Hooked on Shader Mod, Worked for Me!


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 11, 2003
Anyone else Hooked on Shader Mod? It gave me about 10fps jump, depending on whats on the screen. I dont get any artifacts or anything, looks the same. It made my Doom3 experience that much more enjoyable.

No flaming, no bullshit. The other thread is already owned with retards fighting over everything under the sun. If you post some bullcrap your post will be deleted.

A simple yes or no with a description of whats wrong/good would be nice.
my 9800pro AIW: increase/decrease was + or - 1.5 fps in margin of error, no loss of IQ
friends 9600xt: decrease of fps about .5 fps and IQ suffered a loss very noticable

im not using it anymore, just wanted to test it.
My 9800 Pro 128 running Cat 4.9beta did not experience any change in framerate, so I reverted to the old file just to be safe.

using it now

1920x1200 with 16x AF and image_lodbias -10

i get 39.9fps on first run and 45.5 fps on second run.

that is a combo of cat 4.9 gl driver and the shader mod

before i got 31.6 fps first run and 35.8 fps on second run.

i am happy with the results and dont see any quality loss or tearing

it ran fine before the shader mod and still runs fine after the shader mod
update: friend that was using a 9600xt, he was using cat 4.6s, we tried the beta 4.9s and now his IQ is normal and he has an avg. 5 fps gain.