*HOT* AMD Slashes Price Big Time 50% or More


[H]F Junkie
Apr 13, 2005

If you are planning to buy a new AMD based PC or processor uprade then take my advice strongly ... wait for another week or so as it is confirmed that AMD will SLASH it's prices. You have to love competition in the CPU market, Intel's release of the Core 2 Duo series processir is certainly a fantastic product from many points of view this way :)

We have seen the new pricing model starting at upcoming July 24th, 2006 price cuts.

The Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Socket AM2 will cost 282 dollar that's 367 dollar of the original proce and thus 56 procent cheaper. What about the FX62 that was ~1100 dollar , well next week it'll be 799 dollar. There will also be a few products EOL (End of line) aming them the 1MB cache versions like the X2 4400+

These are great prices people .. upgrade time :)
[size=1 said:
Posted by Hilbert Hagedoorn on July 18, 2006 - 12:50 P[/size]]Link

If you are planning to buy a new AMD based PC or processor uprade then take my advice strongly ... wait for another week or so as it is confirmed that AMD will SLASH it's prices. You have to love competition in the CPU market, Intel's release of the Core 2 Duo series processir is certainly a fantastic product from many points of view this way :)

We have seen the new pricing model starting at upcoming July 24th, 2006 price cuts.

The Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Socket AM2 will cost 282 dollar that's 367 dollar of the original proce and thus 56 procent cheaper. What about the FX62 that was ~1100 dollar , well next week it'll be 799 dollar. There will also be a few products EOL (End of line) aming them the 1MB cache versions like the X2 4400+

These are great prices people .. upgrade time :)
good prices. I haven't seen any am2 boards i like for sli. on another note spell check ownz.
yea from all the posts about the price droppings
looks like ill be upgrading the girls box to an x2 3800+ probably get a decent 570sli board for her. joy.

But are the prices listed what the vendor pays or what everyone else is going to pay? im sure demand for the chips will probably cause the prices to rise
The 3800x2 EE 35w needs to drop a little more to be competitive, I think, but, overall, the prices are good. I still don't see where it will make sticking with AMD a good choice if you're completely upgrading your system, but I think it makes the decision easier to just upgrade your processor in your current system without having doubts about what you're getting. And.. um.. wtf who will buy a 3000+ if it's the same price as a 3200+? :O

Anyways, nice updated price list, thanks!
Hot nevertheless. Though I wish the 65W TDP X2s would drop down a little further, it would be more tempting to steer me away from Intel's latest.
lopies said:
Wonder when the FX-60 & 4800+ are gonna drop for socket 939 :rolleyes: .
In the short term, if anything, (IMHO) expect the X2 4800+ Socket 939 to go UP in price, as it's going to be a discontinued product. The supply will go down, demand up, prices up naturally. Most rumors say that all these 1 MB per L2 CPUs will go UP in price, for how long, not sure.
its funny the amount of people that read one section of this forum and not another. Been talked about in the amd section for a month at least. Still a hot deal when it happens.
Nice price drops for sure but i'm afraid its not going to be enough to steer most people away from Conroe if they are looking to build a new system. It's one thing if you already have an AM2 setup and dont want to buy a new motherboard for Conroe but a much faster Conroe processor only costs a little more then the equally priced AM2 X2 processors. Availability of Conroe is what will decide how well Conroe does in sales for the first couple of quarters though. If availability is limited then prices will be quite a bit higher then MSRP and that will make the AM2 processors look better. If availability is good and prices stay close to MSRP for Intel then it will be a different story. The 5000+ will drop to $282 but the E6600 has a MSRP of $316-$319 and is overall faster then the FX-62 at stock speeds. Then you have the X2 3800+ at $149 but the MSRP for the E6300 is only like $183 and the E6300 should overclock to 3GHz or higher and provide quite a bit better performance. Also keep in mind that Intel will drop prices of the Pentium 4/D/Celeron line again to make them competitive at the lower-end. I mean the Celeron processor isn't all that fantastic but you can grab a 3.2GHz Celeron for around $40 right now and overclock it to about 4GHz and have a decent enough processor for everyday tasks. So availability of Conroe is going to be everything for AMD and the quicker AMD can move to 65nm the better.
Martyr said:
lol why would u be buying amd anymore?
I for one, built my comp less than 7 months ago. I don't plan on buying a new mobo + Processor because someone on the Interweb told me to.
Spazilton said:
Actually those benchmarks are flawed. They are all GPU rather than CPU limited. IMO that review was worthless.

