how can one determine how many drives can be plugged into one cable?


Limp Gawd
Sep 8, 2006
i'd like to get as least cables as possible and i have 4 hard drives that i was thinking of chaining together onto one cable on the psu but I don't wanna draw too much.
Math... a cable has a certain rating... a drive draws a certain amount of power... but I'm no electrician. :p 4 drives off of one strand of molex cables should be fine, though. ;) I've been doing that for years, haha.
Math... a cable has a certain rating... a drive draws a certain amount of power... but I'm no electrician. :p 4 drives off of one strand of molex cables should be fine, though. ;) I've been doing that for years, haha.

yeah, what your really worried about here is transient load balancing, something that only H and Jonnyguru seem to pay any attention to. A Hard drive is really just a small inductive load. Once you've established your magnetic field it doesnt take much to maintain it.

Any power supply worth its salt can run 4 hard drives off a single rail without breaking a sweat.
thanks for the info guys much apreciated, now I take 5 is pushing you luck? :D
I run 15 drives off a single strand, so 5 shouldn't be a problem.
The most inefficient hard drives (back a couple of generations) used about 30W during spinup and 15W afterwards; modern hard drives cut those wattages in half. I'm not sure where SSDs are at for power usage now.