Hosting with PHP4 support


Limp Gawd
Mar 27, 2006
Are there any major hosting companies which still support PHP4? I have accounts on 1and1, BlueHost and HostGator and all those companies dropped or are dropping PHP4 support. I prefer to move hosting somewhere else instead rewriting whole custom app to PHP5 or porting it to some kind of PHP framework.

And what would you do when that host you find eventually drops support for PHP 4?
Grab a VPS, Cloud Instance or dedicated machine and wack your own *nix distribution on it, then you won't have to worry about anyone upgrading it :)
Get yourself a VPS if you require php 4, your gonna have a hard time finding a webhost that offers shared hosting with php 4, and if they do still offer it for some ungodly reason I would expect it to get upgraded at some point.
Generally speaking the majority of issues with backwards compatibility from 5 to 4 were mostly functions that were already deprecated in 4. There isn't any reason you shouldn't be able to get your app working with 5 with minimal work unless it's horribly deprecated. Just my two cents.