Hot to Start/Stop external 120V pump with PC?


Feb 15, 2005
I keep forgetting to turn the 120v external pump off with the PC and was hoping to find an easy add-on to do this automatically. I did do a search as I thought many would be doing this but…
I'd just use a relay from your PSU, and run the wires out of your case...

What's it mean in your sig, "Thanks Prime95"? I'm curious.
You can always go to an electronics store and purchase a 12vdc coil relay with a set of NO (Normally Open) contacts. Just make sure that you find out what the "Inrush Current" (start-up amps) is for that pump so a relay can be picked with heavy enough contacts.
Am I the only one on the [H] that uses a power strip?

Works quite well for my 2nd case containing my pump and some other odds and ends.
Arcygenical said:
I'd just use a relay from your PSU, and run the wires out of your case...

What's it mean in your sig, "Thanks Prime95"? I'm curious.

It thought that the PC ran just fine at 3Ghz but then I found out about running Prime95 so it will run on both cores at the same time and I had to back down to 2.8Ghz to run 24hours without a failure. That’s all.

How did you see my sig? I filled one out I can’t see anyones.
You need to turn sigs on in User CP up ^^ << there.

hah, No, I thought you were trying to shoot for 3.0 and you like, iunno, booted at 1.8v or something.
I used to have a modified Power strip that I used running attached to a 12vdc relay switch.
Look for a power station I think it was called, that was a pci card you hooked your pump up to to start it with the power button.