Holy crap moment , hopefully (WD) doesnt find their mistake


Oct 1, 2008
A couple weeks ago I purchased a 2tb hard drive from a member on here. It was pretty much brand new but I think USPS beat it up or it was in the severe cold too long and it was DOA. I believe the seller that it was ok.

I file a non advanced warranty return to WD , no problem cept it took awhile for it to appear as received.
Low and behold they finally said it is being processed for replacement.
On tuesday I notice that a UPS tracking number has been generated but when I go to the site it shows 2 parcels. HUH?
Thursday 2 boxes arrive , and its 2 - 2tb hard drives , new and not refurbs.
Oh man
I kept one sealed in case they come calling but they do not have my credit card info , just address.
Hmmm what to do lol
Fill them with porn. Then threaten to sue because they are full of porn.

Get more hard drives, fill them with porn.

Something similar happened to my father. It took 3 times where they shipped the box to a completely different country and the RMA dept had no clue. Took a few weeks to have that sorted out. The problem was that the version of the drive he had was the "Mac" version and they didn't have the particular version of the external drive. The mac version comes with Firewire 800 and they offered me a USB only version since the were out of the FW 800 drives which was no go for me.

Anyway... Instead of telling me they were out and that it would take longer they just kept giving me random tracking numbers. Why would they do that instead of just saying it will take longer I don't know...

After 9 phone calls there got this resolved and we received 2 new drivesl. The first one plus a second the next day at the same time the UPS guy picked up the defective drive. (Was an "advanced RMA")

They didn't charge either the drives on the Credit Card.
Sorry 100 bucks wouldnt do it even if I was gonna sell . I will use the drive for my primary mac backups till they ask for itback lol.
I just sent in a DOA 640 gig black hard drive, and they sent me a 808.8 green hard drive as a replacement...was just pissed beyond words. Got on the phone and had a new 1tb black drive within 2 days. They did right by me, but it took them 2 tries.
Fill them with porn. Then threaten to sue because they are full of porn.

Get more hard drives, fill them with porn.


Last modified date will ruin you on this :rolleyes:

I agree with play dumb. That be the way to go.
Keep it. They don't have your credit card information, and they won't pursue something that probably cost them less than $100 to manufacture. :)
If you do an Advanced RMA to have the replacement shipped to you and free shipping back to them they do.
i doubt they would even bother trying to get the drive back or charge you for it. i had a similar experience with lg (loadsa garbage) and ended up with 2 screens. for all the crap i went through they can bite me i feel no remorse. enjoy the good things when they happen.:)
Keep it. They don't have your credit card information, and they won't pursue something that probably cost them less than $100 to manufacture. :)

Unless of course you ever need to RMA something again and then your name/address is blacklisted because you didn't send the extra drive back after they asked. So better hope they don't ask.
Just like Dell did to me...ordered a laptop 12/17, cancelled it 12/18, laptop arrived 12/21.
online status shows "order status : cancelled, Location : not shipped, Reason : Duplicate/not needed"
Jeez, if they cant keep such a basic track of where their inventory goes...
How long have they been in business?
Who gets the blame for missing inventory, I bet they go through a LOAD of cleaning staff!
Jeez, if they cant keep such a basic track of where their inventory goes...
How long have they been in business?
Who gets the blame for missing inventory, I bet they go through a LOAD of cleaning staff!

I had this exact same issue! I send out a green 1TB drive and I got back a brand new 1TB with two 640gb green drives as well, also brand new. :D

I did sit on the two 640s for about 3 months but never heard a peep and since I never asked for them I am pretty sure the law sides that I can keep them.

Though Nenu is right, if this keeps happening are they going to just shrug and keep going or go broke because they cannot even track a simple hard drive? :confused:
actually poconopc is really a WD rep and writing down all this info... You'll all be getting a bill in the mail shortly. :D
It's a sad state of affairs when one has to ask what to do when the obvious and ethical thing to do is to contact the company and let them know they made a mistake. Why does everyone think they're entitled to "punish" a company that makes a mistake by keeping the erroneous shipment? :rolleyes:
call them.... they will say thanks.... they are not going to ask for it back or charge you,

for 1 the $100 mistake is making them more $$ in advertising from this thread alone.....

