and are puzzles in themselves.

some questions tho:

What was that alien looking thing that you see Dr. Breen talking to that was on his monitor screen?

Just who is the G-Man?

..as stated , he has clients , and a boss ..
can seemingly teleport at will (unlike Gordon or the others that need the transporter device)
his speech doesnt flow like anybody else that talks to you (dono if thats by design or not)
..he is seen conversing with both sides

things that make you go ....hnmmm

and just where does he keep/store gordon at when he (G-man) doesnt need him...? ..is gordon sedated at that time , or in a void of somekind ..?

HL2 does leave you hangen like most second offerings in trilogy's .... if this was it , and there is no HL3 ....then valve does suck .....lol :p
polonyc2 said:
I just hope that the writers of the Half Life games know all the answers before posing all the questions...hopefully they are not just making it up as they go along and have a long range story planned out with a real ending

I actually enjoyed the ending, but then I was also a huge fan of the X-Files and all of the half answers they gave to all of their big questions.
GotNoRice said:
Yeah, that pretty much sums things up for me also.

And one little obvious thing… errr City 17 is just one City. The Combine took over the whole world. Why is it like just because they somehow managed to take over this one single city that the world is somehow free again?

If they do make a Half-Life 3 I hope they just use this engine again and release the new game in a year or two instead of waiting another 6 years.

the whole world isnt, just city17. and you took out the citadel which im guessing was the main combine fortress on earth.

IMO the story was also missing something, Gordon tapping Alyx. :D

it will be cool to see what the gman has you doing next time, i like the story so far and i hope valve doesnt fux0r up the trilogy with a shitty story/ending in hl3
"What was that alien looking thing that you see Dr. Breen talking to that was on his monitor screen?"

Combine Overseer...
All I know is that I'm kicking G-man's butt in HL3. Anyone who saves me and not the hot chick needs a good butt kicking!