HL2 Episode 3.....Should we just give up?

Dr. Righteous

Aug 1, 2007
If I can pick an all time favorite FPS, hands down HL2.

In fact I recently loaded it from Steam onto my laptop, just for the heck of it. I didn't think the Radeon x1400 Integrated video was up to snuff, but it plays NICE at 1400x900 with high settings.

I have heard NOTHING about when Episode 3 was going to be released, and I am getting sick of waiting. Is this the vapor ware that Duke Nuke'm Forever turned out to be?

I'm sure that the Source engine has really run it's course technology wise, so I'm sure Valve is working on Source2 or whatever they will call it. But Man, oh man; If a company promises a product and never releases it, that is thumbing their nose at the people that is willing to GIVE THEM MONEY for their product. Does that make sense?
Valve has always taken long to put out games. I enjoyed EP2 more than EP1 and HL2 itself. Unlike Duke Nukem Forever, Valve is a well known company that is still successful in putting out new games and content, TF2 and L4D2.

It could be months it could be years but it will come.
I wouldn't give up on it, but I expected them to take ridiculously long on development of Ep. 3 since it's the finale and they're extremely dedicated to doing the series right, which I admire and condone as long as the game comes out and is the game it should be.

Ep. 2 was the best one so far IMO, you have to have severe ADD to get bored of that, Freezebyte. The ending was insane in both the action and story department. I absolutely cannot wait until Ep.3 and guarantee it will come eventually.
I wouldn't give up on it, but I expected them to take ridiculously long on development of Ep. 3 since it's the finale and they're extremely dedicated to doing the series right, which I admire and condone as long as the game comes out and is the game it should be.

Ep. 2 was the best one so far IMO, you have to have severe ADD to get bored of that, Freezebyte. The ending was insane in both the action and story department. I absolutely cannot wait until Ep.3 and guarantee it will come eventually.

Yeah, but the whole rationale that Gabe Newell (new whale?) laid out for releasing them in episodes rather than a Large full game, was development time and integrating new tech into the Source engine would take months instead of years. Well Crap, the time between Episode 2 and now, they could have done several episodes. This is getting stupid in my opinion.
So what exactly does giving up entail? Are you actively waiting for this to come out? Are you actually spending time waiting for it? You could just decide that when it comes out you'll buy it, play it, and enjoy it - and not have to worry about it at all.

I doubt they abandoned the series.
Yeah, but the whole rationale that Gabe Newell (new whale?) laid out for releasing them in episodes rather than a Large full game, was development time and integrating new tech into the Source engine would take months instead of years. Well Crap, the time between Episode 2 and now, they could have done several episodes. This is getting stupid in my opinion.

yep - it was, and that's not how it works in valve time. It'll be done when it's done.
It hasn't been that long...

Hmm it's been 2 whole years and still no update, at all. Half Life 2 came out in '04, Episode 1 in '06 and episode 2 in '07 and episode 3 is supposed to conclude the series. And with the trend of these episodes they're like 6 hour long to complete. While the original was like 15-20. With all that said, I'd say it's been pretty damn long(a year over due, following the gap between episode 1 and 2) since they're not even using a totally new engine for episode 3(unless they are :O)

Oh yah and why is the L4D franchise taking off like Madden? Seems to me that are more focused on the cash-cow of the company right now. Or dare I say HL2:EP3 is not even being worked on!? Despite them saying they are, Gabe Newell mentioned before in an interview that they are indeed working Counter Strike 2, but about a month later GooseMan leaves the company because CS2 was going NO WHERE.
It hasn't been that long...

It has been over two years since the Orange Box was released and it's just an episode, not a full game. Defend it all you want by pointing at Valve's ancillary projects but that's a load of shit. Valve are big boys now, they should be able to handle this with considerably less hamhandedness than they have. I don't even hear the occasional news story regarding whats going on with it.
Yeah Valve has pretty much dropped the ball. They better be working on some massive graphical improvements or something.
At this point, there is no difference between waiting and giving up....
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I stopped caring when Half-Life 2 came out because that game was so boring and on rails.

Episode 1 and 2 cemented that. I finished 1 but never 2. It was just too boring.
It has been over two years since the Orange Box was released and it's just an episode, not a full game. Defend it all you want by pointing at Valve's ancillary projects but that's a load of shit. Valve are big boys now, they should be able to handle this with considerably less hamhandedness than they have. I don't even hear the occasional news story regarding whats going on with it.