Yes, because we all play games at 800x600 and 1024x768. Personally, I'd rather know if I'd see any difference with a Conroe at the resolutions I already play at (1600x1200 and 1920x1200). In this situation I can't justify spending over $600 (CPU, RAM, board, and CPU water block) to rebuild my system if I'm not going to see a performance gain.

If you were looking for CPU benches, that's the wrong article to look at. If you're a gamer and want to know if Conroe will give you a performance boost, that is probably what you would want to look at.
Yeah I just built my 939 rig not long ago. I play at 1600x1200 on all my fps games with no problems.
Volkum said:
Yes, because we all play games at 800x600 and 1024x768. Personally, I'd rather know if I'd see any difference with a Conroe at the resolutions I already play at (1600x1200 and 1920x1200). In this situation I can't justify spending over $600 (CPU, RAM, board, and CPU water block) to rebuild my system if I'm not going to see a performance gain.

If you were looking for CPU benches, that's the wrong article to look at. If you're a gamer and want to know if Conroe will give you a performance boost, that is probably what you would want to look at.

Only if your planning on only playing those selected games and only if you aren't planning on using anything faster then a 7900 GTX. If you will look at any of the SLI/Crossfire Conroe reviews you will see more of a performance difference and if you will look at more CPU intensive games like flight sims or RTS's you will see more of a difference. Even games like Oblivion will see a nice boost from Conroe in fps. The 7900 GTX is slower then a X1900XTX in most D3D games, especially the shader intensive ones like Oblivion and it definitely doesn't show the GPU performance of two cards in SLI/Crossfire or the upcoming G80/R600. The whole point in the low resultion benchmarks in CPU reviews is so you can see how much faster one CPU is over another when your not being limited by the GPU.
Let's try not to turn this into another debate about the HardOCP article, check the "Intel Processors" section of the forum to delve further into that please. Focus on the price cuts here: if you have an existing system and want to upgrade, but do not want to purchase an entirely new rig, these cuts are great. Otherwise, unless you favor AMD, go for Conroe.

That is really all there is to it, so try to stay with the mad price cuts that these are for people that are not upgrading their entire system.
burningrave101 said:
Nice price drops for sure but i'm afraid its not going to be enough to steer most people away from Conroe if they are looking to build a new system. It's one thing if you already have an AM2 setup and dont want to buy a new motherboard for Conroe but a much faster Conroe processor only costs a little more then the equally priced AM2 X2 processors. Availability of Conroe is what will decide how well Conroe does in sales for the first couple of quarters though. If availability is limited then prices will be quite a bit higher then MSRP and that will make the AM2 processors look better. If availability is good and prices stay close to MSRP for Intel then it will be a different story. The 5000+ will drop to $282 but the E6600 has a MSRP of $316-$319 and is overall faster then the FX-62 at stock speeds. Then you have the X2 3800+ at $149 but the MSRP for the E6300 is only like $183 and the E6300 should overclock to 3GHz or higher and provide quite a bit better performance. Also keep in mind that Intel will drop prices of the Pentium 4/D/Celeron line again to make them competitive at the lower-end. I mean the Celeron processor isn't all that fantastic but you can grab a 3.2GHz Celeron for around $40 right now and overclock it to about 4GHz and have a decent enough processor for everyday tasks. So availability of Conroe is going to be everything for AMD and the quicker AMD can move to 65nm the better.

The trick is total price- RAM, mobo, CPU. Whie Conroe has better price/performance, as soon as you factor in a $200 mobo for performance and a lack of SLI/Crossfire choices (RAM is the same for either), Conroe begins to pale.

