How do I connect the Laptops keyboard?


Mar 30, 2005
I recently opened up my old, crappy "Best Geronimo", 600 MHz, 6 GB HD and 256 MB RAM, because the screen started to flash stop showing things, unless you folded it up and downed and bashed it in the middle. However, I will probably skip fixing the screen because it has some weird screws which is kind of demolished.

To the point: I expirimently unplugged the laptops keyboard from that little black, plastic port. Now I having a REAL hard time plugging it in again. It is like a shabby piece of cheap transparent plastic with white lines which has to be plugged in to that little black, plastic port. How shall I do? And any tips how to pull out those demolished and weird screws without breaking something?
I say "clip" but it's not really a clip in the typicall sense.

on both sides of the place you plug it into, the "clip" sticks out a little. lift up on both sides of the retaining 'clip' is up and level... then push the plastic/wire lead into the plug and push down to secure it in place....

look close and you'll see what i'm talking about.....

hell i'm almost confused by what i said.
Can't really see or move anything. Do you have to use an magnifying glass or what?
look around and see if a piece didnt fall off when you pulled it out of it's socket.... check the carpet/floor around the area your working....

of coarse it could just slide in the slot without any support or retainer....

take a picture of the area the keyboard is suppose to plug into... and i can get a better idea of what your looking at.
Okay, now I'm really pissed. I have managed to connect it a few times, even heard a slight sound of a "click" and it is put in steady. But it don't work when I start the piece of crap! I have tried to uninstall drives, plug the cord in backwards - just to see that it DOESN'T WORK!

What shall I do, because if I have to sit around, trying to plug that little shitty piece of plastic back and forth - This worthless mo'fo' is going straight for a fly out my window. :mad:

I don't have any camera now, but I think those "security"-things on the side isn't there. This is an old, shitty, plastic and worthless laptop.