HOT? Dell E1505 w/20.5" 2007FPW for $529.00 shipped


Mar 20, 2001
Found on:

The deal looks dead as the 2007FPW adds +$200.00 to the package now(not +$100.00). However, if you call Dell and order it using the E-Value code, you will get it for the original price of $529.00. You're esentually getting the system for $169.00 after factoring in the price of the monitor (on sale)...
oipunkz said:
It's not the E1505 (a laptop). It's a Dimension 5150 desktop.

Oops, sorry about that; changed...

I was shopping for a E1505 deal when I ran across this one. For some reason, I had the model number stuck in my head.
I friggin hate you. Oh here's a $100 you can have *punch in the face* haha no $100 for you.
Glow said:
I friggin hate you. Oh here's a $100 you can have *punch in the face* haha no $100 for you.


The deal IS good, you just have to CALL and order it instead of trying to buy it online. I've just placed and order for 6 of them at $529.00 each. My brother-in-law just placed an order for 2 of them. They aren't the best systems but work fine for basic office type stuff. I'd be hard pressed to build a comparable system for ~$160.00 (including shipping)