HL2 Ep3,Doom4,Alan Wake at E3 confirmed

from halflife2.net

No go :(
lame... I was waiting for something to do with hl2ep3 to surface. They must be too busy counting their money to think up anything.
When is Ep3 coming out? How long does it take them to make 8 hours of content on an engine they already have?
When is Ep3 coming out? How long does it take them to make 8 hours of content on an engine they already have?

Depends... How many people are making it, how many testing and how much content? According to their site, about 150 people work there, not all are dev's or testers. I would imagine 1 maybe 2 months per level/map (say 8 levels/maps total as an example.)
That isn't the official E3 site, so I seriously doubt any of that info is accurate.
I'm getting a little sick of hearing about Alan Wake already. Release the game or stfu.

Agreed. Also, since crysis came out, and we've seen a lot of dx10 stuff, I don't know how good this game will really be anymore? Starting to look kinda 'meh' to me.
bad..very bad. e3 games mean, it's a long ways off, almost like its still an idea, not yet a game.

Pretty much. Which is why I think Microsoft deserves some credit for their keynote last year, as 90% of the stuff they had shown was due out that year.
Alan wake was supposed to be a done around the time the Xbox 360 was released?

Why is anyone anticipating this game? It sounds like a Silent Hill clone, and it is now going to be duke nukem forever part 2.
For Episode 3, they can take there time on it. Valve makes good games and they wouldn't want to screw up this Episode. How Episode 2 ended, we know where its going to take place and we also know that its going to tell a lot on the Half Life story. Ill rather have Valve think this episode really carefully instead of pushing it out as fast as they can. Plus they are too busy getting ready for the Left 4 Dead launch, in that they probably just started actually coding the game. It probably be out next fall.
For Episode 3, they can take there time on it. Valve makes good games and they wouldn't want to screw up this Episode. How Episode 2 ended, we know where its going to take place and we also know that its going to tell a lot on the Half Life story. Ill rather have Valve think this episode really carefully instead of pushing it out as fast as they can. Plus they are too busy getting ready for the Left 4 Dead launch, in that they probably just started actually coding the game. It probably be out next fall.

They already alll the stuff ready to create a demo level, make that, present and get it over and done with.
Does anybody know if id is going to make a new engine for Doom 4? Doom 3's engine is still amazing and to me is still one of the best looking games with a amazing lighting engine.
Does anybody know if id is going to make a new engine for Doom 4? Doom 3's engine is still amazing and to me is still one of the best looking games with a amazing lighting engine.

Its probably going to use the same engine that Rage game is going to be using. The ID Tech 5 engine I believe its called.
I am really surprised to hear about a Doom IV game coming so soon after Doom ]l[. In the past the Doom series were spread far apart by years and with other big game releases in between. Doom ]l[ was the last official big game released by id Sotfware themselves.

Now my next question is, will Doom IV use the brand new id Tech 5 engine, if so then the game will still be a few years away from release, because I thought there was a brand new original game coming first using the new id Tech 5 engine ? But if Doom IV, will just be using an updated QuakeWars engine then I could see D4 coming this year maybe ?

Now what I really want to see is the Wolfenstein4 game that was supposed to be in production for a few years already using a redone Doom ]l[ engine, have not heard anything about that in awhile, and that would be more popular than another Doom game so soon
When is Ep3 coming out? How long does it take them to make 8 hours of content on an engine they already have?

Almost seems like a "how many ___ does it take to screw in a lightbulb" kind of joke.