How are pool calculations done (LTC, BTC)?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 23, 2004
I'm a little new and a little lost on how pool calculations are done for Litecoins or any sort of digital coins. I signed up for Burnside's pool with my HD7950, which gets around 550kHs. When I go to check my stats online, it reports back some 80-90kHs!


My questions:
- Am I doing something wrong here?
- Why are my reports so low online but cgminer reports back completely different numbers?
- How often is the payout? I've been waiting for several hours already.
- Is there a better pool than Burnside's (kattare)?
pools pretty much never report accurate khash but you are still being rewarded for whatever cgminer says. Most pools say this in ginormus writing some place.

You dont get any payout until your pool finds a block because there is nothing to pay out. Then the reward for finding the block is divided up to everyone depending on how much of the work they have done.

I use , i don't know anything about burnsides pool, it doesn't display its current khash rate which i think is kind of strange. If the pool doesn't have a lot of users you may be waiting a long time to see your rewards. I know wemineltc allows you to change donation to 0 and has a low withdraw fee if you wait till you build up 5 coins
I have seen mine reported on websites from 500 kH/s all the way up to 1800 kH/s, but I actually get around 1135-1150 kH/s. The most important part is that these websites are generally off with the calculation and as Kardonxt said, it is generally stated somewhere on the website. As long as you are getting about the right amount of coins you should be (use a calculator for estimates), you should be fine.
I have seen mine reported on websites from 500 kH/s all the way up to 1800 kH/s, but I actually get around 1135-1150 kH/s. The most important part is that these websites are generally off with the calculation and as Kardonxt said, it is generally stated somewhere on the website. As long as you are getting about the right amount of coins you should be (use a calculator for estimates), you should be fine.

Alright, I let my miner run 24 hours. The calculators say that I should be getting .25 LTCs per day but when I looked at my account balance:

That's less than 1/10 of what I should have by now. However, it is accurate based on their online estimates of 100kHs/hr. Am I missing something here?
Check your mining program and see if you are getting hardware errors. If your intensity is too high, it will produce garbage results which do not count. Set your mining programs intensity to just under the point where it starts having hardware errors.
What is the intensity of your worker set to?

I decreased it to 13, down from 19.

Check your mining program and see if you are getting hardware errors. If your intensity is too high, it will produce garbage results which do not count. Set your mining programs intensity to just under the point where it starts having hardware errors.

I think that might have been it. Now the site shows around 300kHs, which is about what I'm getting. This makes me happy and sad at the same time. Happy that I'm now mining at the optimal rate but very sad that it's about half of what my output was originally :) :(. How can some people claim to be mining at 550-650kHs when it produces so many hardware errors? How do you get around said errors?

The card's (HD 7950) is around 67C, warm, considering the fan is only at 50%.
Some of them are extreme overclocks, some of them are flat out lying. I figure the ones in the mid range are the most accurate.