Holiday 2017 has a trifecta of console launches. Will you be getting one?

What new system are you hoping to get, if any?

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Jun 6, 2014
So, I couldn't help but notice that Project Scorpio, Playstation Neo, and Nintendo NX will all be releasing holiday 2017. Regardless of what Sony and Microsoft wants to call it I see it as brand new consoles that are backwards compatible. They don't have to call it a Xbox Two or Playstation 5 for anyone to make that connection. I am curious what they will be called. We'll have the Xbox One S and Xbox Scorpio? Playstation 4 and Playstation Neo? I know they won't keep their current aliases but I am curious what they'll call them since they appear to be way more powerful than the old consoles.

Anyway, with all this talk of new consoles and me wanting to always be on the high-end I can't help but wonder what I will do. I guess this poll would make more sense once we finally got some comparison videos on just how much better games will look on the new systems against the older systems. My main concern is what if any effect will the new Playstation have on VR. I know the OG PS4 will be just fine to play VR titles, but I am wondering how much better it could be on the Neo. Anyway, we don't have any info yet obviously on the new consoles but this is definitely a interesting shift in what we've been used to in terms of consoles life-spans. What I am hoping is that retailers such as Best Buy and Gamestop will have a nice trade-up promotion for the new consoles.

As far as Nintendo goes, I honestly hope that with a new more powerful console they will attract developers back to them. However, with every Nintendo launch since the Wii I have run into the same issue which is that there is maybe 2 or 3 great games to get at launch but then months and months go by without a decent title mostly because I am always waiting on 1st party titles. The Wii U was by-far the worst because all the big name developers stopped developing for it. I will wait a while until I decide on the NX, however I think if the Wii U next holiday season drastically comes down in price to like $150 I will definitely scoop one up.

Lets discuss!
I'll be getting the NX and maybe Neo because Sony exclusives have been my only interest this generation.
None at this moment. I have yet to see anything that sells me on the half generation consoles or the NX. All indications point to the Playstation Neo not being a significant upgrade compared to what Scorpio is bringing to the table, and all Xbox exclusives I'm interested in are now being brought to PC. We also still have not gotten any information on NX. In all honesty this move by the industry may make me PC exclusive come this time next year.
Waiting on more info about playstations vr setup and how it's going to work and if it's comparable with current ps4's. also interested in the nx, May sell my Xbox one for a nx
i think sony could still upgrade the specs on neo after microsoft announced the new xbox at E3.
i think sony could still upgrade the specs on neo after microsoft announced the new xbox at E3.

They could not. Not without completely redesigning the system, doing new deals with AMD, and delaying the thing by at least a year. It's launching early next year, all hardware is finalized by now. Final SDKs might even be in developer's hands now or will be fairly soon. They'll be going into full retail production probably fairly soon.
No way to know. The NX is a huge mystery. We don't even know what it is, let alone what it can do. Project Scorpio is designed only to push 4K content, not 1080p/60. That's a definite "no" if that holds true. Neo is of interest to me if there is some flexibility to increasing framerates and not just 4K/VR.
I need some answers before I'll commit to any of these, otherwise my PC is good enough and these will be the last consoles I own for a while.
Honestly there is too little to make a choice at this point.

I got burned hard on Wii U and that's my own fault.
Assuming amd gets xen working, or you might be looking at 2018
Regardless of what Sony and Microsoft wants to call it I see it as brand new consoles that are backwards compatible. They don't have to call it a Xbox Two or Playstation 5 for anyone to make that connection.!

I find that a bit backward. After all, the theory is that these consoles won't play different games. You can't claim that they are 'new consoles that are backwards compatible' when they ONLY play current-generation games that can ALSO be played on the old hardware. There will be no exclusive games for Scorpio or Neo. They aren't new consoles, they are upgraded consoles.
Too early to tell. I thought I'll be getting a PS4 but still had no reason too. Just not enough worthwhile exclusives.
I find that a bit backward. After all, the theory is that these consoles won't play different games. You can't claim that they are 'new consoles that are backwards compatible' when they ONLY play current-generation games that can ALSO be played on the old hardware. There will be no exclusive games for Scorpio or Neo. They aren't new consoles, they are upgraded consoles.

