HOT! Dell Inspiron $750 off $1499 Coupon Back Wednesday


Aug 9, 2003

Details at:

Coupon goes live (and code can be posted) at 8:00am Central Time on Wednesday morning. The above site will have it, or I'm sure someone will post it on here.

This was their hottest laptop coupon ever. They had it last October and people got $1500 laptops loaded for under $800 shipped.

They are limiting it to 10,000 uses, and may pull it before then if conditions warrant, so if you are going to order, do it right away Wednesday morning.
I will definately try and snag a few, but most likely Dell's prices will be up $200-$400 by Wednesday to compensate for the $750 off coupon. :(
I have been waiting for this coupon to return since last fall. Too bad dell's product line sucks now. To get a 9300 configured worth a damn you have to go way over 1500. Same difference with the 6000, 1500 is not enough to configure it well. The 600m is 2 years old. The 700m is really tiny. A 50% off coupon would be way better than 750 off 1500.
I actually ordered myself an Inspiron 6000 last Thursday on a $800 off $1999 coupon, and managed to get the pre-coupon price to $2,001, with the price after coupon at just a hair under $1,300 (had to pay sales tax, but had free shipping too.) Looks like I'm gonna' beat the rush (sort of, I'm still not expecting it to show up for another two weeks...) The 9300 sounds nice, but the reports I've heard of it being too big to really carry around much pointed me to the 6000.
thats why the 35% off was the best, since it also makred upgrades down 10% too
DeepGrey said:
50% off 1500 is the same as 750 off 1500. :D
50% off would be better for any amount above 1500. Most configurations are going to be above the absolute minimum, so 50% would be better. ;)
Im not sure HOW he got that. With everything else absolutely minimized and just the 6800go, the final price (pre tax), would be $1048. Thats with the 40GB HDD, 256MB of ram (same as the 6800, LOL)...
Here's a question.

I got a 25% off code for notebooks that expires tomorrow, what do you think the chances are that these two offers would stack? :D :p
GLSauron said:
Im not sure HOW he got that. With everything else absolutely minimized and just the 6800go, the final price (pre tax), would be $1048. Thats with the 40GB HDD, 256MB of ram (same as the 6800, LOL)...

:\ I was adding in the current sale that ends wensday.. my bad.
Ok guys, be ready to fuckin party. I called Dell up and with no hassles, got the quote for the I9300 starting at $1250 TOMORROW, and then you can upgrade to $1500 worth. I am amazed at this because at first I realized, aww, the coupons won't stack :(. BUT NOW I AM HAPPY AND STAYING UP ALL NIGHT WITH BAWLS hehehehehe.
blacklimo03 said:
Ok guys, be ready to fuckin party. I called Dell up and with no hassles, got the quote for the I9300 starting at $1250 TOMORROW, and then you can upgrade to $1500 worth. I am amazed at this because at first I realized, aww, the coupons won't stack :(. BUT NOW I AM HAPPY AND STAYING UP ALL NIGHT WITH BAWLS hehehehehe.

That's with a $350 off coupon. The $750 coupon won't stack with that one.
The code is:


Just to inform you the code is already available.
I tried it right now says its expired maybe we need to use it at 8 am.. will try again, im curious to see if the 25% off stack or not.
Does anybody know if Dell charges the moment an order is placed or when it ships? I have almost enough to cover this in my account now, but not quite. Will by Friday though. Ship date given on my custom config isn't for a few weeks.
so whats the best gaming laptop that can be had with this deal?

wait is this just for dell home or for small business too?
Dell will check to make sure you have funds by a preauthorization. They dont finally charge your card until it shipps.
Deal is now active it just showed up for me. However i'm not gonna buy one :( i still got $1500 worth of apple stuff to pay off :( However i'm kinda waiting for the new G5's to come out so the old ones go down in price.
Coupon is active. Unfortunately, the price has to be $1500 + whatever the automatic coupon for the system is ($300 - $400 for the high-end systems) before they will let you use the coupon. In my case, the number was $1800. So I tried to configure an $1800 system and then applied the coupon. They removed the automatic $300 off and put on my $750 instead. Which means the price was only $150 less than it was to begin with. This might be a good deal for people who planned to beef up their system with options, but I was planning on getting an $800 laptop, which I wasn't able to do.
What? I just ordered a $746 Inspiron 6000 (Thank you 2% off Preferred Account Coupon!). The site is getting hammered, keep trying. It just has to be 1500 before any dollars off for the coupon to activate.
The cheapest I can get with ($40+) tax, free shipping and everything reduced to the lowest as the final out the door price is $891.

I was hoping the original price would've been the $1249, but as said above, the other coupon gets taken away and then, the cheapest the 9300 is $1599 - $750off, still a pretty good deal though...



EDIT, well now im getting the famous "sorry the coupon you have entered has previously been redemed" & "Coupon Error We're sorry, the coupon code you have entered has already expired.". crap

either the site is getting really hammered and something broke, or they pulled the coupon..
Actually, correction. If you go through affiliate links (such as the ones at Ben's) they don't have the $300 off coupon pre-applied.
for some reason when im in my cart with the 9300 in it, its all above 1500, and when i type in the coupon where it says enter coupon, and then when i click apply coupon, nothing happens. someone help?

edit: getting the same "sorry the coupon you have entered has previously been redemed" & "Coupon Error We're sorry, the coupon code you have entered has already expired.""

someone help!!!!!!!!!!
Confirmed dead now. Enjoy your hot deal if you got in on it. :)
lol, 10K plus uses in less than 90ish minutes haha.

ah well, I just saved a ton of money
i'm still hoping they pulled it for only a short time period. I only got 3 orders in. :(
Yeah dell home is dead but dell EPP isn't!
I got a nice 600m from dell home however. :)