Holy Crap!! Phenom II 6 GHz+ OVERCLOCK

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Like i have said a dozen times being competitive clock for clock don't mean shit if doesn't have headroom. Seriously its not rocket science people.

I know my opinion is the only right one. If you try to argue I will personally attack you with vulgar insults then complain if you attack back.
No, I'm telling you to act like an adult because you're swearing and acting like your opinion should be treated as if it were delivered down on stone tablets from Mount Zion. People are allowed to disagree with you (and with me, for that matter). I don't get offended if you do. You shouldn't either. It's clear that you have some valid points, but your previous delivery was offensive, and not because you were being pessimistic on an AMD forum. Heck, that happens every single day, from the owner of the site, no less...

Seriously if your not a fucking mod do not tell me how to post. There are mods for a reason and its not so you can tell people how to post. The owner of the site saw fit to allow cursing so if you dont like it too fucking bad.

Not sure what thread you're referring to... But MrFace had clearly read what you had to say, digested it, and stated that no one has drawn any conclusions just yet. Basically, he's saying what I'm saying, and that these OCs are impressive and unexpected, considering the fact that (going from memory here) the K7 was the last time AMD showed clockspeed equilibrium, and potential superiority (of course the K7 also had the advantage of having faster IPC at the time, but the big vendors were just too afraid of Intel, or too in love with the marketing kickbacks, to act on it).

First your a mini mod now your a mind reader? Your a talented dude :rolleyes:

Again how can you honestly say that the OCs are impressive? Its a fucking show AMD put on with a cherry picked chip and board. That in no way should mean shit other than they can do it. Do you honestly get excited at every claim a company makes?

You may be right... AMD knows it can't win the IPC battle right now, so they are obviously going to emphasize what they feel their strengths are. If I were them and I could get decent OC'ing numbers, then I would play my cards exactly like they are now. What I wouldn't have done is let there be a 5+ year gap between my last CPU micro-architecture and my existing one.

You have a point. In answer to your question though, it meant that P4s used a boatload of power at the time, so much so that people were making jokes about using P4s to heat their homes. I suspect that we'll see similar jokes for Phenom II from people running 4Ghz on air.

It also meant that they were really good at certain tasks (media encoding, for example) while being really crappy at others.

Right the old "intel for work amd for play" I really dont think AMD should settle for that.

Well, not entirely true. I mean it's true that an apples to apples comparison is the most valid. But for the benchmark warriors out there (of which I'm not one, by the way), I pose this question: What if you are able to get significantly higher clockspeeds on an Phenom II than you are an i7? Sure the i7 will do better clock-for-clock, but if you can clock the Phenom II higher, will the additional clock speed impact the final completion time of the test(s) in question?

Based on what i have seen 4GHZ on air is not significantly higher than anything. Intels offerings have been easily attaining 3.6-3.8 ghz on air this whole time with quite a few actually hitting 4ghz. Honestly considering the core 17's are already hitting 4GHZ+ its really difficult to remain optimistic for the phenom 2

All of this is really just hypothetical discussion.

Exactly, i dont get why you say im stating my opinion as fact. Im not and i think thats pretty clear its unfortunate that so many people are trying to disagree with my opinions as if theres are fact though...
Seriously if your not a fucking mod do not tell me how to post. There are mods for a reason and its not so you can tell people how to post. The owner of the site saw fit to allow cursing so if you dont like it too fucking bad.

Then it's my (and others who wish to discuss this like adults) prerogative to ignore everything you have to say henceforth and assume you're the literary equivalent of a guy walking around screaming holding up a "WHY THE FUCK AREN'T YOU PEOPLE LISTENING TO ME I TOLD YOU THE SKY IS FALLING!!" sign.

If you don't to be told to start acting like an adult, then, well...

Right the old "intel for work amd for play" I really dont think AMD should settle for that.
I honestly don't think they are; I just think it's the best they can do right now until a next-generation architecture surfaces. They are effectively playing the only card they can. I'm sure they don't want to be in this position, and are probably doing everything they can to get out of it. One thing I would bet money on is that they're not settling

Based on what i have seen 4GHZ on air is not significantly higher than anything. Intels offerings have been easily attaining 3.6-3.8 ghz on air this whole time with quite a few actually hitting 4ghz.
You've seen an i7 hit 4Ghz on a stock air cooler?

Honestly considering the core 17's are already hitting 4GHZ+ its really difficult to remain optimistic for the phenom 2
So don't be optimistic, that's your choice. Just realize that others are allowed to be optimistic and reach an entirely different conclusion than you, and your swearing at them isn't going to change that.
Fuck it, you are fouling up this thread faster than I can clean it up. Cut the shit or I start handing out vacations.
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