Hosting a Dedicated Server on FIOS?


Nov 12, 2009
Has anyone had trouble setting up a dedicated server using the Westell Ultraline Series3 9100 EM router?

I have the manual on the router here..

its 210 pages, I'm skimming over it but I'm trying not to get too deep into it.

Right now, the Coax goes into the router, the router feeds the network. I'm attempting to use Computer 1 on the network to host a dedicated game (CS/Minecraft etc) but I'm unable to have anyone see me even with the correct ports open.

If anyone has any advice, I'll be very welcome to hearing it :)
I've ensured that my windows firewall is completely disabled, still attempting to get a dedicated set up though.
I've had that router before and it works perfectly fine as long as the ports are forwarded CORRECTLY.

Post a pic of the port forwarding list as well as the detailed view. BTW some games may require multiple ports to be forwarded.
you probably don't have the ports mapped to the correct IP address of the internal server.
you probably don't have the ports mapped to the correct IP address of the internal server.

I'm thinking that as well. The thing is... the fios drop down coax goes to the fios router, which in turn grants connection to the other 3 computers on my network. One of the computers is hosting the dedicated, we're trying to get those out to the internet so others can connect to. I have disabled my windows firewall and have the router security on medium.

Using it states that the port i just forwarded 27015 isn't open / they can't get in to it.

If you don't mind me cross linking threads from the original place I posted...

I have 14 screen shots of all of the vital router pages that need to be seen and should give great incite on what's going on.

Do you think I need to set up a static nat ip?
so im at the point, the dedicated works great on lan for both Minecraft and CS 1.6.. after numerous attempts to forward the ports for these two games, I'm still not being seen on the net.
god i hate the fios router software. Personally, i wouldn't use that garbage at home, but you kind of have to if you want to use moca. I got a cisco asa behind the fios modem..

good luck bro
god i hate the fios router software. Personally, i wouldn't use that garbage at home, but you kind of have to if you want to use moca. I got a cisco asa behind the fios modem..

good luck bro

I know the hatred that you are speaking. I'm thinking the router is too advanced for what I'm trying to do. It has been several years since I've made a dedicated and this is way more advanced than I ever remember doing.

I've been searching for a write up of what all things must be done before a computer behind a router on the network can be seen by the internet. I'm slowly piecing it together =/
Based on that screen shot your not forwarding your minecraft ports to any internal host, just to the router. You need to change the IPs from to the IP of an internal system on your network.
Based on that screen shot your not forwarding your minecraft ports to any internal host, just to the router. You need to change the IPs from to the IP of an internal system on your network.

It was set to

Seeing as it didn't work, I attempted to change it 127.. though for troubleshooting's sake, I will go ahead and try it again. However, I know for a fact that the right port (27015) was forwarded for my CS dedicated on *.1.3 and yet it still didnt work on getting out to the net.
I hate that POS router :mad: I literally spent hours trying (and failing) to allow connections to some internal machines. DHCP was also terrible and frequently did not distribute addresses. If the router is connected to your ONT using Ethernet, it is fairly simple to replace the router with another router of your choosing. There are a number of guides for this on the broadbandreports forums. Search for "bypass fios router" and you should find a number of hits
I believe that may be my next route... I tihnk I still have a netgear router boxed up that I can use.. I don't want to be defeated by this piece of hardware, I WILL CONQUER IT.
I know the hatred that you are speaking. I'm thinking the router is too advanced for what I'm trying to do. It has been several years since I've made a dedicated and this is way more advanced than I ever remember doing.

I've been searching for a write up of what all things must be done before a computer behind a router on the network can be seen by the internet. I'm slowly piecing it together =/

i don't think it's too advanced..since i'm used to working with a command line..i just think the software is kind of confusing and not very user friendly for being a GUI
It's easy to not have to use their ActionTek router. Just get them to switch over Internet on the ONT to Ethernet. Then for ease of configuration I just double NAT'd the ActionTek. As long as the ActionTek has some sort of internet access to it youll still get the guides on the TV.

As for your port fowarding problems. You're trying Counter Strike and I noticed there are UDP ports. I am also having troulbe with COD4 which uses UDP ports. I can connect to the server perfectly fine locally, but not over the internet. All my other TCP ports work perfectly fine.

Maybe someone smarter can answer if its a UDP port type issue?
It's easy to not have to use their ActionTek router. Just get them to switch over Internet on the ONT to Ethernet. Then for ease of configuration I just double NAT'd the ActionTek. As long as the ActionTek has some sort of internet access to it youll still get the guides on the TV.

As for your port fowarding problems. You're trying Counter Strike and I noticed there are UDP ports. I am also having troulbe with COD4 which uses UDP ports. I can connect to the server perfectly fine locally, but not over the internet. All my other TCP ports work perfectly fine.

Maybe someone smarter can answer if its a UDP port type issue?

i thought you have to use the actionTek router if you want to be able to watch tv shows on other cable boxes in the house? I'm pretty sure that is right, although it might not apply in this case. I know at my house we have 5 or 6 cable boxes, and we watch different shows in different rooms from the dvr's. which uses moca
That could very well be true, but I've never tried to remove the ActionTek from the network completely.