Now in a few months (second wave if you will) this is likely to change. Glad I'm waiting until 1H 07. Let this all flesh out :)

No matter what, everybody wins. Price/Performance is at an incredible peak right now. I feel like we've just made 2 years of performance tweaks at the midrange- overnight. Now to get all but the EE parts in buyers hands that are not Dell and Compaq :)

Has any 'real' review site done an actual 6600 review yet or just the 6800 and 6700? Since that is what most of us seem to be looking at, I want ot see real numbers- not superPi and 3dMark...
ir0nw0lf said:
In the short term, if anything, (IMHO) expect the X2 4800+ Socket 939 to go UP in price, as it's going to be a discontinued product. The supply will go down, demand up, prices up naturally. Most rumors say that all these 1 MB per L2 CPUs will go UP in price, for how long, not sure.
That can't really be true. :confused: There are many Socket 939'ers out there (probably more so than 754'ers when 939 had just come out), so why would AMD leave them high and dry? And given the tough competition from Intel, why would AMD or its vendors raise prices of certain CPUs, such as the 1 MB cache ones?

Now I have a Socket 939 3200+ CPU that I got around this time last year. I would like to eventually upgrade it to a dual-core CPU. I want to get it when it's at a low price price point, but yet don't want to risk losing out on a chance to buy a new CPU (i.e. Socket 939 is discontinued and no longer sold with warranty). Any suggestions? My 3200+ is still doing me well, but there are times when I wished I had dual-core, such as when I do heavy video encoding, which literally locks up my computer for ~7 hrs. Thanks.

And good luck to those that get a discounted CPU upgrade. :cool:
Oh no...here we go again...

At this point in time, Conroe is a cheaper proc that performs better in all situations. Period. This has been proven over and over and cannot be argued especially cost vs. cost.

This Conroe vs. AMD discussion has been ended.

You're welcome. :p
beowulf7 said:
That can't really be true. :confused: There are many Socket 939'ers out there (probably more so than 754'ers when 939 had just come out), so why would AMD leave them high and dry? And given the tough competition from Intel, why would AMD or its vendors raise prices of certain CPUs, such as the 1 MB cache ones?

Now I have a Socket 939 3200+ CPU that I got around this time last year. I would like to eventually upgrade it to a dual-core CPU. I want to get it when it's at a low price price point, but yet don't want to risk losing out on a chance to buy a new CPU (i.e. Socket 939 is discontinued and no longer sold with warranty). Any suggestions? My 3200+ is still doing me well, but there are times when I wished I had dual-core, such as when I do heavy video encoding, which literally locks up my computer for ~7 hrs. Thanks.

And good luck to those that get a discounted CPU upgrade. :cool:
Look at the current (re)sale values of CPU's like Pentium III's (1.x GHz dual-capable versions), Athlon XP's, Athlon MP's. There is no way in the world they should still cost that much, but they do. Not made anymore = what's left is what's left + high demand = high/higher prices. It's not AMD at that point who controls the price of discontinued CPU's, it's the sellers and influenced by the buyers. The price of the CPU's might not go up much, but vendors who still have them in stock would take one helluva beating if they dropped them 50+%. On the flip side, those with CPU's that are fixing to be disco'ed, might want to consider whether or not the resale value of their chip is fixing to go into the toilet. I'd be a bit miffed if that happened! Good luck to those who can find a kick butt deal on one of those disco'ed CPU's in the next 6 months. :D
ir0nw0lf said:
Look at the current (re)sale values of CPU's like Pentium III's (1.x GHz dual-capable versions), Athlon XP's, Athlon MP's. There is no way in the world they should still cost that much, but they do. Not made anymore = what's left is what's left + high demand = high/higher prices. It's not AMD at that point who controls the price of discontinued CPU's, it's the sellers and influenced by the buyers. The price of the CPU's might not go up much, but vendors who still have them in stock would take one helluva beating if they dropped them 50+%. On the flip side, those with CPU's that are fixing to be disco'ed, might want to consider whether or not the resale value of their chip is fixing to go into the toilet. I'd be a bit miffed if that happened! Good luck to those who can find a kick butt deal on one of those disco'ed CPU's in the next 6 months. :D
You make a point there, but I was thinking of a more recent example, where the Socket 754 chips earlier this year were being sold for prices cheaper than a tankful of premium gasoline (and that's probably not an exaggeration). Given the huge Socket 939 customer base, I can't imagine AMD shunning them so soon. But who knows. : \
all I know is that in a couple of weeks, i can go out and buy a $149 (sure it'll be cheaper at online vendors) X2 3800+ to get a noticable difference compare to my single core x64 3000+. Compare this to shelling out $200+ for intel mobo (high end go for $275 (ridiculous i know), $300+ cpu, $200+ or $400+ PC2 depending on your speed. So minimum for conroe setup would total to $700 vs $149..Hmmmm...
hbui said:
all I know is that in a couple of weeks, i can go out and buy a $149 (sure it'll be cheaper at online vendors) X2 3800+ to get a noticable difference compare to my single core x64 3000+. Compare this to shelling out $200+ for intel mobo (high end go for $275 (ridiculous i know), $300+ cpu, $200+ or $400+ PC2 depending on your speed. So minimum for conroe setup would total to $700 vs $149..Hmmmm...

