Hot Audio switch for gaming: Radioshack BM only

Sweet deal, too bad there aren't any stores around me that still have them in stock. Not available online either.
it would be a good deal, but who the hell wants to drive to the store? whats the point of shopping online if you have to go to the store... anyway, good price cool product
Do you know how long this is on sale for? I could get to Radioshack tomorrow.
I think its a clearance item. My store had 3 in stock and the clerk did not even know where to find them. Chances are if your store has them, they will for a few days.
Interesting, all three stores near my home have them in stock. Might stop in if i pass by anytime soon. Hard to say no for a $1.97

Thanks for the heads up.
called most of the stores in the south bay area, they don't carry em, they claim it's a discontinued item, however they identified the product and the correct price.
i use an ART PowerMIX III on my rigs... love it... not nearly as cheap, but gets the job done... 3 machines mixed with no buzzing or anything... output for my big stereo system and also for the headphones... starting to wish it had more inputs now, but there is also the line-ins on all 3 rigs i can utilize... thats just not as centralized :D
I saw a local store had one, and i was going to be driving by so i stopped in, the guy said they didn't know where it was, then that he probably can't sell it.
Ends up they had it setup in the back room on their computer, luckly after some harrassing, he sold it to me :)

Haven't gotten to try it yet, but i will soon

Thanks for the Heads up about the deal!
I guess you're out of luck if you have 5.1 speakers.