Home Automation - Lighting


Best Person
Jun 17, 2003
Not sure if theres a forum for this topic...

As seen in the Work Logs Forum in the Case Modding Section, I'm working on a shed-office in the back of my house. I was curious as if there was a good alternative to X10's remote control lights to turn an outlet on and off?

If anyone has any sources/experiences of this stuff your opinions appreciated.

x10 has been around for a long time, so I doubt you're going to find something much better.
you might find better than x10.com for places to buy but YMMV.

Check out the comp.home.automation newsgroup on usenet. There is a ton of good information there to be had. I'd say x10 will probably be your best bet for your shed/office.
There are wireless alternatives out there, but you have to deal with RF interference.

good luck.
