Holy Displays Batman!


Feb 1, 2012
Wow. Ok I'm pretty [H] when it come to Tech but after reading a good chunk of the threads I still can't make sense of it.

All these damn displays VA, S-IPS, MVA, PVA, TN, SED. Like, Holy Crap! I've even Wiki'd most of these and I get it but still...There are SO many options and I get that each one has its ups and downs but Dang...

Can someone Update or Make a new guide much like the older one here?

And even make it so you have a list of Displays per catagory: Gaming, Photo Editing, Casual.

Also, All these displays some say Glossy Black others don't but they are glossy. Is this just for the bezel or what? Personally I HATE glare on my screen. I don't care how nice the picture is...If i can't see it because of the window behind me then none of that matters.

Can someone please for the love of all that is [H] Break this down and simplify it?
SED is dead
VA, MVA, PVA are variants of the same technology.
TN is the crappies, but cheapest
not much to it, if gaming is your priority then go TN, if priority is color accuracy then go IPS, if you want the best of both world then go VA, if you are ol' skool and don't mind the weight then stick with CRT. :)
Agreed. Anything that was basically putting a lot of tiny CRT in an array was awesome.

Yep. Progressive scan SED with fast-decay phosphors at 240 Hz refresh rate would have stomped all over everything else including OLED I think.

Well, there is still FED, which isn't dead (yet) officially, anyway...
Yep. Progressive scan SED with fast-decay phosphors at 240 Hz refresh rate would have stomped all over everything else including OLED I think.

Well, there is still FED, which isn't dead (yet) officially, anyway...

What is the difference between the two? I couldn't figure that out from the wiki.
What is the difference between the two? I couldn't figure that out from the wiki.

I don't know much more than you do but from what I understand, only the arrangement of the electron emitters. The ones in FED would seem to be more efficient based on what I read there, but SED should be easier to produce.

Seeing as SED is gone, I have doubts that AU Optronics (the guys who bought the rights to FED) will ever bring it to the consumer market.
There's no one developing it anymore. Its a shame though, sed was awesome.

Indeed it was. But, why is no one developing it anymore? Were there some technical hurdles that could not be overcome? Or, was it a business development decision?