HOT: Alien Anthology Blu-Ray 6-Disc Box Set (Region Free) $24 Shipped

Last I read they decided to ditch the prequel idea and just make a bad ass sci-fi flick with very vague reference to the Aliens movies. Did that change?

Dammit, I hope not. I was really looking forward to that and hoping they got back to the feel of the first couple movies.

You know, that's not nearly as bad as I had thought. I'm all for original material. If they flesh out the universe and steer clear of the other movies; I'm ok with that. I was really interested to find out the back story of the original ship and it's crew though. Hopefully it will be OK. Lost had some moments of brilliance. Hopefully those part will come through in the new project.

Thanks for the link.
This is going to have a lot to do with the crashed alien ship in the first movie, the "space jockey" as he came to be know. Lots of stuff out on it if you know where to look!

Love the blue ray set, got it when it was knew and really enjoyed the updates they added to the movies. Even though I dont like the last 2 as much, still enjoyed them more now then i did before...
This is only a deal if its more expensive to get 1 & 2 separately.

You should read a bit about the history of Alien 3, the workprint version in this set is supposedly vastly improved and worthwhile to see. Personally, I somewhat like Alien 4.
Thanks. In for 1 for a Christmas gift. Always nice to give something that you wish to borrow :D
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You should read a bit about the history of Alien 3, the workprint version in this set is supposedly vastly improved and worthwhile to see. Personally, I somewhat like Alien 4.

Aliens was a walk in the direction of an action flick of the time and made Ripley a action-hero instead of just a survivor which made more sense with the direction the film took. Still worked well.

Alien 3 was trying to take the film back to the original with Ripley being more of an anti-hero/hero combo but still making it all about Ripley . That's sort of why it didn't work in addition to the Euro-flick tone.

Alien 4 was at least more 'fun', but its because the film probably had more in common with say a darker version of the 5th Element than the rest of the Aliens films.
This is going to have a lot to do with the crashed alien ship in the first movie, the "space jockey" as he came to be know. Lots of stuff out on it if you know where to look!

Love the blue ray set, got it when it was knew and really enjoyed the updates they added to the movies. Even though I dont like the last 2 as much, still enjoyed them more now then i did before...

Share those places to look please. It looks from this quote that they are abandoning that notion no?

January 2011, The Guardian
"Scott originally planned a two-part Alien prequel which was intended to explain the origins of both the xenomorphs and the nature of the "space jockey" creature whose fossilised figure is passed by the crew of the Nostromo as they explore the doomed planetoid in the early stages of Alien. Last month, it was reported that the Swiss surrealist HR Giger, whose nightmarish designs were utilised extensively in the first film, had agree to return for the new project."

I took that to mean that has changed and is NOT the current plan but it sounds like you're saying that is still the plan? That from the link that was pasted in earlier. Link us up some good news dude. Maybe it's the same story but a single film now? The rest of the article makes it sounds like they moved away from that ship and it's crew though.
Share those places to look please. It looks from this quote that they are abandoning that notion no?

January 2011, The Guardian
"Scott originally planned a two-part Alien prequel which was intended to explain the origins of both the xenomorphs and the nature of the "space jockey" creature whose fossilised figure is passed by the crew of the Nostromo as they explore the doomed planetoid in the early stages of Alien. Last month, it was reported that the Swiss surrealist HR Giger, whose nightmarish designs were utilised extensively in the first film, had agree to return for the new project."

I took that to mean that has changed and is NOT the current plan but it sounds like you're saying that is still the plan? That from the link that was pasted in earlier. Link us up some good news dude. Maybe it's the same story but a single film now? The rest of the article makes it sounds like they moved away from that ship and it's crew though.

Prometheus was originally a prequel to Alien, but no longer.
Apparently BluRays are half the cost in the UK. Weird pricing by region here but it works for me.
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thanks, op! cant beat 4 movies treated properly by the studio for only $7 a piece.
Prometheus was originally a prequel to Alien, but no longer.

Yeah, it seemed this guy was saying that was not the case and it was still that prequel. That's what I was asking him for. Sources that still said that.
I saw this at for $40 and thought that was a good deal but then I found this thread. Glad I did. I ordered and it came out to 23.99 shipped.:cool:
Mine arrived and were NOT region free. Had to send them back. Buyer beware.
I am new to blu ray so the whole region thing is throwin me off, I googled it. But good to know!
This one is from Amazon.UK, but apparently US buyers can sign in with their regular Amazon account and purchase it. This is being confirmed over at Slickdeals where i ripped the deal from.

Correction: Looks like it's $28 shipped, but some Slickdeal members posted $24 total for whatever reason, sorry about the oversight.

Link to deal (use your regular amazon sign-in):

Checkout the reviews, looks like it has great image quality despite being older movies.

I wouldn't sit on this for too long either, this is a rare deal, maybe even a once in a lifetime deal for this set.

thanks $28 shipped for me!

sweet deal, again from the amazon UK website!

I'm in, international commerce ftw :D
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There are hacks out there to free up your Blu ray player. Seems it is just a firmware toggle and you access it through the remote of many players...
Mine came today says region A B C -- I think that's good right? North America = region A? Packaging was a tighter fitting cardboard envelope which is better than Amazon via US!
i ordered these and it came in a fwe weeks back and they all play fine in my bluray player :)
I just clicked all the way through the Amazon deal on the end I was shown the $24.00 final price including shipping...just an FY!...