I thought good pc2 was like $150 (the ocz deal at outpost?)
hbui said:
all I know is that in a couple of weeks, i can go out and buy a $149 (sure it'll be cheaper at online vendors) X2 3800+ to get a noticable difference compare to my single core x64 3000+. Compare this to shelling out $200+ for intel mobo (high end go for $275 (ridiculous i know), $300+ cpu, $200+ or $400+ PC2 depending on your speed. So minimum for conroe setup would total to $700 vs $149..Hmmmm...


You guys ranting about Conroe apparently have cash to burn. I'm still running socket 754 for gaming - because I hadn't seen enough performance boost at resolutions that I ACTUALLY PLAY AT to spend that kind of cash. All I can say is that my Venice 3400+ @ 2.6ghz is not going to be CPU limited for some time for games.

Now for you folding/video encoding folks maybe you can justify spending $400-$500 on a minor CPU upgrade, but for those of us content running the bang/buck curve, sticking with AMD is still the way to go. No new motherboard, no DDR2, etc. I'd rather spend my money on the SVS subwoofer for my home theater that I've wanted for ages, a big fat video card, hell, or put it in the baby's savings fund. :D

If I was running socket 939 I'd be tempted to go bite on the X2 3800 (although dual core still does little for gaming). That's some great bang/buck.

I'll be looking into Conroe or whatever AMD has on the plate, maybe in another year or two. When the upgrade is worth the money.
GreenMonkey said:

You guys ranting about Conroe apparently have cash to burn. I'm still running socket 754 for gaming - because I hadn't seen enough performance boost at resolutions that I ACTUALLY PLAY AT to spend that kind of cash. All I can say is that my Venice 3400+ @ 2.6ghz is not going to be CPU limited for some time for games.


Tried F.E.A.R@1024.,Oblivion@1024?And Stalker is right around the corner(maybe).I klnow my 2800+(at 2.2) and my 5900AGP(LOL) won't play any of them at worthwhile framerates.My X2 4200 is gonna kickass.
I guess we are not allowed to have our own preferences and must follow these people who love conroe. I buy AMD b/c I like them. End of discussion. Now stop thread crapping.
Brahmzy said:
Oh no...here we go again...

At this point in time, Conroe is a cheaper proc that performs better in all situations. Period. This has been proven over and over and cannot be argued especially cost vs. cost.

This Conroe vs. AMD discussion has been ended.

You're welcome. :p

Lets See.. I already have a socket 939 board and 2GB of RAM as well as SLI..so my upgrade cost will be about $200 for a X2 5000+

Now for Conroe I need a new MB ($200+) New RAM ($200+) and a CPU (we will be generous and say $200)

Now I already play FEAR @ 1920x1200 with all the eye candy on just fine on my existing system (so I dont really need to even spend the $200 on a 5000+ so my choices are $200 for a probably negligible performance increase (Over my Opty or 4400+) or I can spend somewhere in the neighborhood of $600+ for Conroe for that same negligible performance increase (I don't encode video, rip CD's etc I game and play on the internet so the rest of it is worthless to me unless Conroe can make me type faster in Word) so cost vs cost my AMD setup is a LOT better cost to cost ratio based on what I already have. Oh yeah I did forget the extra $1000 in Video cards I have to buy because there isn't a SLI board out for Conroe yet that works worth a shit that I have seen.

All that aside I think Conroe is a great part and on my next COMPLETE build I will more than likely look that way. Until that time the AMD price drops (and hence the point behind this thread) will be a great boon to all us people who dont have a spare $1700 laying around to get an extra 3 frames a second
