Home Network Streaming


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 6, 2005
I have an external HDD via USB attached to my computer. My computer is hooked through a 10/100 switch in my room that is then attached to a wireless router elsewhere in the house. My brother's laptop is connected wirelessly through the network.

He is trying to stream video from my external but video is very laggy. File transfers average at about 3Mb/s from my external to his wireless computer.

Any idea how to speed up video streaming?
USB 2.0 only runs at 480 mbits/sec but I'm able to stream HD media from my external drive..
Prolly your brothers wireless connection sucking ass. Plug it into your switch, turn off wireless, and see if it's ok.
3Mb's is 24mbit/ps so if your signal is ~50% then that is the best you'll be able to get due to wireless signal

You could switch to N which will give you more speed and better range/reception
The way that you stream the video will also have an impact. (compression, encoding and such)

You may be able to play with the buffer a bit too. An increased buffer will make it take longer to load but it may sovle the laggy issue if it has more video buffered up for times of glitches.

How many other computers are on the wireless? Is there alot of wireless in your area? Are there other APs on the same channel? All are factors to consider.
It's not the drive, I stream 1080p video to my workstation across a 100mb network off of an external hard drive connected to my home server.