So? They've all been excellent, and they'll stay excellent. I'd prefer Blizzard quality and release schedule over EA.

I stopped caring when Half-Life 2 came out because that game was so boring and on rails.

Episode 1 and 2 cemented that. I finished 1 but never 2. It was just too boring.

It's an FPS, not Morrowind - I'm curious what you expected. :confused:
Haven't they been working on a lot since EP.2? Didn't Left 4 Dead and 2 come out in that time? But perhaps they just wanted to focus on something else other than Half Life since before that every year they come out with another chapter in the story.
let em take as long as they want as long as the CONTENT is good, I have no problem with their release schedule

I'd much prefer a "it's done when it's done" approach rather than a "fuck it, let's update this shit and shove it out" release schedule
HL2.. wasn't that the game they gave out coupons for with your brand new 9600pro?
HL2.. wasn't that the game they gave out coupons for with your brand new 9600pro?

It was either HL2, or HL2: Lost Coast which was made to show off the power of the ATI cards back then.

ATI dominated the game back then with those generation of cards
Honestly, stop the group think. "Giving up" as others have implied means that you are actively waiting, and if you're actively waiting for anything you have too much free time on your hands. When and if the game comes out, judge it objectively based on your own preferences; and if it doesn't meet your expectations take solace in the fact that you're only out $30(or however much it actually will cost).
Hmm it's been 2 whole years and still no update, at all. Half Life 2 came out in '04, Episode 1 in '06 and episode 2 in '07 and episode 3 is supposed to conclude the series. And with the trend of these episodes they're like 6 hour long to complete. While the original was like 15-20. With all that said, I'd say it's been pretty damn long(a year over due, following the gap between episode 1 and 2) since they're not even using a totally new engine for episode 3(unless they are :O)

Oh yah and why is the L4D franchise taking off like Madden? Seems to me that are more focused on the cash-cow of the company right now. Or dare I say HL2:EP3 is not even being worked on!? Despite them saying they are, Gabe Newell mentioned before in an interview that they are indeed working Counter Strike 2, but about a month later GooseMan leaves the company because CS2 was going NO WHERE.

Absolutely agree with the L4D comment. But why is anyone watching the progress of this game so intently. Many are going to be disappointed when it doesn't come out on time. When it comes out, it comes out. Play it, enjoy it. I hope you don't check Steam every day or Google release news constantly. Not only is it immature, but it's crazy.
Absolutely agree with the L4D comment. But why is anyone watching the progress of this game so intently. Many are going to be disappointed when it doesn't come out on time. When it comes out, it comes out. Play it, enjoy it. I hope you don't check Steam every day or Google release news constantly. Not only is it immature, but it's crazy.

Nah, I actually was reminded that there was even supposed to be an Episode 3 because well, everyone else is expecting an announcement from Valve during the holiday season I guess. If you're impressed with my knowledge of the HL2 franchise... it's cause I simply remember it vividly because they are some great games :D.

And why in the heck wouldn't you check Steam or any other news everyday? You don't like keeping up with new deals and current events? Time to wake up to the world :p;)
It was either HL2, or HL2: Lost Coast which was made to show off the power of the ATI cards back then.

ATI dominated the game back then with those generation of cards

It was most definitely Half-life 2. Then it was delayed.
I rather hear nothing and be pleasantly surprised when it does ship rather than hype and empty promises. That is the stark difference between Ep. 3 and DNF or any other vaporware. There haven't been a bunch of teaser screenshots and promised features that have never materialized. Yes, they are big boys now, and acting like it. They release solid quality games that make money and are a decent value for the money, and, they are mature enough to keep their mouths shut if they have nothing to say or make promises they can't keep.

And just because you have money to spend and they had intentions that changed with time, the technology and the market doesn't mean they owe you anything. I don't see a ring on their finger.
They've admitted that the episodic plan has not worked out.

That said, when Episode 3 does come out, I'm sure it will be well worth it. And knowing Valve, it will designed with the PC in mind first, which is something I always appreciate with them.
HL2.. wasn't that the game they gave out coupons for with your brand new 9600pro?

It was either HL2, or HL2: Lost Coast which was made to show off the power of the ATI cards back then.

ATI dominated the game back then with those generation of cards

The game didn't even come out until the X800s came out, so it was prolly with them. Although I remember getting my X850 XT PE and still had to buy the game. I went with ATI just because it pwned the 6800 Ultras in HL2 (just as the 6800s pwned my X850 in Doom 3), lol.

