how about a screenshot of all the programs installed in your vista?

Feb 6, 2006
how about a screenshot of all the programs installed in your vista?

i don't have vista installed yet. but i want to know what kind of programs are working in vista before i make the move. i got the msdnaa version of vista business.
Or just list what hasn't worked, since most apps work fine.

Not working:
TweakUI (XP);
XstreamXM (stutters).

i just bought my copy today. vista ultimate oem, $200!

winzip 10 works
corel psp 11 works
nero 7.5.9 don't work...
AIM??, lmao...sorry, cracked me up...
This is from a guy who started a new thread about installing 3 things at the same time, you're cool dude!. "Right now, I'm installing WoW, DX9c, and 3dmark05... all at the same time. cool"

aim ad hack ftw...