Houston, we have a problem! hotfix help please!


Apr 18, 2005
ok, I run xp64 and I would like to get this hotfix described here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/924054/

The problem is, there is no direct link to the file... and it seems to be asking me to contact MS... and by phone or e-mail it's 35 dollars!

I am not sure what to do... I want this hotfix... the issue effects me, as I am using the affected OS and I do use applications that page large blocks of memory...

Is there another way to get the fix? does MS really expect people to pay for this fix to something they broke in the first place?

hehe... :confused:
Sorry, can't help. Unless you can find someone else who has access to the hotfix and will give you the installer, you can always just uninstall the MS06-040 update.
I am hoping someone will have it or it will turn up somewheres.
When calling in a support problem for which MS has issued a hotfix, there is typically no charge.
well... I may try... I suppose I should wait until common buisness hours... but then I might try.

I wish there was a direct link to the hotfix... why they would guard the patch I don't know.