In my above scenario the Actiontek is still connected via moca as well as ethernet.
i thought you have to use the actionTek router if you want to be able to watch tv shows on other cable boxes in the house? I'm pretty sure that is right, although it might not apply in this case. I know at my house we have 5 or 6 cable boxes, and we watch different shows in different rooms from the dvr's. which uses moca

The FIOS router needs to have internet access and it needs to be connected to COAX, but it does not need to be used for routing duties to any other computers. My FIOS router is connected to my primary router along with my other computers, although nothing is actually connected to the FIOS router aside from the COAX cable.
i don't think it's too advanced..since i'm used to working with a command line..i just think the software is kind of confusing and not very user friendly for being a GUI

Exactly my sentiment.. its not friendly at all... when forwarding ports, it isnt clearly on exactly how to do it and the range you need, it assumes you a network administrator.

For intended purposes, I do not have the TV/cable bundle with this service, just the 15 down 5 up plan.

After the ports are forwarded on the port forward page, should I have to set up a static NAT or a DMZ host to ensure the net can see me? just opening the ports for my computer on the LAN has not seemed to work. Am I completely missing something here?
Exactly my sentiment.. its not friendly at all... when forwarding ports, it isnt clearly on exactly how to do it and the range you need, it assumes you a network administrator.
I agree with you completely, but the last time I said I didnt like the ASDM I pretty much got called a Cisco noob in here.

For intended purposes, I do not have the TV/cable bundle with this service, just the 15 down 5 up plan.

Get VZ to switch you over to Ethernet and ditch that crappy ass router immediatly!
atleast part of your issue with CS, is you have 2 different rules setup for the same port.

The router cannot forward a port to 2 different devices.

As for Minecraft, as previously stated, you have those ports being forwarded to, which is localhost; so the router is essentially forwarding the ports to itself.

edit: err, ok, you have TCP forwared to 1.3, but UDP being forwared to "Any"
You see where it says

for everything, the source port in most cases is ANY and the destination port is the port you want exposed by the router
I agree with you completely, but the last time I said I didnt like the ASDM I pretty much got called a Cisco noob in here.

Get VZ to switch you over to Ethernet and ditch that crappy ass router immediatly!

You can just call up and request a switch to using the Ethernet instead of the COAX? couldnt i just plug it in and use it?

I'll try using my netgear router and see if it is any better.. I dont want to move away from this router but it may be best... Will I still have to have it plugged in to the ethernet, than plug my router into the fios, correct?

If I'm thinking correctly, wouldn't this make me have to jump through two routers now to get a host out to the net?
No, you definitly need to give them a call to get it switched over. Its pretty standard, theyll know what you're talking about.
You can just call up and request a switch to using the Ethernet instead of the COAX? couldnt i just plug it in and use it?

I'll try using my netgear router and see if it is any better.. I dont want to move away from this router but it may be best... Will I still have to have it plugged in to the ethernet, than plug my router into the fios, correct?

If I'm thinking correctly, wouldn't this make me have to jump through two routers now to get a host out to the net?

The idea is your computers will be connected through your router. The FIOS router only needs to be connected if you are using TV. In that case, you would connect it to your router as a client
The above is true. But like you said, you dont have TV through them, only Internet. You dont need the ActionTek at all. Just use any other router just like you would normally after Internet is switched over to ethernet. I wouldnt go as far as to throw it out though just incase you do ever get TV from them in the furture. Youll need it for the TV listing guides.
What's an Actiontek? I have the Westell Ultraline Series3 9100 EM model router... Also, is there a fee with switching to Ethernet? do they have to send someone out to do it or can i just plug and play?
I'm sorry, ActionTek is a more common FiOS router. Assumed you had it.

No fee, its all done over the phone. Nobody comes out.
K, so I was able to clean up my ports on the forward ports page, to ensure that "any" is the incoming and only a single port is the destination... for whatever reason I still can't see myself at to the port 27015 despite it being opened and my windows firewall being disabled.

I'll call up Fios in a bit to try out a different router, though I dont see why this router isn't working... I had asked the agent earlier if I had to set up a Static NAT or DMZ host and he said i wouldnt need to host a dedicated server on a game I'd like.

Just following up if anyone else has more advice.
Attempted a DMZ, still didnt work for whatever reason.

Is the new port forwarding section.. just trying to host a simple dedicated CS server on port 27015. is saying its not currently visible/open. I'll be calling Fios within the next hour to see what gives. only scans tcp ports, not udp.

I dont know how to check if a udp port is open. I actually asked here about month ago how to check, but didnt exactly get a straight answer.
The problem was the not scanning UDP's... after cleaning up my connections and forwards.. everything is working perfectly... Teamspeak 25man hosted and CS 1.6 dedicated... Minecraft coming too! woo!

The problem was the not scanning UDP's... after cleaning up my connections and forwards.. everything is working perfectly... Teamspeak 25man hosted and CS 1.6 dedicated... Minecraft coming too! woo!

Where are you located if you dont mind me asking?
I'm located in Texas.


This has been solved. It turns out the FioS router is just really quirky.