How did Apple do it?


Limpness Supreme
Feb 8, 2005
This is kinda hard to explain... If you go here and click on 480p, Quicktime opens up, and (once buffered), the file starts to play. This is the behavior I desire on a personal site, and I cannot for the life of me figure out how they did it. Normally, if you set a .mov in a href, it just opens in the quicktime plugin. How did they make it open Quicktime Player without any sort of dialog box?
Doesn't work for me. Probably requires Quicktime.
Yea, way to be an asshole.
It's not that hard to explain that he was wrong and tell him what you wanted to do.
Not trying to start a flame way here in any way shape or form but I avoid Quicktime like the plague, and I know many other people who also do, maybe choose another format?

And just by looking at the site for 5 minutes it seems they are just using very obfuscated javascript, which means the post above was probably correct and it's just embedded in the page, although without being able to play it I can't really say that for certainty...
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In kind to someone who tried to help him out? Absolutely not. He assumed the worst and showed his impatience, and bit the hand that was extended to help him.
the first responder posted the 'let me google that for you' link with some search terms. using that is simply being a jackass.... so the OP responded by being a jackass in kind... They both could have handled it better.... and you all fell into it. pcx was really the first to try and help explain things
I was going to go to some website for something but then I looked at this thread and forgot about what I was doing.........
I was going to go to some website for something but then I looked at this thread and forgot about what I was doing.........

And thus, I think TeeJayHoward should update the original post with the updated info and what he ended up doing. Might keep people from getting derailed like this :D