I understand, but the console game has changed since it went x86. They're essentially PCs, and like PCs I see the consoles going forward as being fully backwards compatible with all past titles. I'm still able to play 10+ year old PC games.
The idea that there are no exclusives might only be partially true. Depending on how these two consoles are approached, there could end up being large differences between versions. I can imagine devs explaining it already. "Our title will absolutely work and play great on the Xbox One. That's what we were shooting for. However Scorpio owners will get a truly special experience that will showcase its additional processing power and additional features."
Either that or we end up with the opposite and the old consoles end up holding the new ones back from actually being worthwhile. Nobody wins.
Plus, I'm not sure I totally buy the idea that there will be no exclusives. That might be the plan on day 1, but who knows what will be reality in 2019 and 2020?
These are a new paradigm and I'm not sure what we think we know about them will hold true.
I'll definitely get Scorpio. Nintendo would have to do something extraordinary to convince to get an NX. Only way I get a Neo is there is a good trade in program for existing PS4 and it brings the price to $200-$300. I barely play my PS4 as it is so the Neo is of little interest to me.
I would never get a NX, didnt get a Wii or Wii U. Nintendo lol

I wonder if we will see nintendo games on PS4 and XB1.:yawn:
The idea that there are no exclusives might only be partially true. Depending on how these two consoles are approached, there could end up being large differences between versions. I can imagine devs explaining it already. "Our title will absolutely work and play great on the Xbox One. That's what we were shooting for. However Scorpio owners will get a truly special experience that will showcase its additional processing power and additional features."
Either that or we end up with the opposite and the old consoles end up holding the new ones back from actually being worthwhile. Nobody wins.
Plus, I'm not sure I totally buy the idea that there will be no exclusives. That might be the plan on day 1, but who knows what will be reality in 2019 and 2020?
These are a new paradigm and I'm not sure what we think we know about them will hold true.

I remember reading some devs hoping that the Neo and Scorpio rumors were just that... rumors. Mostly because of increased cost and time needed to accommodate the additional two platforms. I think the likely scenario and the way this will work out in the future is that every 4 years we will get a new higher power console and the old ones will fade away. I mean, if Microsoft and Sony were smart they would just stop production of the older consoles once they launched and just went forward with the newer ones. Like you said, who knows how developers will play this out where some games may show more of an improvement in a Scorpio title over a OG Xbox One title or very marginal. It'll have everything to do with development cost and time. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

What will be cool however is for those folks sticking with their older consoles... once the Neo and Scorpio drop in price they'll be able to play their Xbox/Scorpio titles again with better visuals which might entice some replay-ability or repurchases if games since then have been sold or traded in.
They could not. Not without completely redesigning the system, doing new deals with AMD, and delaying the thing by at least a year. It's launching early next year, all hardware is finalized by now. Final SDKs might even be in developer's hands now or will be fairly soon. They'll be going into full retail production probably fairly soon.

While the game developers may not like a last minute change to HW, Sony could still update it if the migration path isn't terribly painful. Once they do regulatory testing, that is when the HW will be truly locked down.
Heck.. I'll buy the first one to launch. No matter if NX, Neo, or Scorpio. Seriously, the first console out the gate has my money. The much bigger issue for me is needing a new HDTV to display it. This Sony CRT I am using now is fine for 1080p, but not for a real 4k flirting MONSTER like any of these should be. Well, they will at least be over powered for my retro XBR910. Been ( and is ) a great display, be sorry to see it go.
Most likely the NX, if any console at all. Nintendo brings titles I want to play, that I can't play on PC. Most of the things I want to play on Xbox or Play Station are available on PC (preferred platform).
Most likely the NX, if any console at all. Nintendo brings titles I want to play, that I can't play on PC. Most of the things I want to play on Xbox or Play Station are available on PC (preferred platform).

I agree about Nintendo but here's the thing... I bought a Wii and Wii U at launch. It had some decent titles, but then there always seems to be a game drought for a long time and my console just sits there until Nintendo finished with another first party game that looks good. I ended up selling the Wii and Wii U for those reasons. They were just collecting dust after a while. Hopefully if the NX is powerful enough, 3rd party developers will come back to develop for it. I know i'll get a NX eventually, but I am going to wait a year after it's released then that way it'll hopefully have a decent amount of content.
Thinking about it, I don't know if I will buy another console even if they do allow for 1080p/60 for existing games. After all, there are what - maybe 5 first-rate console exclusives that I can't get on my PC? Uncharted and Bloodborne are the only two I really care about. Microsoft seems to be in favor of PC ports rather than least more than they used to be. Not like there are many beyond Halo anyway.

That really only leaves the NX on my radar. I admittedly love Mario Kart and Smash. Metroid, Mario, and Zelda are great, too. Yet I've only purchased 5 games each for the last two Nintendo systems. That's tough to justify doing again. I'm hoping Pokemon Go shows Nintendo what can happen when their franchises are available to everyone and not just on their own console. Obviously it's too late for them to back off on the NX, but I'm going to hope they get wise and move away from their own hardware sooner than later.
getting stronger that PS4K will be first to market, and with the news the NX will NOT be nearly as powerful as current consoles and "portable" I will be holding my breath.