Homefront - March 2011


[H]F Junkie
Sep 10, 2007
Not sure that I can wait anymore. Looks extremely well done. Plus I like the fact that we are not the ones invading but defending and trying to regain key citys back in US.
Looks good, but the idea of NK invading the US is insane(right now), but maybe in 20years when the US has crashed and burned :D
Search is your friend ;) http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1561080&highlight=Homefront

The game should be good. It is made by Kaos Studios and I loved me some Frontlines! According to one member in the thread above, the story is written by the same guy who wrote Red Dawn.

I am really hoping that this game will be a contender for the FPS crown. I guess we will always have Madden.. err i mean COD: 2011, 2012, 2013 , but maybe having another shooter will help nudge it out of the spotlight.

Looks good, but the idea of NK invading the US is insane(right now), but maybe in 20years when the US has crashed and burned :D

It is based 25 years in the future with Kim Il Jong's son in charge of a unified Korea.
One of the things I appreciate about this game is how the developers are taking a lot of the focus away from simply killing waves of enemies. Their intention is to make you understand killing isn't just some mindless act.
Touché lol...

I hope that it is a true PC FPS so I can buy it on STEAM. If it is another mindless port, I will be very disappointed.
This game looks really promising, and I hope THQ lives up to their promise to give the PC version the attention it deserves.

I also have to say that this is one of the few shooters I'm looking forward to for the singleplayer. Sure, the story seems a bit 'out there', but it looks really unique compared to your typical COD/ generic military shooter.
This may be one of the few games I go out and buy the first day. I think it has the potential to be a great game and I need a half decent dystopian future shooter i.e. not Crysis 2. I hope the multiplayer is good too as in better than COD post Modern Warfare, ok enough of my rants. :D
Trust me when I say this game will be crap ;) atleast for the xbox 360... but I think PC will be close to the same
Yeah...seems like just another shooter where you select the class..and its a respawn again and do the same thing over again...

If this was another battlefield game, or another call of duty game..you all would be saying it looks like it sucks...because well its nothing new. And the previous games have more of a userbase...

So whats the point?

I am all for some new game to topple the big 2, but this has nothing new that I see that will make it a "great" game...
Did anybody here play Freedom Fighters?

In that one it was The Russians who invaded - a similar setup, but a different genre, since Freedom Fighters was a third person game. This new title looks intriguing, but for me it's all about the single player experience. But, yeah, I'm interested in this - no question about it.

That month will see me playing Dragon Age 2, and the new Assassin's Creed game, however, so this won't be day one for me. As March draws closer, I'm beginning to realize how much I'm looking forward to seeing DA 2. I wasn't a huge admirer of the first game, so any changes made to the second game (and it looks like the changes are very real indeed) could either fix it for me or finish it. I'm cautiously optimistic that the changes will be for the better.
Great, another uncreative, unoriginal, tactical modern online military shooter.
Just what PC gaming needs.
I dont know about this game, front lines was a major disappointment, it had a few fun gimmicks but over all it was pretty bad especially considering the fact that it was trying to compete with bf2 and 2142. This is a wait and see game for me.
This looks interesting. If its anything like Freedom Fighters count me in.
This should be good, larger scale warfare ... a great game between now and BF3.
I think the idea of this game is great. I just hope it turns out well. I am really looking forward to it though.
Let's see how well this is ported to the PC. My prediction is this game will be average at most, C+/B-.
This looks like every popular FPS out right now put together, which is not bad lol. Looking forward to trying this game out
The idea is ok, however listening to developer diaries where they spout "epic" every three seconds is off putting. And did they borrow the UAV model from BC2? It looked the same I swear.

I hope this is good, I want more variety in the FPS world. However I really think it will be mediocre at best.
It is based 25 years in the future with Kim Il Jong's son in charge of a unified Korea.

lol didn't know that.

I read somewhere that they have a separate team working on the pc version, so I think it's not just a port.
Yeah it's some crazy stuff! Lol.

I guess I was one of the VERY few who actually loved Frontlines! Multplayer that is...
Has Dedicated Server support.

And by Dedicated Server support, I mean public server files. Not this you can pay to have a server you cant do shit with.
Bleh, given how horribly Kaos dropped the ball with FFOW, I'm skeptical of this game doing well.

Gameplay wise I'm sure it will be great.

Support, however...well. Yea. FFOW.