Hot - Antec P180B $40 AR plus shipping at Outpost


Limp Gawd
Feb 6, 2005
[Edit]: DEAL DEAD!

For those of you who missed it last time, Outpost has the P180B selling for $79.99 and a $40 rebate to bring your Antec case goodness to $39.99. Shipping is NOT free, so for those of us left-coasters, shipping + tax (CA: $31 shipping + $7 tax = $78 total AR) makes this merely a tepid deal.


$27 shipping to Northern AZ. So the newegg deal was actually cheaper for me.
damn $17 for shipping sux, comeon frys give us free shipping :p
heard they are doing free shipping once they are back in stock :)
An unfounded rumor. Most likely it was a pricing mistake which they then pulled. I was on at 4am and saw the P180B listed twice, one with a price of $119.99, the other with a price of $79.99, added both to my cart, then deleted both, came here to write up the deal, reloaded the page to list the cases by price, and the $119.99 priced P180B disappeared. Someone probably meant to list it as $119.99 - $40 rebate = $79.99 after rebate, but screwed up.
Gotta be right about them meaning for it to be $79.99 AR, as Fry's B&M ads have that same deal listed in the Friday ad.
My outpost deals e-mail I got last night had it at $79.99 after $40.00 rebate. The bad thing is, no valid link. Must not have any in stock yet.