Holy Crap! Republic Commando Demo brought my system to its knees!


Dec 16, 2003
LOL, this is the first game that is IMO unplayable on my system (see sig). Yes I know its a little bit older but...ouch! 9700pro plays HL2 fine. Is this game the next Halo (poorly optimized) or are the graphics really that intense? Here are some screenshots with recommended settings.

Look at the framerate...this is awful. I can only play a few minutes before getting frustrated.
:confused: :eek:
12fps at 800x600 with medium texture quality. I think there is something wrong there. lets all just hope it is a thing that can be fixed as it goes along in its developement stages.
I have a 9800SE (which is worse than a 9700 pro) and the demo runs pretty smooth for me at 1280x1024.

But then again HL2 ran like ass on my PC.
I ran it on my 9600XT pretty high with out any probblems at all. I'll play it again with teh FPS and see what I got but I didnt get any times it wasnt uplayable.
Just out of curiousity, what is republic commando using as its engine? This should be a decent way of determining if your system is going to handle the game fairly well.
in game:
- turn off shadows.
- reduce bump mapping to low
- reduce sound effects quality

in operating system:
- make sure the ati control panel is set for "application preference" for anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering.
- are you running the latest mobo chipset, sound card, and video drivers?

check this out, reboot, disable any antivirus, check for any services really using your cpu in task manager. if everything then checks out fine, then load and play demo. if all is still good, then increase the game resolution to 1024x768 (i wouldn't go any higher than that on a 9700 if you want to keep decent frame rates).

also, keep in mind that this is just a *demo*. if you still got problems, e-mail lucas arts's support, give them every piece of info (hardware, driver versions, background processes, in-game settings).
That game isn't much if any more taxing than UT2004 is. Your system should run that pretty well.
Your cpu and ram are your bottle neck. I managed to play the game fine on a gf4 4400, cept I have a p4 3.2C and 3200 ram at 1280x1024 on high details
how do u get the FRAMERATE to show up on the screen.......since i am running a 9700 pro we can compare
Syphon Filter said:
out of interest. Is the game actually any good?
i dont like it much, but that is because i dont enjoy guns that shoot out lazers and stuff.....try the demo to see weather u like it or not..
Yeah, I hate it when new games don't run well on old equipment. Oh wait, no i don't. I want them to push the hardware.
You only have a 1.8 Ghz processor with 1/2 gig of RAM and a somewhat old video card. Looks like the correct framerate to me. Come on, this is a new game. That system shouldn't be able to play it at a good framerate. Time to upgrade.
MrWolf710 said:
Yeah, I hate it when new games don't run well on old equipment. Oh wait, no i don't. I want them to push the hardware.
You only have a 1.8 Ghz processor with 1/2 gig of RAM and a somewhat old video card. Looks like the correct framerate to me. Come on, this is a new game. That system shouldn't be able to play it at a good framerate. Time to upgrade.
Dunno. Hard to believe it's a cpu limitation since it's also available for the xbox. Considering that it's running on the Unreal engine, it's unlikely to be a half-assed port like Halo was. Normally, I'd accept the possibility that it was gfx limited (which has been disproven), but I think it being cpu limited is a lot less likely (assuming the geometry, AI, etc. are the same as the xbox version).

While admittedly being faster, my 2ghz XP never even went to close to that framerate (as far as I remember), and if it's a cpu limited game my video card (x800pro) shouldn't be a factor.
The first time I tried that demo it blue screened me on exit. Not a good way to sell me a game. It also barely seemed to fit as a "star wars" game. IMO at least.
I played it on my system last night and it ran fine with everything all the way up at 1280x1024. Maybe im just stupid but I got stuck in the hallway and didnt know where to go after that wall fell in front of me. BTW I have a 6800gt OC to Ultra.
Sily Iconz ... you have to buy "Republic Commando : Greedo shoots first" to have a finished product. :D
Demos usually run like crap anyway, hopefully the final game will run much better (remember the Rome: Total War fiasco?).
i've got a 9600 pro, running on a 2500+ barton, gig of ram, and a audigy 2... and it ran just fine for me.

Guess hardware foul ups on their part? Dunno. Hope they fix it for ya though.
PTNL said:
in game:
- turn off shadows.
- reduce bump mapping to low
- reduce sound effects quality

in operating system:
- make sure the ati control panel is set for "application preference" for anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering.
- are you running the latest mobo chipset, sound card, and video drivers?

check this out, reboot, disable any antivirus, check for any services really using your cpu in task manager. if everything then checks out fine, then load and play demo. if all is still good, then increase the game resolution to 1024x768 (i wouldn't go any higher than that on a 9700 if you want to keep decent frame rates).

also, keep in mind that this is just a *demo*. if you still got problems, e-mail lucas arts's support, give them every piece of info (hardware, driver versions, background processes, in-game settings).

You are S-M-A-R-T. Turned ATi Control Panel AA & AF to "application preference" and I'm getting 60-ish fps with same settings. All fixed now. Thank you.

Yeah, I hate it when new games don't run well on old equipment. Oh wait, no i don't. I want them to push the hardware.
You only have a 1.8 Ghz processor with 1/2 gig of RAM and a somewhat old video card. Looks like the correct framerate to me. Come on, this is a new game. That system shouldn't be able to play it at a good framerate. Time to upgrade.

Stop hatin' beeatch...with this game fixed I haven't found one game that I can't play yet.
Its not hating, its being honest. You're CPU is behind the times for a "gamer".
Keep it polite guys. Got one complaint on this thread already. Help was asked for, and promptly given. The extraneous comments are not necessary.
To answer the question if it's a good game, I thought it was. I liked the way the mission was framed with the timeline stamp of the clone war, I thought that was a good touch. It has a lot of potential to be a fun game. I hope the MP (if it has MP) does not make you cart around the other three clones with you and you would be able to go at it alone. But I will have reserves about buying it, the same reason I am waiting to get KOTOR2, I just hate to drop 50-60 on something that may only give me small amounts of play time. Maybe I'll wait until it goes much cheaper (maybe a nice sale), or I hear enough to make me drop everything and get it! I will say this, when I was finished with the DEMO I was alittle mad that I had to stop playing.......

Plays great for me... BIG PICS WARNING... about 1.25megs total.






1680x1050, 4xAA/8xAF, game maxed out quality settings, as well as drivers set to max quality. With no AA/AF, I was in the 70-80 range.
Plays great for me too. Of course this game will bring you system to it's knees. You're running a 1.8A. Time to upgrade if you wanna play at decent resolutions with everything turned up!

A Melee Attack to the legs does about 3 times more damage then 5 laser beams into the face. :rolleyes: