Holy 14xx proteins batman!


Aug 12, 2003
Hah, I added my laptop (1.86ghz core solo) to my "farm" a week or so ago just because I rarely use it anyway... the first thing it downloaded was one of the p2124 proteins and took FOREVER to complete it, so I was almost thinking that it isn't even worth putting the stress on it if it's gonna fold things that slowly.

Since then, it's gotten NOTHING but 1499's, 1497's, 1495's, etc, all those little 364pt proteins. It's like those things were WRITTEN for the core architecture or something, it's doing them in 14hrs now, almost two per day... who woulda thought a little lappy would add 600+ppd to my numbers? :p

On a side note, I've been getting a TON of those 364 pointers lately, anyone else getting them too? Everyone was complaining about all the 2124's, now it seems like I get the little 364 pointers a good 60% of the time.
I got 3 p1166, a 1498, 2142, 1495, and a 2124. All clients are set to advmethods and Big WU.
I'm still stuck with the worthless 2124's. Between that and relatives going out of town for the holidays (and turning off their machines), my production has taken a major dive.
Yea, my intel core duo laptop has been getting the 1499 alot, and JEEZUS its fast...like 10 minute steps, 8 minute steps, stuff like that! crazyness...gotta love them! :)
Mohonri said:
I'm still stuck with the worthless 2124's.

I've been getting a lot of these also, and I only just started folding recently.
One rig got a 47point p3301 this morning, because that's so much better :p

waltherone said:
On a side note, I've been getting a TON of those 364 pointers lately, anyone else getting them too? Everyone was complaining about all the 2124's, now it seems like I get the little 364 pointers a good 60% of the time.

I'm loving those 360-something pointers too, almost as good as the timeless tinkers on athlon XPs. Those Lamba 5-way melts are evil, I tell ya, evil. All of my rigs took about an hour per frame, 4 days for the whole thing.
ive been choking oh 2124 for weeks non stop. Thank god i got a 1900xtx to keep my production up. when i was getting 600 pointers non stop i wasnt using the 1900xtx since I'd get as many ppd with those but with less heat and power.