Holli4's WTB/WTTF: 2407WFP, Thermalright SI-9XV, Hdd's

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Nov 13, 2005
I'm located in Rochester, NY.
Heat is under Holli4Pirating; AIM is Holli4Pirating

Bumps are appreciated and will be returned.

Looking for a few upgrades. Some stuff I'll buy outright, some I'd prefer to trade for.

My FS thread can be found here: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?p=1031117456#post1031117456
so that's stuff I have for trade.

What I want:

Thermalright SI-9XV - I'd like a pair of these and would prefer to buy two at once. I'll take them with or without fans. I'll trade my pair of all copper, low profile heatsinks that I'm currently running or buy these outright, though a trade would be preferred. EDIT: NVM, I'm getting water for the server.

Dell 2407WFP - I can only buy this if I sell/trade my 2007FP.....\
............................................................................................} I'm pretty sure the 2007FP and the 2007WFP are both S-IPS panels, but please correct me if I'm wrong
EDIT: I'd also sell/trade my 2007WFP for it............................. /

SATAII Hard drives - Must be 400 gigs or larger, WD/Seagate; no Maxtors. Only on a partial trade for hdd's in my FS thread or a WD2500KS or a WD2500YD (raid edition).

What I've found:
Very cheap AGP vid card with dual outputs - For my server since my 9800 seems to be dying. Not bad enough that I'm desparate...just minor artifacting on bios/Windows welcome. **The 9800 has died, so now I reall need one of these. Preferably an Nvidia ** Found one

Thermalright HR-03 Rev A VGA Cooler (The version that fits on a 7900GTX, not the 8800 version) - I'd buy this outright ** Found one
Found the AGP card

Next I'd really like to crosstrade for a 2407. If you have one and feel it's too big, I'd be happy to help =]
PM responded, and info updated in the thread. I'm pretty sure the 2007WFP and the 2007FP are both S-IPS panels, but correct me if I'm wrong.
you cant have seperate fs and wtb threads. a lot got locked yesterday.


(4) CONSOLIDATE Threads. Do not post multiple threads, keep all your FS/FT deals in one thread, and all WTB/WTTF deals in a different thread. You should only have one FS/FT and one WTB/WTTF thread active at any one time. When making a new thread, include items from the old thread.

Note "FS/FT deals in one thread, and all WTB/WTTF deals in a different thread" but thanks anyway.
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