how bad would two dvd drives sharing ide cable be?


Feb 8, 2004
If I run two dvd drives on the same ide cable, how slow will it make them? Would doing direct dvd-dvd or cd-cd copies be out of the question?
JAW said:
If I run two dvd drives on the same ide cable, how slow will it make them? Would doing direct dvd-dvd or cd-cd copies be out of the question?

No. CD-CD copies will be fine; DVD copies will have to be first decrypted and written to the hard drive, then burned from there.
Making copies should still be ok but speed wise it's best if you'd seperate them. I've had some complications when doing direct copies of CDs before. Or burning a CD and copying data off a DVD drive at the same. Different HDs so it wasn't a speed issue with them. I'm thinking it was some windows/driver problem though. I'd go to simply burn something and it'd deplete the buffer, stop, reload it, then continue burning. That was on my brother's system. On mine the buffer rarely leaves, 98/99% depending on what speed i'm burning at. Even if I defrag HDs at the same time.

You don't necessarily have to copy DVDs to the HD. If you're doing a bit for bit copy of the disk it should still work fine.
this is how IDE works.... when you put a HD on the same cable as a cd or dvd rom the bus speed will always defualt to the slower drive.... the fastest dvd i know of only runs at ata speeds of 33mb/s... but most are pio mode (4 i think.. might be 6.. dont remeber for shure) regardless its only 20mb/s.... most ide hd's are ata 100 or 133... on an ata 100 buss you should be able to full speed transfer between 2 ata 33 drives without a hitch... get a ata 66 (40pin 80 wire) cable and it should max out the transfer rate with the dvds on the same cable without any trouble... i know i can burn a dvd at full speed from the harddrives while ripping at very near full speed from the dvd rom and my drives are on the same cable.. i would look into getting the better cable if you arnt useing one now ( i know someone is going to chime in here and tell me that if there runing in pio mode it wont make any difference... but it dose, it lets them get just a littel more out of it.. ) and check out your drivers... be shure that DMA is enables on the buss and you should be golden