Lost coast was free to anyone on Steam I think and was only made to showcase the then-new HDR tech. It had no story elements whatsoever and only took like 10 mins to play through it's little out door action scene.

On topic; I wouldn't be surprised that with the amount of time take to work on Ep. 3, it's actually at least a 10 hour game. At least I would hope so considering it's the finale and it's taken twice as long to make as the other episodes.
HL2.. wasn't that the game they gave out coupons for with your brand new 9600pro?

Man that reminds me of the coupon I got for a free HL:2 with my Athlon 64 3000 and ASUS mobo. Damn near four years ago!
HL2.. wasn't that the game they gave out coupons for with your brand new 9600pro?

My ATI 9600XT came with the HL2 Bronze package Coupon, which is how I got into HL2 and counterstrike. I didn't buy the card for the game, it just happened to come with it, and I am glad it did.
Funny how the game was designed on and supposed to be out for cards 5 generations old, yet it is still waiting on it's third "DLC", though I don't think DLC was a widely used term when episode one was released

The game didn't even come out until the X800s came out, so it was prolly with them..

You gotta remember that they were giving coupons out before the game came out and before the x800 series was out, also I believe people were getting vouchers with cards before the games released date was pushed back a year because that whole hacker stealing the source code fiasco.
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I honestly think they've given up with Ep3 and have started work on HL3 itself, too much time has passed for *just* a single episode to come out.

Of course, time will tell.
this game is going to fail epicly for a lot of people. The amount of hype by extending the date at least a year overdue is going to kill this game. I mean there are few games that live up to the hype, then think about the hype of a game thats at least 2 years late. You have either forgotten or by the time it comes out its never going to live up to your expectations. By the time they release this damn game my expectations are going to be so sky high I doubt this game will get a 5/10 or higher from me.
I love Valve. I've been with them since HL1, but I think they need to expand how they look at games. Everything they do feels super confined...it hasn't evolved into bigger and more open worlds. There's very little freedom in the games and things feel very restricted and sanitezed. You can't explore much in any of the games. Their multiplayer games have become increasingly sanitized, with TF2 being the biggest letdown. Wonderful gfx and models, but awful, sanitzed gameplay. The game modes are appalling in that(stand on a generic circle till it lights up? Maps with absolutely zero freedom or ability to hide?) what happened to those awesome flag battles in TFC where you had to take a droppable flag to capture points(Dustbowl)? The other Source multiplayer games are also restrictive (DOD:S, CS:S, HL2 DM). Actually, HL2DM had super potential but simply wasn't supported. I never got into the L4D thing either. I'm not interesting in shooting closet monsters endlessly in an environment that looks like it was designed in 2005. Explore a ghost town filled with zombies with people and go where we want? That would be interesting.

That said, I think HL2 was amazing, maybe the best game I have ever played. Where they went wrong was the episodes. I just don't care anymore to be honest.
Quit your bitching. Half-Life was released in 1998.

Know when the sequel was released? 2004. Valve isn't a company to release something of less than stellar quality. They can take all the time they want because I'm sure it means that the game will be amazing.
I love Valve. I've been with them since HL1, but I think they need to expand how they look at games. Everything they do feels super confined...it hasn't evolved into bigger and more open worlds. There's very little freedom in the games and things feel very restricted and sanitezed. You can't explore much in any of the games. =.

I still don't get this argument. It's an FPS, not Morrowind. What did you really expect? I can't think of a single GOOD FPS that is truly open ended or lets you really explore.
It was either HL2, or HL2: Lost Coast which was made to show off the power of the ATI cards back then.

ATI dominated the game back then with those generation of cards

They gave out coupons for HL2, everyone was all psyched thinking they were going to be playing HL2 in 30 days.. problem was the game got delayed over a year shortly after (source code scandal). I believe the coupon was still good by the time it came out, though.
I still don't get this argument. It's an FPS, not Morrowind. What did you really expect? I can't think of a single GOOD FPS that is truly open ended or lets you really explore.

STALKER:SoC with the Complete 2009 mod in freeplay mode does a pretty good job of it.
STALKER:SoC with the Complete 2009 mod in freeplay mode does a pretty good job of it.

It's more of an RPG than an FPS imo, but it is by far the only one game I can think of like that. And even then, it had so many bugs... And took a mod to make that too.