How about an FPS with robots...


Aug 3, 2003
Just thought it was interesting that all the FPS games seem to involve killing things with flesh.

So how about a Human VS. War Robot scenario?

I can see it now. With all the new physics and such. Imagine blowing off the limbs and heads and panels of robots. All while they still trudge toward you, sparking, smoking, and burning. The pinging of bullets on metal, and the sounds of electrical shorts. Man that would be chaos.

Just a thought... :D
It has already been done Terminator 3 anyone ;) what a sucky game that was. Otherwise robots aren´t scary.
oqvist said:
It has already been done Terminator 3 anyone ;) what a sucky game that was. Otherwise robots aren´t scary.

Haha... I mean a good game. Like one that wasn't half-assed.

stryder2720 said:
Starwars BattleFront?

Yes but that is a movie-game. I meant something brand spanking new. And done right!
yeah, and when you kill one their hydrogen fuel cells become unstable and you see small nukes going off all over the place and must clear the area before they blow

but i think it would have potential
unreal tournament or maybe tribes (are those things robots? or wtf are they?)
metal armz or whatever it's called, i have it for the Game Cube, its pretty tough
Wasn´t it Half Life or something or return to castle Wolfenstein where the Nazi or something was replaced by robots in Germany because the blood`?
oqvist said:
Wasn´t it Half Life or something or return to castle Wolfenstein where the Nazi or something was replaced by robots in Germany because the blood`?
