House puzzle game from 1990's


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Does anyone remember that game from the 1990's (IIRC) that was in a house and had all sorts of puzzles that you had to work thru?
Can you give more details? Even vague ones, like platform, 3d/2d?, fps?, side view? or whatever you can think of.

Alone in the Dark?
Night Trap?

We're gonna need to know if it was EGA text input stuff or FMV, heh.
I'm always amazed by how people can take a vague description of a game and come up with something almost instantly.

How about this one:

I remember playing this game sometime in the early 90's. I think it was a shareware game. You were in a spaceship that was vaguely T-shaped and played in a top-down view. It had RPG elements in that you hailed other ships and got upgrades for your own. It might have been made by Apogee; I hesitate to tell you that 'cause it feels like I've already given you too much information.

That's all I remember. In fact, the actual memory that I have is that I (in the game) was supposed to warp somewhere, but I ran out of fuel half-way there so I figured I'd put something heavy on the keyboard and go out and mow the lawn and travel there at sub-light speed. Even after an hour or so I wasn't any closer to my destination so I uninstalled the game.
I still have my 7th Guest and 11th Hour CDs. 7th guest was fantastic, but my system couldn't handle 11th hour so it got shelved and I never went back to try it again.

I bet it's all nostalgia, though -- you can play all the puzzles in flash these days...
I'm always amazed by how people can take a vague description of a game and come up with something almost instantly.

How about this one:

I remember playing this game sometime in the early 90's. I think it was a shareware game. You were in a spaceship that was vaguely T-shaped and played in a top-down view. It had RPG elements in that you hailed other ships and got upgrades for your own. It might have been made by Apogee; I hesitate to tell you that 'cause it feels like I've already given you too much information.

That's all I remember. In fact, the actual memory that I have is that I (in the game) was supposed to warp somewhere, but I ran out of fuel half-way there so I figured I'd put something heavy on the keyboard and go out and mow the lawn and travel there at sub-light speed. Even after an hour or so I wasn't any closer to my destination so I uninstalled the game.

Solar Winds

Like you said, you can just fly sub-light to that distant planet if you put something on your keyboard and went away for a few hours (I went to elementary school) which was a loophole. I did in fact do that. The point of the game however, was to do the missions and story in the systems you were in so you could actually buy the hyperdrive and goto that planet at the end of the game. I remember that finally accomplishing all that was very rewarding game. The feeling of actually hyperdriving around when you got it was amazing. The combat was very well thought out and in depth as well as how you navigated around the universe. The only thing that bugged me was that planets appeared graphically smaller than your own ship.

You're lucky you remember so many details. This one was obvious. There are many games I have only vague impressions of in my brain that I cannot even put into words to describe to people and so I doubt I will ever find them again.
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Solar Winds

Like you said, you can just fly sub-light to that distant planet if you put something on your keyboard and went away for a few hours (I went to elementary school) which was a loophole. I did in fact do that. The point of the game however, was to do the missions and story in the systems you were in so you could actually buy the hyperdrive and goto that planet at the end of the game. I remember that finally accomplishing all that was very rewarding game. The feeling of actually hyperdriving around when you got it was amazing. The combat was very well thought out and in depth as well as how you navigated around the universe. The only thing that bugged me was that planets appeared graphically smaller than your own ship.

You're lucky you remember so many details. This one was obvious. There are many games I have only vague impressions of in my brain that I cannot even put into words to describe to people and so I doubt I will ever find them again.

That's probably it. I knew I was giving too many details :)

Next time I'll try to be more vague so it'll be more impressive.