How are the Dell layer 3 gigabit switches?


Dec 8, 2004
I need a L3 switch, the Dells are cheapest for the features.
We have a couple. They are ok for basic routing and that's about it. If you need bells and whistles go with cisco...
They work. They basicly use what appears to be a stripped down licensed version of Cisco's IOS. So, if you know IOS, then you should be good to go. I have used them in mid-sized businesses because they were cheap and Dell will comp them if you buy enough stuff other stuff.
Don't need the bells and whistles.
I just need it to replace our way overloaded WRT54g for the routing and be a rock solid switch for the rest of the network.
Order said:
Don't need the bells and whistles.
I just need it to replace our way overloaded WRT54g for the routing and be a rock solid switch for the rest of the network.
Make sure you put a firewall out in front of it.
Do you think I should go for a midrange Cisco router and maybe a HP 2824?
edit: Good call about the firewall. Hopefully that won't break the bank.
Order said:
Don't need the bells and whistles.
I just need it to replace our way overloaded WRT54g for the routing and be a rock solid switch for the rest of the network.

Don't you mean, NATing? Do you have more than 1 VLAN?

If not, there's no point in getting an L3 switch.

Just get a ghetto comp, put astaro or smoothwall on it, and connect it to the linksys. Let the linksys do the WAP and regular switching duties.