@ 700+ views right now and everyone thinking about buying a WD drive just to see if they can get 2 when or if they need to RMA it...

but i was surprise that no one said call them and let them know.

Just yesterday I got a free soda at a local pizza parlor because my pizza took a little longer than expected and i needed to wait. Part of giving free stuff i all about good service, obviously this is a mistake, but it is still creating good will....

after all what is it worth to them that you are telling everyone you know that you got a free drive from WD? Brand recognition is super important....
Jeez, if they cant keep such a basic track of where their inventory goes...
How long have they been in business?
Who gets the blame for missing inventory, I bet they go through a LOAD of cleaning staff!

I think this type of scenario w/RMAs is fairly common, judging by this thread and my own experience... I once had to RMA a BFG video card 3x, to their credit the process was quite smooth every time and it didn't cost me a cent but when it was all over they just told me to not even bother sending back the 2nd DOA card they had sent me (altho I did ask)... I guess it just wasn't worth the trouble to even check I was telling the truth (it was a 2-yr old card).

RMA departments probably have an acceptable level of losses in the name of customer satisfaction and maintaining good PR. In all likelihood they wouldn't ask for it back, whether you call them up or not to let 'em know of the mistake is up to ya, heh.
Something like this basically says if a company sends you something you didn't order or pay for you can consider it a "gift".

That law is made for companies you're not doing business with. The OP requested a drive and is doing business with this company.

It's a sad state of affairs when one has to ask what to do when the obvious and ethical thing to do is to contact the company and let them know they made a mistake

Add the fact that 90% of the responses favor deception, I'd say many missed the morals class in school or at home.
It's been my experience that those are the first to scream and cry when they think they've been wronged.

Like I said, the OP knows what to do.
If it puts your conscience to rest, call WD and let them know about the situation. In all likelihood they will simply thank you for the heads up and tell you to keep the drive. The cost of shipping + restocking + etc. outweighs their internal manufacturing cost of the drive. In simple terms, it's likely not worth their trouble to ask for it back.
Do what you want. I remember a few years back (like 5 or 6) I ordered a SOLTEK SL-K8AV2-RL mobo from Newegg and they sent me two (diff packages on diff days). I wasn't sure what to do at first, so I just waited a few days and never heard from them. I ended up calling them eventually and was told to keep it, as it was there mistake. I ended up traded the extra for two optical drives on another forum. :)
We didn't screw them. They screwed themselves. Big difference. I don't believe in protecting the stupid at all cost. Darwin's law should apply in cases like this.
If it puts your conscience to rest, call WD and let them know about the situation. In all likelihood they will simply thank you for the heads up and tell you to keep the drive. The cost of shipping + restocking + etc. outweighs their internal manufacturing cost of the drive. In simple terms, it's likely not worth their trouble to ask for it back.

Exactly, I'm not saying he should send it back, I'm suggesting he be honest about the situation.

We didn't screw them. They screwed themselves. Big difference. I don't believe in protecting the stupid at all cost. Darwin's law should apply in cases like this.

Keep that in mind the next time you screw-up.
We didn't screw them. They screwed themselves. Big difference. I don't believe in protecting the stupid at all cost. Darwin's law should apply in cases like this.

If you give a cashier a $10 bill and they give you change as if you handed them a $100 bill, do you take the money?

I'd point out the mistake and get the correct change.
If you give a cashier a $10 bill and they give you change as if you handed them a $100 bill, do you take the money?

I'd point out the mistake and get the correct change.

Of course you take the money. More HnB!

But yeah. Call them, let them know what happened, and all will be well. They may ask for it back, they may tell you to keep it, or hell, they may even give you something else for being awesome.
I take back what I posted in reply #7. Got a email from western digital yesterday telling me my 1tb green drive has shipped:eek: I have no clue how a 3rd RMA got generated, but it wasn't me. A WD rep doesn't know how either. Rep told me to just refuse the delivery. I said no problem.

Then I ask him why WD keeps trying to send me green drives, when my original DOA drive was a black drive. He didn't know.

I think they got a butt load of re-certified green drives they are trying to get rid of, and are trying to pawn them off on peeps that don't know the difference. IMO.